
  • 网络nude scene
  1. 委员会指出电视里的裸体镜头太多。

    The committee claimed that there was too much nudity on television .

  2. 电影里有裸体镜头吗?

    Are there any nude scenes in the movie ?

  3. 一部载有凡妮莎·哈金斯裸体镜头的电影泄露出来了。

    Vanessa Hudgens has a new movie coming out conviently nude pictures of her are leaked .

  4. 许多愤怒的观众写信给英国广播公司,抱怨这个节目中的脏话和裸体镜头。

    Many outraged viewers wrote to the BBC to complain bout the programme 's bad language and nude scenes .

  5. 中国官方此举在网上引发一片热议,网友都在猜测到底是该片的极端暴力场面、短暂的裸体镜头,还是对叛乱的诙谐描述导致了广电总局做出如此决定。

    The move prompted a flurry of online speculation in China over whether the film 's extreme violence , brief male and female nudity or gleeful depiction of rebellion were behind the decision .