
  • The Friends
  1. 而大约十年前就有预测认为,流行情景剧《老友记》的观众很快就能通过在遥控器上的几下点击买到剧中詹妮弗·安妮斯顿的同款毛衣了。

    Nearly a decade ago it was predicted that viewers of " Friends , " a popular situation comedy , would soon be able to purchase a sweater like Jennifer Aniston 's with a few taps on their remote control .

  2. 《老友记》特别节目的拍摄在美国加州伯班克的Stage24摄影棚进行。这也是华纳兄弟原来拍摄《老友记》的地方。

    Filming for the Friends special took place on the show 's original soundstage , Stage 24 , on the Warner Bros lot in Burbank , California .

  3. 我最爱的电视剧当然是《老友记》。

    My favorite TV show is hands down Friends .

  4. 外国的《生活大爆炸》、《老友记》、中国的《快乐大本营》里都有罐头笑声。

    The Big Bang theory , Friends and Happy Camp in China all have canned laughter .

  5. 这次重聚节目由《老友记》原主演连同原制片人凯文·布赖特、玛塔·卡芙曼和大卫·克莱恩担任监制,由本·温斯顿担任导演。

    The original cast are executive producers on the reunion , alongside show creators Kevin Bright , Marta Kauffman and David Crane , with Ben Winston as director .

  6. 《老友记》是上世纪90年代最大型的情景喜剧,由于后来多次重播以及在奈飞等流媒体平台上播放,该剧又俘获了新一代粉丝和评论者。

    Friends was the biggest sitcom of the 1990s , and has found a new generation of fans ( and critics ) thanks to re-runs and streaming services like Netflix .

  7. 在这个只有一期的特别节目中,情景喜剧《老友记》原班主演马修·派瑞(钱德勒)、詹妮弗·安妮斯顿(瑞秋)、柯特妮·考克斯(莫妮卡)、丽莎·库卓(菲比)、马特·勒布朗(乔伊)和大卫·修蒙(罗斯)齐聚一堂。

    The special one-off show brought together the sitcom 's original cast of Matthew Perry ( Chandler ) , Jennifer Aniston ( Rachel ) , Courteney Cox ( Monica ) , Lisa Kudrow ( Phoebe ) , Matt LeBlanc ( Joey ) and David Schwimmer ( Ross ) .

  8. 《老友记》中well的关联视角研究

    A Relevance-Theoretic Study of " Well " in Friends

  9. 《老友记》中话语标记语Actually的关联视角研究

    A Relevance-theoretic Study of the Discourse Marker Actually in Friends

  10. 从媒体的角度,她举了情景喜剧《老友记》(Friends)中钱德勒作为例证。

    From a media perspective , she brought up the example of Chandler on the sitcom Friends .

  11. 而《老友记》中的演员只是想出演《我们的日子》(DaysofOurLives)。

    on " Friends " you have actors who want to be on " Days of Our Lives . "

  12. 你看没看“老友记”啊?B:看了,但没有连着看(追着看)。

    A : Do you watch Friends ? B : I 've seen it , but I don 't follow it .

  13. 老友记,看'让我们杀死鲍比Z均!

    Buddy , watch'Let 's kill Bobby Z ' !

  14. 这套餐具就是《老友记》中那个标志性的咖啡厅CentralPerk咖啡厅的。

    This dinnerware set comes straight from Central Perk , the iconic coffeehouse in Friends .

  15. 皮特的身份还是《老友记》(Friends)中的明星詹妮弗•安妮斯顿(JenniferAniston)的丈夫。

    Mr Pitt was still married to the Friends star Jennifer Aniston .

  16. 现在,华纳兄弟公司已征召Friends的编剧大卫克兰和玛尔塔考夫曼来编写和制作《老友记》电影版,并准备在2011年夏天上映。

    But now Warner Brothers have drafted in Friends creators David Crane and Marta Kauffman to write and produce the film , due in cinemas in the summer of 2011 .

  17. 本文从文化翻译的角度出发,以美国情景喜剧《老友记》(Friends)为例,对影视作品字幕中文化词的翻译进行了研究。

    The thesis is a study on the translation of culture-loaded words in the subtitles from a cultural perspective . Examples are taken from the popular American situation comedy Friends .

