
fēi fǎ rù jìnɡ zhě
  • Illegal immigrants;illegal aliens
  1. 两个女人都曾雇过非法入境者照看孩子。

    Both women had hired illegal aliens for child care

  2. 两个女人都曾雇过非法入境者照看孩子

    Both women had hired illegal aliens for child care .

  3. 富勒教授告诉CampusReform,强势话语中充斥着“非法入境者(illegalalien)”这一术语,以致社会“将所有未经许可跨越边境的人与那些来自我国边境以南的移民者混为一谈。”

    Professor Fowler told Campus Reform that the term " illegal alien " has saturated dominant discourses to the extent that society " associates ALL unauthorized border crossings with those immigrants originating from countries south of our border . "

  4. 因犯罪而被捕的非法入境者数目也持续下降。

    The number of IIs arrested for crimes was also declining .

  5. 非法入境者在见不得光的世界过著困苦的生活。

    Most illegal immigrants lead a difficult life in a twilight world .

  6. 收非法入境者数千美元以申请庇护

    Charging illegals thousands to file asylum applications

  7. 协助及教唆非法入境者

    Aid and abet an illegal immigrant

  8. 年内,共有7名从内地来港的越南非法入境者被遣返内地。

    During the year , seven Ex-China Vietnamese Illegal Immigrants ( ECVIIs ) were returned to the Mainland .

  9. 政府的目标是要尽速将越南船民和非法入境者遣返。

    The government aims to repatriate all Vietnamese migrants ( VMs ) and VIIs as soon as possible .

  10. 此外,惩教署还负责管理越南船民及越南非法入境者的羁留中心。

    The CSD also manages detention centres for Vietnamese migrants ( VMs ) and Vietnamese illegal immigrants ( VIIs ) .

  11. 入境事务处在各方面采取严格措施,以防止旅客及非法入境者使用伪造旅行证件。

    Strict measures were taken to guard against the use of forged travel documents by travellers , as well as illegal immigrants .

  12. “脱北者”经常被中国遣返;北京方面称,这些人是“因经济原因进入中国境内”的非法入境者,而不是政治难民。

    North Korean defectors are often repatriated by China as Beijing sees them as " economic migrants " instead of political refugees .

  13. 惩教署现时管理两个越南船民中心,分别是青洲接待中心及万宜羁留中心,以收容越南船民及非法入境者。

    The CSD manages two centres , Green Island reception centre and high island detention centre , for the detention of VMS and viis .

  14. 自一九九三年以来,来自中国的非法入境者人数,每年大约减少15%。

    The number of illegal immigrants ( IIs ) from China has been declining since 1993 at a yearly rate of approximately 15 per cent .

  15. 议员马克罗·鲁比奥表示,本周最新移民法案的提议不会大赦美国的非法入境者。

    Senator Marco Rubio says a proposed immigration bill expected to be introduced this week won 't offer amnesty to those who entered the U.S. illegally .

  16. 这些是希腊文单词,在古代的意思正相当于,今天美国社会中的非法入境者,你在这里是非法的。

    These are Greek terms that would have mean in the ancient context precisely what illegal alien means in contemporary American context , you 're here illegally .

  17. 一九九六年下半年越南非法入境者人数上升的趋势持续至一九九七年,期间共截获1721人。

    An increase in Vietnamese illegal immigrants ( VIIs ) that began in the latter half of 1996 continued into 1997 with 1 721 VIIs being intercepted .

  18. 前者是用以短暂收容新抵港的越南非法入境者,而后者乃本港现时唯一主要用以收容越南船民及非法入境者的羁留中心。

    The former is used to accommodate VIIs temporarily for quarantine purposes and the latter is the only major detention centre for VMs and VIIs in Hong Kong .

  19. 许多人认为,阿尔帕约虽然是本着搜寻非法入境者的目的采取突击行动,但其[行动]所依赖的事实拘捕证据是建立在看似拉美裔人的基础上。

    But many people think that Mr Arpaio leaps from that fact to finding excuses to arrest people who look Hispanic in the hope of finding illegal immigrants .

  20. 年内,警务人员按有秩序遣返计划共护送了2478名越南船民和非法入境者乘坐25班飞机返回越南,遣返过程中并没有任何不愉快事件发生。

    During the year , the Police provided escorts under the Orderly Repatriation Programme for the repatriation of2478 VMs and VIIs on25 flights to Vietnam without any untoward incidents .

  21. 根据这个作者,所有耶稣的追随者,基本上都是作为非法入境者生活在罗马帝国,或者不是非法入境者,但肯定是外邦人。

    All the followers of Jesus , according to this writer , live in the Roman Empire as illegal aliens basically , or not illegal aliens but definitely as aliens .

  22. 除了加强堵截非法入境者外,入境事务处与警方会加强执行联合行动,对付黑工,扫除黑点。

    Apart from moves to intercept illegal immigrants , the Immigration Department and the police will step up efforts in joint raids and operations to eliminate illegal employment black spots .

  23. 因此伪造文件者处死;伪钞及伪造文件组在打击伪造信用卡活动、伪钞和非法入境者使用伪造旅游证件方面再创佳绩。

    The Counterfeit and Forgery Division had another successful year in combating counterfeit credit card activity , the counterfeiting of currency and the use of forged travel documents by illegal immigrants .

  24. 鉴于走私集团偷运违禁品和非法入境者的手法层出不穷,为了对付这些非法活动,水警总区继续增强本身的通讯、监察和安全设备,以维持在这方面的优势。

    Communications , surveillance and safety equipment were continually enhanced with a view to maintaining an advantage over the increasingly sophisticated syndicates involved in the smuggling of contraband and illegal immigrants .

  25. 由于香港经济稳定增长而且毗邻内地,因此容易有大批内地非法入境者进入本港。

    With its steady economic growth and proximity to the Mainland , the HKSAR remains vulnerable to the entry of illegal immigrants from the Mainland . was deported for entering the country illegally .

  26. 一九九七年底时,滞港的越南船民和难民人数分别为687名和1213名。政府的目标是要尽速将越南船民和非法入境者遣返。

    By the end of 1997 , there were 687 Vietnamese migrants and 1213 refugees in the HKSAR . The government aims to repatriate all Vietnamese migrants ( VMs ) and VIIs as soon as possible .

  27. 因为它是一个严重的进攻在尼日利亚进入无有效签证的情况下,受害人的非法入境者可被骗子为杠杆,迫使受害者到释放的资金。

    Because it is a serious offense in Nigeria to enter without a valid visa , the victim 's illegal entry may be used by the scam artists as leverage to coerce the victims into releasing funds .

  28. 非法劳工可能是非法入境者,也可能是违反逗留条件的访客。

    Illegal workers were either illegal immigrants or visitors who breached their condition of stay .