
  • 网络California Institute of the Arts;CalArts;Cal Arts;California College of the Arts;CCA
  1. 追求他的梦想成为插画和动画,克里前往和动画学院,加州艺术学院毕业。

    Pursuing his dream to become an illustrator and an animator , Kerry went to and graduated from the animation school , CalArts .

  2. 朱沅芷和朵儿于1925年就读加州艺术学院时曾为同窗,作品可算是朱沅芷年青求学生活的一个侧写和记录。

    In1925 Yun Gee and Bothwell were classmates at the California Institute of the Arts , and this portrait is both a memento and a partial record of their student days .

  3. 加州艺术学院(CaliforniaCollegeoftheArts)于2008年第一次推出设计战略方向的工商管理硕士项目时,申请者只有92人。

    California College of the Arts saw 92 applications for the M.B.A. in Design Strategy in its first year , 2008 .

  4. 他曾就读于凤凰城大学并于1972年从加州艺术学院取得了艺术学士学位。

    He attended Phoenix College and earned his B.F.A.from the California Institute for the Arts in1972 .

  5. 毕业于美国加州艺术学院实验动画系的他,其作品已在世界多个电影节上展映。

    Graduated in Experimental Animation from the California Institute of Fine Arts , his artwork has been exhibited at several festivals around the world .

  6. 一九八八年,获美国加州世界艺术文化学院颁赠荣誉文学博士学位。

    In1988 , he was granted honorary PhD of Arts by Academy of World Culture & Arts , California of U.S.A.

  7. 由各国电影学院领导人组成的论坛会议的也于周六开始,30名参与者分别来自29所世界范围内的著名大学。其中就包括来自伦敦电影学院的导演--简罗斯科,和来自南加州大学电影艺术学院的伊丽莎白·戴利。

    A forum of leaders from international film academies also kicked off Saturday , with 30 participants from 29 renowned colleges worldwide , including Jane Roscoe , director of London Film School , and Elizabeth M. Daley , dean of School of Cinematic Arts in the University of Southern California .