
  1. 日本刑法结果加重犯中的共犯的理论与实践

    Japanese Criminal Law : Joint Crime in Consequence aggravated Crime

  2. 日本刑法的发展及其启示

    The Development of Japan 's Criminal Law and Its Inspirations

  3. 论日本刑法中的包括一罪&兼谈对我国刑法的启示

    On inclusive offence in Japanese criminal law and its enlightenment to Chinese criminal law

  4. 日本刑法中违法性判断的一元论与相对论述评

    On the Monism of Illegal and the Relativity of Illegal of Illegal Judge in Japanese Criminal Law

  5. 日本刑法中规定对犯罪时未满十八周岁的人不适用死刑。

    In Japanese criminal law , death penalties do not apply to people also under 18 years old .

  6. 积极安乐死属于日本刑法上的杀人罪行为,但是量刑较轻。

    Active euthanasia is a crime of homicide in Japan but will be penalized more lightly than other homicides .

  7. 日本刑法有期刑上限的提高及对我国的启示

    On the Increase of the Upper Limit of the Fixed-Term Imprisonment in Japanese Criminal Law and Its Enlightenment to China

  8. 我国刑法在立法完善过程中,可以参考理论与实践结合较好的日本刑法。

    We can refer to Japan 's criminal law well combined with theory and practice in perfecting the legislation of our country 's criminal law .

  9. 日本刑法的这种规定方式对我国商业贿赂犯罪的立法及解释都具有一定的借鉴价值。

    The above mentioned descriptions in Japanese law can be used for reference in the legislation and interpretation of crime of commercial bribery in China .

  10. 论共谋共同正犯&以德日学说比较为中心从日本刑法立场论构成身份与共同正犯

    A Study on the Crime-shared Accessory & Centralized on the Analysis of German and Japanese Theories ; Review of Constitution Status together with Common Principal Offender

  11. 随着战后新过失犯理论的兴起,过失的紧急避险问题开始引起日本刑法理论上的关注。

    As the development of the new negligence theory in postwar , the Japanese scholar of criminal law began to care for the necessity of negligence .

  12. 日本刑法中的包括一罪,通常是指对本已符合数个构成要件的数个行为,包括评价为一次性符合构成要件的情形。

    Inclusive offence in Japanese criminal law usually refers to such a case , in which multiple offences according with multiple constitutive elements of crime are evaluated one offence .

  13. 第三部分是关于我国国内被害人承诺的现有情况、比较得出中日存在的差异以及关于日本刑法对于我们的启示的介绍。

    The third part is the victim of commitment on our domestic existing situation , compare the differences that sino-japanese and about Japanese criminal law for our enlightenment introduction .

  14. 日本刑法典中仅规定了有关公务员的贿赂犯罪,商业贿赂方面的犯罪则规定在《商法》等附属刑法之中。

    In japan , the crime of bribery concerning public officers is ordained in criminal law while crimes of commercial bribery are included in accessory criminal law such as commercial law .

  15. 最后,在违法性认识的司法认定上,提出应由司法人员结合案件的具体情况、依主客观相统一的原则进行判断,并且建议借鉴日本刑法理论和实践经验对一些特殊情况做出例外规定。

    At last , in judicatory cognizance of illegal consciousness , the author puts forward that the judiciary should judge on specific case and the principal of correspondence between subjectivity and objectivity .

  16. 尽管各国刑法对共犯关系的脱离都没有明文规定,但大陆法系国家尤其是日本刑法的相关理论和判例已经形成了较为完备的理论学说。

    Although it is not pro - claimed in each State 's criminal code , relatively complete doctrines have been formed through relevant theories and cases in civil law countries , especially in Japanese criminal law .

  17. 本文介绍了以德国、日本刑法为代表的大陆法系刑法的共同犯罪人类型,分析中国刑法的共同犯罪人分类标准、类型,在此基础上进行比较,指出不同法系共同犯罪人类型之间的对应关系。

    The article introduces all kinds of the criminals of joint offence by Criminal Law of China or the criminal law of continental law legal system , then , making a comparison between them and showing their contact .

  18. 本文所探讨的共谋共同正犯是日本刑法共同犯罪理论中特有的概念,它虽然是日本判例确立的概念,但在学术界却存在颇多争论。

    The issue of plotting co-principals discussed in the article is a unique concept in the Japanese theory of joint crime . It was created in Japanese leading case , but it has been disputed in the academic world .

  19. 日本刑法第五十四条规定,单一行为触犯两个以上不同罪名,或者犯罪的手段或结果行为触犯其他罪名的,以其最重之刑处断。

    Article 54 of the Japanese criminal law provides that where one act violates no less than two different offenses or the means or the result of an offense violates other offenses , such violation shall be sentenced with the severest punishment .

  20. 在欧陆、日本刑法学上,责任共犯说是主张共犯因为使正犯堕落,陷入罪责和刑罚而受到处罚的共犯的处罚根据理论。

    Liability Accomplices Theory is one of the theories about foundation of accomplices ' punishment in the criminal jurisprudence of Continental Europe and Japan , which maintains that the accomplices punishment are based on the principals ' being seduced , being fallen into the responsibility and punishment .

  21. 日本近代刑法变革简述

    A Brief History of Neoteric Reforms on Criminal Law in Japan

  22. 尊重生态规律创制环境刑法;以预防优先作为环境刑事立法目的。日本环境刑法理论评析

    On Japan 's Environmental Criminal Law

  23. 而日本行政刑法的与其不同,因此在概念上和范围上也有所区别。

    And Japan administrative criminal law instead of being different , distinguish to some extent too with range at concept .

  24. 其次,列举了一些国家如英国、美国、法国、日本,环境刑法中有关严格责任的规定,为我国环境犯罪引进严格责任提供借鉴和参考。

    Then the author enumerate some countries , such as England , American , French , Japan . The related rule for strict responsibility in the environmental criminal law provide us reference .

  25. 日本学者主张刑法的谦抑性是以刑法的补充性为立论点,其主张刑法为调控社会之必要手段,故其应谦逊、克制。

    Japanese scholars claim that the humility is based on the complementariness of the criminal law , and the criminal law is necessary in social regulation , so it should be humble and restraint .

  26. 国人从此对日本另眼相看,日本刑法维新的成功为清朝改革树立了学习榜样。

    Compatriot treat to Japan with special respect from then on , Japanese criminal law success of reform establish learn model for Qing Dynasty .

  27. 刑法谦抑原则在日本及欧陆诸国刑法理论中受到高度重视,其基本内容包括刑法的补充性、片断性和宽容性。

    The modesty principle is paid more attention in criminal law theory of Japan and European countries , It , s basic content are Complementatrity , incompletion and tolerance .

  28. 其倡导者经历20余年的论战,终于击败心理责任论的支持者,使这一理论成为罪责理论的通说,这一理论传到日本后,因学界的鼓吹,又成为日本刑法理论的主流。

    The supporters of this theory ultimately defeated the proponents of the theory of psychology culpability through a 20-year debate , and make this theory become the orthodoxy opinion of culpability theory .