
  • 网络CSI;Crime Scene Investigation;Crime scene investigators
  1. 美国哥伦比亚广播公司(ColumbiaBroadcastingSystem)将停播其播出时间最长的热门美剧《犯罪现场调查》(CSI:CrimeSceneInvestigation),该剧长达两小时的大结局将于9月底播出。

    CBS will cancel one of its longest-running and popular shows , " CSI , " next season after a two-hour series finale in late September .

  2. 另一个并非无关紧要的原因是,这项工作看起来非常酷,至少《犯罪现场调查》(CSI)给艾伦留下了这种印象&她和姑姑曾经长时间追看这部剧集。

    Not insignificant , the job also looked pretty cool & at least based on the many hours of CSI Allen had watched on TV with her aunt .

  3. 别紧张,CSI探员先生,我不是记者[CSI:负责“犯罪现场调查”的探员]

    Chill , CSI . I 'm not a reporter .

  4. 尽管诸如CSI(犯罪现场调查)这类电视剧在中国非常受欢迎,但在中国本土地区一直没有国产的法医行业剧。

    While shows such as CSI have proven very popular in China , the mainland never had its own homegrown medical examiner show .

  5. 一开始,她曾在《犯罪现场调查:纽约》(CSI:NY)中演一个小角色。

    One of her first jobs was on " CSI : NY . " It was a bit part .

  6. CSI是犯罪现场调查短,是一个巨大的打击,当它撞上了千年开始电波回来。

    CSI is short for Crime Scene Investigation and was a huge hit when it hit the airwaves back at the start of the millennium .

  7. 另一个并非无关紧要的原因是,这项工作看起来非常酷,至少《犯罪现场调查》(CSI)给艾伦留下了这种印象——她和姑姑曾经长时间追看这部剧集。

    Not insignificant , the job also looked pretty cool - at least based on the many hours of " CSI " Allen had watched on TV with her aunt .

  8. 在法医解剖过程中,前后共拍摄遗体照片61张&这可比电视上的CSI:犯罪现场调查和NCIS:海军罪案调查处里那些调查人员们拍的多得多。

    There are61 photos were taken of Jackson 's body before and during the procedure-way more than you see taken by examiners on CSI or NCIS .

  9. 贾斯汀·比伯今年23岁,曾获格莱美奖,在《超级名模2》(Zoolander2)和《犯罪现场调查》(CSI)中露过脸,据《美国周刊》(UsWeekly)报道,贾斯汀目前想将重点放在影视领域。

    Now the 23-year-old Grammy winner - who has already appeared in Zoolander 2 and CSI - wants to take acting more seriously , according to UsWeekly .

  10. 戈登科说,这个新展览是对这幅作品的生命、伤痕和恢复状况进行的《犯罪现场调查》(CSI)式的法医调查,并说她希望这能引发更加广泛的讨论。

    Gordenker described the new exhibition as a ` CSI ' - style forensic investigation into the life , injury and revitalization of this work , and said she hoped that it would open up the matter to broader discussion .

  11. 戈登科说,这个新展览是对这幅作品的生命、伤痕和恢复状况进行的“《犯罪现场调查》(CSI)式的法医调查”,并说她希望这能引发更加广泛的讨论。

    Gordenker described the new exhibition as a " 'CSI ' - style forensic investigation " into the life , injury and revitalization of this work , and said she hoped that it would open up the matter to broader discussion .

  12. 剧中的大腕之一特德·丹森(TedDanson)将转至衍生剧《犯罪现场调查:网络》(CSI:Cyber),和他搭档的是今年获得奥斯卡的帕特丽夏·阿凯特(PatriciaArquette)。

    One of the show 's biggest stars , Ted Danson , will move to a spinoff show , " CSI : Cyber , " where he will star alongside a recent Academy Award winner , Patricia Arquette .

  13. 犯罪现场调查,哦,我喜欢血淋淋的场面。

    Crime scene investigation . hell , I love a bloody scene .

  14. 只是不要用紫外光灯来进行犯罪现场调查。

    Just don 't investigate CSI-style with a black light .

  15. 我想回犯罪现场调查。

    I wanna go back to the crime scene .

  16. 我打电话叫犯罪现场调查小队来。

    I 'll call the crime scene unit .

  17. 因此以色列的研究人员发明了一种快速的检测方法--借助犯罪现场调查的工具。

    So researchers in Israel have developed a rapid test - using a CSI tool .

  18. 《犯罪现场调查》回归日期:1月15日

    CSI | Return Date : Jan.15

  19. 时间上唯一的可能就是在犯罪现场调查时。

    The only time the camera was out of my possession was at the crime scene .

  20. 对于那些感觉不过瘾的学生,学校还会提供犯罪现场调查课程二期。

    For those that can 't get enough , the school also offers a CSI II class .

  21. 所以我们很高兴请她出演我们场景设在法国的《犯罪现场调查》电影。

    So we would be delighted to offer her a part in our CSI film set in France .

  22. 《犯罪现场调查》也是几十年来第一部将拉斯维加斯设定为拍摄背景的电视剧。

    CSI also became the first series in decades to really take advantage of its Las Vegas setting .

  23. 刑事侦探系列剧《犯罪现场调查》中的吉尔·格里森姆以10%的选票排在第五位。

    Gil Grissom from " CSI : Crime Scene Investigation " was fifth with 10 percent of the vote .

  24. 不管是什么原因,《犯罪现场调查》仍然是全世界收视率最高的剧集。

    Whatever the case may be , the fact remains that CSI is the most watched show in the world .

  25. 那些正在家里观看《犯罪现场调查》的年轻女孩所代表的,是一个庞大但还未被挖掘的人才库。

    The young girls at home watching CSI represent a sizable American talent pool that has yet to be tapped .

  26. 后来,一些诸如《犯罪现场调查》系列以及汉尼拔等外国影视作品在中国大陆建立了广大的中国观众基础。

    More recently , Western shows such as the many CSI series and Hannibal have established large fanbases in the Chinese mainland .

  27. 业内人士普遍认为,法医学的主力军之所以从男性变为女性,这种所谓的“《犯罪现场调查》效应”绝对功不可没。

    This so-called " CSI " effect has been credited for helping turn forensic science from a primarily male occupation into a primarily female one .

  28. 多亏了现代研究人员在犯罪现场调查中的作用,慢慢地,凶手的样子逐渐成形。

    Little by little , a picture of the killer was emerging , thanks to modern researchers in the role of crime scene investigators , or criminal profilers .

  29. 两周前她有两个笔记本电脑、一台摄像机和其他值钱物品被盗,第二天警方派了一名犯罪现场调查官过去采集指纹。

    She had two laptops , a camera and other valuables stolen two weeks ago and police sent a crime scenes officer to dust for fingerprints the following day .

  30. 他把美国犯罪电视剧《犯罪现场调查》的例子。

    He cited the American television crime drama CSI as a prime example .