
  • 网络Common;General;CXD-B
  1. 方法:选用吉林大学实验动物部提供的普通级封闭群KM小白鼠(合格证号:10-1023),体重15~17g,雌雄各半。饲以本校动物室提供的饲料,饮用自来水。

    Method : Choose common KM mice of animal basement in JILIN university , weigh : 15-17g , sex in half .

  2. 方法普通级雄性Wistar大鼠24只,称重后随机分为高糖高脂喂养组(A组),IL-6注射组(B组)和正常对照组(C组)。

    Method Twenty-four common male Wistar rats were randomly divided into 3 groups after weighting : group A were given high fat and sugar diet ; group B were injected with IL-6 and control group C.

  3. 绝缘子污秽等级:普通级为0级;防污型为III级;

    Insulator 's pollution level : Normal class is0 , anti-pollution is III level .

  4. 结果:普通级实验环境中饲养的清洁级来源的SD大鼠有肺支原体感染,感染率为75%。

    The results showed that the infection of mycoplasma pulmonitis in conventional laboratory were 75 % .

  5. 方法:采用普通级SD大鼠作为实验动物,随机分成6组。

    Methods : The study adopted 48 SD rats as the observed animals divided randomly into six groups .

  6. SPF级和普通级新西兰兔主要脏器系数的比较

    Comparison of Main Organ Coefficients in SPF and Conventional New Zealand Rabbits

  7. 普通级、SPF级SD大鼠、Wistar大鼠血常规的测定与比较

    Comparison of normal values of blood routine examination in conventional , SPF SD and Wistar Rats

  8. SPF级和普通级新西兰家兔遗传背景差异的探讨

    Comparison of Genetic Background of SPF and Conventional Rabbits

  9. 两个品系普通级和SPF级小型猪部分血液学指标的比较

    Comparison of Some Biological Indexes in Two Strains of Conventional and SPF Minipigs

  10. 目的测定普通级、SPF级SD大鼠,Wistar大鼠血液生化常值并进行比较。

    Objective To measure and compare the normal values of blood routine examination in conventional , SPF SD and Wistar rats .

  11. 方法:60只普通级Wistar大鼠被随机分成5组,进行随意皮瓣动物模型建立和放射损伤模型的建立。

    Methods : Randomly divide 60 normal Wistar rats into 5 groups , and build random flap animal models and radiation injury models .

  12. 结论不同环境条件和饲养管理对SPF级和普通级新西兰兔主要脏器系数有一定影响。

    Conclusion Different environmental and breeding conditions have some influence on main organ coefficients of SPF and CV NZW rabbits .

  13. 选择普通级新西兰老龄兔15只,兔龄18-20个月,平均体质量(3.5±0.5)kg,雌雄不拘。

    Totally 15 New Zealand rabbits aged from 18-20 months , of common grade and either sex , with the mean body mass of ( 3.5 ± 0.5 ) kg were selected .

  14. 动物实验部分选择普通级SD雄性大鼠45只,随机分为空白组、造模组、实验组各15只。

    Some animal experiments choose general-level SD 45 male lab rats were divided into the blank group , the model group , and the experimental group of 15 each .

  15. 目的对普通级实验家兔进行剖腹净化建立SPF家兔种群,提高实验用兔的质量,满足科研、生产及检定工作需要。

    Objective To establish the SPF rabbits breeding stock for our department , and to meet the needs of scientific research , production and test .

  16. 方法:以普通级Wistar大鼠为实验动物,设立正常对照组、湿热证模型组、清香散治疗组、治疗对照组四组。

    METHODS : use normal Wistar Rats , lay out four groups , normal control group , dampness-heat syndrome model group , QingXiang powder treatment group , treatment control group .

  17. 实验研究采用山西医科大学动物中心的普通级雄性Wistar大鼠,随机分为实验组与对照组。

    The experiment uses the general male Wistar rats from the Animal Center of Shanxi Medical University , and the rats are divided into experimental group and contrastive group at random .

  18. 目的比较普通级家兔与SPF级家兔在9个同工酶的异同,为分析不同基因背景的家兔对热原检测等实验的影响提供依据。

    Objective To compare the disparity of nine isozymes in SPF and conventional rabbits , and to provide evidence for analyzing the influence of different genic background of rabbits on pyrogen test experiments .

