
  • 网络daily task
  1. 快速回顾rsync之后,现在我们看看如何在日常任务中应用rsync。

    That 's a quick but thorough review . Next , let 's see how you can apply rsync to daily tasks .

  2. 传统PC也到了一个拐点,从百思买(BestBuy)花400美元购买的戴尔(Dell)笔记本电脑可以很好地处理大多数日常任务,而且可以连续使用许多年。

    Traditional PCs have also reached a point where that $ 400 Dell ( DELL ) laptop from best buy ( bby ) can handle most daily tasks just fine and will be able to do so for several years to come .

  3. OracleEnterpriseManager提供了针对管理员日常任务的广泛管理功能。

    The Oracle Enterprise Manager provides a wide range of administrative capabilities for the day-to-day tasks of administrators .

  4. 在bash命令行上,命令补全特性可以减少日常任务所需的输入量。

    On the bash command-line , command completion shortens the typing needed for everyday tasks .

  5. 要想编写有效的bashshell脚本,就必须掌握在shell中执行导航和日常任务的基本bash命令集。

    To write effective bash shell scripts , you must master the basic bash command set for navigation and daily routine tasks performed within the shell .

  6. 具体实现了资产管理、运维财务管理、SLA管理、服务台管理、知识库管理、日常任务管理等子系统。

    The software consists of the subsystems of assets managements , financial management , SLA management , service desk management , knowledge base management and task management .

  7. 这个新版本主要关注让DBA(尤其是那些管理包含许多对象的大型数据库的DBA)能够更轻松地完成日常任务。

    The new release focuses on making day-to-day tasks for DBAs easier ( especially for those DBAs who are managing large databases with many objects ) .

  8. 开始在日常任务中应用远程rsync之后,很可能会发现有必要让守护进程一直运行。

    Once you begin using remote rsync in daily tasks , you 'll likely find it necessary to keep your daemon running at all times .

  9. 马达尔说,7月份在中国举行的亚太视觉会议(Asia-PacificConferenceonVision)上宣读的一项研究成果显示,GlassesOff的项目改善了对比敏感度等指标――暗示该应用能改善人们完成广泛日常任务的能力。

    A study , presented in July at the Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision in China , found that the GlassesOff program improved performance on measures including contrast sensitivity -- suggesting the improvement will apply to a wide range of daily tasks , Mr. Madar says .

  10. 活动目录PowerPack让我们可以在PowerGUI中执行很多日常任务,像对用户和组的管理等等。

    The Active Directory PowerPack allows many common tasks such as user and group management to be executed from PowerGui .

  11. 谷歌首席执行官桑德尔•皮查伊(SundarPichai,见上图)表示,这不啻为谷歌的未来:一款智能代理,将被用于查找信息、交流并执行任意数量的日常任务。

    According to chief executive Sundar Pichai , this is nothing less than the future of Google : an intelligent agent that will be used to find information , communicate and carry out any number of everyday tasks .

  12. 你还需要压力来完成日常任务。

    You also need stress to accomplish everyday tasks .

  13. 你的孩子可能会看起来不愿意做事情或参与日常任务。

    Your child may seem unwilling to do things or participate in daily tasks .

  14. 用户能够像迁移前一样执行所有日常任务和使用应用程序。

    Users are able to perform all their duties and use applications as they did pre-migration .

  15. 调优是否可以成为日常任务,让每个开发人员在部署应用程序之前都可以轻松有效地进行调优?

    Could tuning become a routine task that every developer does easily and effectively before deploying the application ?

  16. 这可能会影响病人完成日常任务的能力,如工作,驾驶或管理他们的财务状况。

    This can affect patients'ability to do everyday tasks such as working , driving or managing their finances .

  17. 用另一只手做日常任务可以让大脑换种方式思考。

    Simply switching the hand you usually use for routine tasks gets your brain thinking in a different way .

  18. 目前,美国及其他家底殷实的军事大国都是用自己的高端战机来完成这些日常任务。

    Currently , the U.S. and other well-heeled military powers use their high-end fighter jets to fly these routine missions .

  19. 这些工具可以简化日常任务的复杂性,从而帮助数据库管理员提高效率。

    These tools help a database professional to be more effective and productive by simplifying the complexities of daily tasks .

  20. 我们知道,这里有一个日常任务,那就是乘坐齐柏林飞艇轰炸海湾上游荡的海盗。

    There is a daily quest to hop on the Zepplin to ride around the bay and bomb the pirates .

  21. 患有发展性计算障碍的人执行一些日常任务也可能存在困难,比如电话号码的记忆、账单的理解等。

    People with developmental dyscalculia also may have trouble with daily tasks , such as remembering phone numbers and understanding bills .

  22. 这让您可以腾出时间来关注重要的和创新性的任务,让脚本帮您处理日常任务。

    This gives you the time to focus on the important and innovative tasks and let the script do the mundane tasks .

  23. 有玩家反映在完成战场日常任务后,人物角色重新登录服务器会出现角色的荣誉点数不正确的,现在这个问题已经得到了证实。

    There is a known issue where re-logging after completing the daily battleground quest will result in your honour estimation displaying incorrectly .

  24. 确保你已经认真评估了自己的日常任务,剔除那些没有具体目标的工作,专注那些只有你能完成的任务。

    Make sure youre critically evaluating your daily tasks to eliminate those without concrete goals and focus on those you cant do without .

  25. 它的目标、优先次序、开支和服务(包括日常任务)必须与企业的目标保持一致。

    Its goals , priorities , expenditures , and services indeed , its daily chore list must align with the intentions of the business .

  26. 监视日志文件、文件的创建过程和大小以及特定命令的多次运行之间的差异是系统管理员的日常任务。

    Monitoring log files , file creation and size , and differences between subsequent runs of a specific command are common systems administration tasks .

  27. 在“任务”视图、“待办事项栏”或“日常任务列表”中的“日历”中,单击任务列表中的任何任务。

    Click any task in the task list in tasks view , in the to-do bar , or in calendar in the daily task list .

  28. 用户往往会更加注意权威来源的消息,以及特定于他们需求和日常任务的内容。

    Users tend to pay more attention to messages from an authoritative source that they know and to content specific to their needs and daily tasks .

  29. 那么在每天的日常任务和个人交互层面,“切换上下文”还会有什么不好的作用?人们又该做些什么才能避免微观层面的多任务问题呢?

    To what degree do the same ideas apply at the daily task and personal interaction level , and what can people do to avoid micro-level multi-tasking problems ?

  30. 即使在最自由的企业里,人力资源和法务部门也越来越坚持员工对大多数日常任务填写令人厌烦的在线表格。

    Even in the most go-ahead offices , the human resources and legal departments increasingly insist on the dismal completion of online forms for the most routine activities .