
  • 网络daily conversation;daily dialogue;Daily Talk
  1. 本研究结果表明,与日常对话不同,新闻访谈中受访者之间的争论是直接的,并受到鼓励。

    The research found that different from daily conversation , the disagreement between interviewees is direct and encouraged .

  2. 修毕本课程的学生应具有与日本人日常对话的能力。

    By the end of this semester , students are expected to carry on a daily conversation with Japanese people .

  3. OK表示的是一个常用俚语词allcorrect(完全正确)的错误拼写ollcorrect的缩写,它逐渐进入美国人的日常对话中。

    Meant as an abbreviation for oll correct , a popular slang misspelling of all correct at the time , OK steadily made its way into the everyday speech of Americans .

  4. 第二,描述日常对话中进行言语反馈的方法和过程。

    Second , describe the way how verbal feedback is used .

  5. 英语良好,可以日常对话和商务信函。

    Good English in oral speaking and business letters .

  6. 从奥克兰华人日常对话看语码转换和母语保持

    Code-Switching and Language Maintenance as Reflected in the Daily Communication among Chinese in Auckland

  7. 能够使用少量词汇和语法,进行一些简短日常对话。

    To be able to use some words and grammar , to make simple conversations .

  8. 除了明显的政治含义外,管这个字也经常出现在日常对话中。

    Besides its overtly political meanings , gu ǎ n appears constantly in daily speech .

  9. 日常对话是非常不同的。

    Casual speech is something quite different .

  10. 所有这些幽默都是日常对话,也就是说他们发生在日常生活中。

    All these humors are daily talks , which mean they happen in our daily lives .

  11. 还有就是表达方式和日常对话是有很大差异的!

    It is that there is the difference in expression way and daily dialogue to have !

  12. 打断,作为日常对话中一个常见的现象,是对话中的重要特征。

    Interruption , as a common phenomenon in daily conversations is a crucial feature of conversations .

  13. 艾丽斯:尽量将你从课本中所学到的用到日常对话中去。

    Alice : You should try to apply what you have learnt from your textbook to everyday conversation .

  14. 书中提供了数百段日常对话和实用的句型训练,但缺少中文译文。

    There are hundreds of daily conversations and useful drills in this book , but with no Chinese translation .

  15. 不像英语,脏话在俄语日常对话中极少出现,被认为极其粗鲁。

    Unlike the average English-language expletive thrown into everyday conversation , in Russian , cursing resonates as extremely crude ;

  16. 惯用语是熟语的一种形式,被广泛地使用于日常对话中且具有固定格式。

    Locution is the hyponym conception of idiom . It has fixed format and is widely used in everyday conversations .

  17. 这是一种对高声调的声音听力丧失,所以她/他仍可以听清楚并且明白大多数的日常对话。

    Now , this is high-pitched hearing loss , so a person can still hear sounds and understand most speech .

  18. 听是语言习得的第一步,日常对话中,听占了近一半的比重。

    Listening is the first step in language acquisition , and it constitutes nearly half of the proportion in daily conversation .

  19. 我们惊异地发现,阶级压迫,性别歧视,沙文主义和历史的曲解,无一不通过日常对话而得到折射。

    Aghast , we discover how class oppression , sexism , chauvinism and the distortion of history echo through everyday conversation .

  20. 正式的文章无论语气与内容都和日常对话不同,但目的却相同,都是要沟通。

    Formal papers aren 't casual conversations in tone or content , but they do share with chit-chat the goal of communication .

  21. 此外,详细的分析还表明,法庭辩论中使用礼貌策略与日常对话中使用礼貌策略所发挥的作用并不相同。

    Besides , detailed analysis suggests that the function of the politeness strategies used in court arguments is different from that in ordinary discourses .

  22. 但研究发现,只有1%的英国人能够使用汉语进行基本的日常对话。

    But it found only 1 % of the adult population speaks Mandarin to a level that allows them to conduct a basic conversation .

  23. 这样学习单词对你找到更好的工作,英语测试,以及和外国人的日常对话甚至更多是非常有好处的。

    This vocabulary learning product is so helpful for finding a better job , English tests , daily conversation with foreigners and a lot more .

  24. 藉由已建立之中文基础,学习新的语法、掌握汉字的书写规则,加强日常对话之训练及字汇能力。

    Students enhance their speaking and lexicon ability and master the stroke orders in Chinese characters by learning intermediate grammar , syntax , and oral communication .

  25. 从音标入手,学习简单的句型和功能结构,能用新学的单词和语法进行简单的日常对话。

    Start with Phonetics , Basic sentence patterns and structures will be covered in this course with objectives to use words and grammar to make simple conversations .

  26. 除了西班牙语,我还在“多邻国”上学了一些意大利语。我认为意大利语是日常对话中使用最多的语言。我的法语也有很大一部分是在在“多邻国”上学的。

    Besides Spanish , I learnt some Italian on Duolingo , what I believe to be almost conversational Esperanto , and a good chunk of my French .

  27. 这家公司选出了31场被媒体称为精彩难忘的毕业嘉宾演讲,对照一般演讲和日常对话数据库进行了评估。

    Examining 31 college commencement speeches cited in the press as compelling and memorable , the firm evaluated these talks against a database of ordinary speeches and everyday conversation .

  28. 学习语言对未来的商业前景具有重要意义,日常对话中及监管、政府环境中较少使用英语的市场尤其如此。

    Language learning is of huge importance to future prospects , particularly in those markets where English is less spoken and less used in the regulatory and governmental environment .

  29. 因而一些泰国人也许没有很多日常对话的经验。或是说,他们在说英语时,会需要一些时间来组织语言。

    Therefore , some Thais may not have too much experience with casual conversation or need time to think about how they should arrange a sentence when they speak English .

  30. 然而,由于双关语极强的修辞艺术效果,其使用范围却在不断扩大,不仅在文学作品中频频出现,在广告以及日常对话中也日趋增多。

    However , with the strong rhetorical and artistic effects , puns are used more and more widely , not only in literary works , but in advertisements and daily dialogues as well .