  19. 红细胞凝集试验表明该病毒能凝集健康人O型血红细胞,不能凝集SPF鸡、实验用普通级牛、大鼠和豚鼠的红细胞。理化特性试验表明该病毒对氯仿有抵抗力;

    Hemagglutination test indicated that the virus could agglutinate healthy human type O red cells , but could not agglutinate the red cells of SPF chicken , experimental common bovine , rat and guinea pig red cells .

  20. 将该方法用于检测乙脑减毒活疫苗和用于生产疫苗用的普通级乳地鼠肾中的Sendai病毒。

    This method was used to detect Sendai virus in Japanese encephalitis attenuated live vaccine and the kidney of nurturing hamster , which was used for producing vaccine in China for years .

  21. 方法利用同工酶醋纤膜电泳法对分别来自北京科宇实验动物养殖场40只普通级家兔和来自中科院(上海)实验动物中心的40只SPF级家兔进行ADH等九个生化位点进行检测。

    Methods Isozyme electrophoresis on cellulose acetate membrane method was used to detect 9 biochemical loci ( such as ADH , etc. ) in 40 conventional ( from Beijing ) and 40 SPF rabbits ( from Shanghai ) .

  22. 对添加纳米级SiO2和普通级CaCO3组合对Mn-Zn铁氧体功率损耗的影响进行研究,采用扫描电子显微镜对Mn-Zn铁氧体材料的显微结构、晶界以及元素分布进行观察分析。

    The effect of doped nano-SiO_2 and CaCO_3 on the power loss of Mn-Zn ferrites was investigated , and scanning electron microscopy was used to analyze the microstructure , grain boundary and elements distribution of Mn-Zn ferrites .

  23. 方法:①选体重、行为学和学习记忆能力相近的普通级Wistar雌性大鼠40只,分为对照组、模型组、盐水组和中药组,每组10只。

    Method : ( 1 ) 40 common female Wistar rats were selected , which having the same weight , behavior points and learning memory ability were divided into the normal group , model group , saline group and Chinese medicine group , 10 rats per group .

  24. 结果BALB/c和C57BL小鼠嗜酸性粒细胞炎症无差异,清洁级比普通级、明矾佐剂比氢氧化铝佐剂、多次的雾化比一次滴鼻的激发方式能更明显地诱导小鼠哮喘炎症。

    Results There was no significant difference in eosinophil inflammation between BALB / c and C57BL asthma-like mice . More obvious asthmatic inflammation was observed in clean mouse with alum adjuvant and aerosol challenge than in conventional with aluminium hydroxide and intranasal challenge .

  25. 结论SPF家兔与普通级家兔之间在基因多态性和基因频率方面存在显著不同,因此建议在热源检测等试验中注意种群的选择,应该考虑SPF家兔因多态基因的下降对试验产生的影响。

    Conclusion Since the considerable difference in gene polymorphisms and gene frequency between SPF and conventional rabbits , we would suggest that attention should be paid to select appropriate rabbit population and to consider the influence of decrease of gene polymorphisms in SPF rabbits on experiments such as pyrogen tests .

  26. 实验动物为雄性SD大鼠,体质量190~230g,3月龄,普通级,由中山大学实验动物中心提供(动物合格证号为2001A032)。

    Animals were male SD rats aged of 3 months old with a mass from 190 g to 230 g of ordinary grade obtained from the experimental Animal Center of Zhongshan University ( animal certification number was 2001A032 ) .

  27. 方法:实验于2004-05/2004-10在武汉总医院实验中心完成,取普通级成年健康家犬20只,雌雄不拘,体质量12~22kg,平均15kg。

    METHODS : The experiment was conducted in the Central Laboratory of Wuhan General Hospital from May to October 2004 . Twenty healthy adult canines of either sex , weighing 12-22 kg , were selected .

  28. 普通级比格犬蠕形螨病的流行病学及临床症状观察

    Observations on the epidemiology and clinical signs of Demodicosis of Beagle canines

  29. 黑龙江省2000-2001年度普通级实验动物微生物学检测结果总结与分析

    Survey of Microbiology of Conventional Laboratory Animals of Heilongjiang Province in 2000-2001

  30. 目的了解普通级金黄地鼠感染状况。

    Objective Understand the infection situation of conventional golden hamsters .