
fàn fǎ
  • Breaking the law;offend;violate the law
犯法 [fàn fǎ]
  • [violate the law] 违犯法律、法规

  • 执法犯法

犯法[fàn fǎ]
  1. 人人有依法规定的平等权利和义务,谁也不能占便宜,谁也不能犯法。

    Everyone has equal rights and duties prescribed by law , and no one may gain advantages at others ' expense or violate the law .

  2. 法庭从严惩处年轻罪犯.如果发生党员有犯法舞弊等行为,除了行政上应依法惩治外,党内还应给以处分。

    The courts are coming down heavily on young offenders . If any of them should violate the law or commit irregularities , he should not only be punished in accordance with the law , but also be dealt with by disciplinary measures within the Party .

  3. 她并非故意犯法,但毕竟是犯了法。

    She had broken the law unwittingly , but still she had broken it .

  4. 我们不知道自己在犯法。

    We didn 't know we were breaking the law .

  5. 就大多数年轻的犯法者来说,把他们关进监狱不是解决问题的办法。

    Prison is not the answer for most young offenders

  6. 我不会为朋友去犯法,但如果她犯了法的话我会支持她。

    I wouldn 't break the law for a friend , but I would stand by her if she did .

  7. 杀死或伤害宠物是犯法的。

    It is not lawful to kill or injure a pet animal .

  8. 他这样的犯法行为极大地危及公共安全。

    Such offences as his profoundly endanger public security .

  9. 警察有权逮捕犯法者。

    Policemen have authority to arrest lawbreakers .

  10. 在许多国家盗用软件并不犯法。

    In many countries it 's not illegal to pirate software .

  11. 你在公然犯法。

    You 're flying in the face of the law .

  12. 重婚是犯法的。

    Bigamy is against the law .

  13. 即使网络服务商没有犯法,也会因为带宽速度和收费激起消费者的怒气。

    Even when they stay on the right side of the law , Internet providers arouse customers ' anger over bandwidth speed and cost .

  14. 有人告诉她,她犯法是因为她威胁学校。

    She was told that she broke the law because of threatening her school .

  15. 向未成年人出售烈性酒,是商店故意犯法

    By selling alcohol to minor , the shop is deliberately flouting the law .

  16. 是犯法的行为。你被判罪坐牢,这到底应该怪谁呢?”

    Who is to blame for your being found guilty and put in prison ? "

  17. 1992年新加坡发布了口香糖禁令,不过现在嚼口香糖已经不犯法了,只有进口和出售口香糖才犯法。

    Chewing gum was banned in Singapore in 1992 , but currently it is not illegal to chew it , just to import it and sell it .

  18. 如今,犯此类罪行将被判为A级轻罪,犯法者将被判上交多达4000美元的罚金,还可能被判入狱一年。

    Posting " revenge porn " will now be a class A misdemeanor which can come with up to $ 4000 in fines and a possible year in jail .

  19. 不知法不能作为犯法的借口。

    Ignorance of the law is no excuse for Breaking it .

  20. 麦克斯,这里是纽约,那是犯法的!

    Max , this is New York . That 's illegal !

  21. 警察说,我正好在犯法的边缘。

    The cop said I was just over the legal limit .

  22. 协助和鼓励他人犯罪的犯法行为。

    Offence of helping and encouraging someone to commit a crime .

  23. 因为他犯法而遭处罚。

    The punishment is in consequence of his Breaking the law .

  24. 任何人犯法,就得坐牢。

    Anyone who violates the law may be put behind bars .

  25. 不管你在做什么,这是犯法的!

    Whatever you 're doing , it 's against the law !

  26. 心里想想也犯法吗?

    What , is it a crime to exercise the mind ?

  27. 他因犯法而被警方逮捕。

    He violated the law and was arrested by the police .

  28. 他不知道他在犯法。

    He didn 't know he was breaking the law .

  29. 他们没有宽恕他初次犯法。

    They did not pardon him his first offence against the law .

  30. 你认为经营私营骨灰龛场是犯法吗?

    Do you think it is illegal to run a private columbarium ?