• sun;daytime;day;time
  • daily;every day;with each passing day
  • 离地球最近的恒星(亦称“太阳”):~月星辰。~晷(guǐ)(古代利用太阳投射的影子来测定时刻的装置)。~珥。~薄西山(太阳快要落山了,喻衰老的人或腐朽的事物接近死亡)。

  • 白天,与“夜”相对:~班。

  • 天,一昼夜:多~不见。今~。~程。

  • 某一天:纪念~。

  • 计算工作的时间单位,通常以八小时或六小时为一个工作日。

  • 时候:春~。往~。

  • 每天,一天一天地:~记。~益。

  • 特指“日本国”。


(太阳) sun:

  • 旭日

    the rising [morning] sun;

  • 日已西斜。

    The sun declined toward the west.


(白天) daytime; day:

  • 日日夜夜

    day and night; night and day;

  • 夏季日长夜短。

    In summer the days are long and the nights short.


(一昼夜; 天) day:

  • 今日


  • 多日不见了, 你好吗?

    Haven't seen you for a long time. How are you?

  • 二十四小时为一日。

    Twenty-four hours make a day.

  • 一年三百六十五日。

    There are three hundred and sixty-five days in a year.


(泛指某一段时间) time:

  • 春日

    springtime; spring;

  • 来日

    the days to come; the future;

  • 往日

    former days


(日本) Japan:

  • 抗日战争

    the War of Resistance against Japan


(每天; 一天一天地) daily; every day; with each passing day:

  • 产量日增。

    Output is going up every day.

  • 天气日渐寒冷。

    It's getting colder and colder.

  1. 日已西斜。

    The sun declined toward the west .

  2. 日将暝。

    The sun is setting .

  3. 申请表应不迟于6月7日交回。

    The application form is returnable not later than 7th June .

  4. 这家人在狭小的公寓里艰难度日。

    The family endured a miserable existence in a cramped apartment .

  5. 去年因罢工损失了数以千计的工作日。

    Thousands of working days were lost through strikes last year .

  6. 公园从5月1日到10月31日开放。

    The park is open from 1 May to 31 October .

  7. 你查看一下我5月14日给你的信好吗?

    May I refer you to my letter of 14 May ?

  8. 事情发生在4月24日和25日那个周末。

    It happened on the weekend of 24 and 25 April .

  9. 注意:办事处从7月1日起将关闭。

    NB The office will be closed from 1 July .

  10. 7月1日以后收到的申请书将不予受理。

    Applications received after 1 July will not be counted .

  11. 那不是营业开张的吉时佳日。

    It was not a propitious time to start a new business .

  12. 这一决定也许会有让他后悔的一日。

    The decision could be one he lives to regret .

  13. 为所有员工安排了联谊活动和培训日。

    Social events and training days are arranged for all the staff .

  14. 俱乐部一年一度的宴会将于6月3日举行。

    The club 's annual dinner will be held on 3 June .

  15. 我们的传真号码自5月12日起更改。

    Our fax number is changing as from May 12 .

  16. 她父亲的病给她的结婚喜庆日蒙上了一层阴影。

    Her father 's illness cast a cloud over her wedding day .

  17. 按照传统风俗,儿童在4月1日捣乱戏弄别人。

    By tradition , children play tricks on 1 April .

  18. 凭本车票在七日内可自由乘车不受限制。

    The ticket gives you unlimited travel for seven days .

  19. 12月1日被指定为选举日。

    1 December has been nominated as the day of the election .

  20. 5月21日下午你在哪里?

    Where were you on the afternoon of May 21 ?

  21. 3月16日来函收悉,现答复如下。

    I am writing in reply to your letter of 16 March .

  22. 我将从2月15日开始一周的休假。

    I will be on leave during the week commencing 15 February .

  23. 节期从9月13日星期一开始。

    The festival kicks off on Monday , September 13 .

  24. 政府宣布全国为受害者哀悼一日。

    The government announced a day of national mourning for the victims .

  25. 我的工作日一般在7:30开始。

    A typical working day for me begins at 7.30 .

  26. 这酸奶的有效期到11月20日。

    The expiration date on this yogurt was November 20 .

  27. 星期日是我的正常工作日。

    Sunday is a normal working day for me .

  28. 参赛作品的截止期是3月31日。

    The closing date for entries is 31 March .

  29. 我想我会挨到发薪日的。

    I expect I 'll struggle through until payday .

  30. 兑现支票通常需要三个工作日。

    Cheques usually take three working days to clear .