  18. 真的要来了:《老友记》主创将会重新集结,拍摄HBOMax平台的一档独播节目,这一节目尚未命名,也没有剧本。

    It 's happening : The " Friends " cast is reuniting for an exclusive untitled unscripted special on HBO Max.

  19. 这里又不是纽约,又不是90年代,你以为你是在CentralPerk里演《老友记》啊,真是的!

    It 's not New York . It 's not the 90s . You 're not in Central Perk with the rest of the Friends . Really .

  20. 《老友记》特别节目连同《老友记》原剧全部236集将会在首次上线的HBOMax流媒体平台上播放。

    The special , as well as all 236 episodes of " Friends , " will be available upon the streaming service 's debut .

  21. 美国全国广播公司(NBC)发消息称,著名情景喜剧《老友记》的主演们将重新聚首,参与录制两小时的特别节目。

    The cast of the hit sitcom Friends are to reunite for a two-hour special , according to US broadcaster NBC .

  22. 伴随着《老友记》的成功,马修这种紧张情绪逐渐消失,之后他还跟很多好莱坞一线女星发展过恋情,其中就有茱莉亚·罗伯茨(JuliaRoberts)。

    That awkwardness may have dissipated following Friends " success , as Perry went on to date some Hollywood A-listers , including Julia Roberts !

  23. 其中一个主角是大学老师,另一个是广播节目主持人——与老友记中古生物家的Ross和演员Joey的身份角色也没有差太远。

    One of the characters is a university lecturer , and another a radio host - not a world away from palaeontologist Ross and actor Joey .

  24. 经济繁荣、MTV播放的是具有异国情调的度假村,《老友记》描绘了年轻人居住在曼哈顿宽敞舒适的公寓里。

    The economy boomed , MTV broadcasted from exotic spring-break locales , Friends portrayed young adults living comfortably in roomy apartments in Manhattan .

  25. 就像在著名电视节目老友记中的插曲,没人知道Chandler上班的时候做什么一样,大多数人也不知道我做什么。

    Like the famous episode of the TV show Friends where nobody knows what Chandler does at work , most people don 't know what I do .

  26. 《老友记》中的人物喜欢(用very、really和so)加强语气,多伦多大学(UniversityofToronto)的语言学家们甚至对这个习惯进行了研究。

    On " Friends , " characters emphasized their adjectives ( with " very " and " really " and " so " ) to such an extent that the habit prompted a study by linguists at the University of Toronto .

  27. 《老友记》粉丝要感谢HBOMax,让他们能再一次尽情欣赏这部剧,但要是你想把代表《老友记》的一个小物件带进厨房该怎么办呢?

    Fans are once again able to binge Friends to their heart 's content thanks to HBO Max , but what if you want to bring a little Friends to your Kitchen ?

  28. 詹妮弗·安妮斯顿、柯特妮·考克斯、莉莎·库卓、马特·勒布朗、马修·瑞和大卫·休默将回归华纳兄弟原来拍摄《老友记》、位于伯班克的Stage24摄影棚,庆祝这一2004年终结的长寿剧集。

    Jennifer Aniston , Courteney Cox , Lisa Kudrow , Matt LeBlanc , Matthew Perry and David Schwimmer will return to the original " Friends " soundstage , Stage 24 , on the Warner Bros. Studio lot in Burbank to celebrate the long-running series , which ended its run in 2004 .

  29. 《老友记》大部分剧集拍摄之时,手机和Google都还未普及,剧中的服装和道具现在看来也有些过时,但是,剧中的主题却依旧深得现在年轻观众的心。

    Most of Friends was shot before cellular phones and Google were ubiquitous . The clothes and gadgets seem a bit outdated these days . Despite this , the show 's key elements still hold up remarkably well in the eyes of young viewers .

  30. 《老友记》一共236集,每集23分钟(我们托马斯在Netflix上确实有看,这里可不是给《老友记》打广告哦)。

    There are 236 episodes of Friends . Each one is 23 minutes long ( our Isaiahs are watching them on Netflix so we don 't have to account for commercials ) .