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  • Hercules;Titan
大力神[dà lì shén]
  1. 本文对美国报导的洲际弹道导弹大力神I型贮箱与飞毛腿弹道导弹受强激光辐照演示实验的破坏模式和破坏机理进行了分析。

    The paper analyses the failure models and failure mechanisms of " Titan " type I storage and " Scud " ballistic missile shown experiments under strong laser irradiation .

  2. 《考克斯报告》称,由于钱学森曾参与美国“大力神”洲际导弹计划,从而将美国的导弹和相关技术非法带到中国。

    The Cox Report alleges that , since Qian Xuesen had been working on the US Titan intercontinental missile program , he illegally brought back with him to China the US missile technology and related information .

  3. 好像还不够,一架巴西C-130大力神军用运输飞机自从2014年紧急降落后,仍搁浅在智利航空基地的跑道附近。

    As if that were not enough , a Brazilian C-130 Hercules military transport plane has remained stranded near the runway of Chile 's air base here since it crash-landed in 2014 .

  4. 一个挨着一个的摆着的话,大力神的部件大概有14英里长

    Laid out end to end , Devastator 's parts would be almost 14 miles long .

  5. 作为SUBSEA项目的一部分,两个名为大力神和阿格斯的机器人将研究海底火山附近的生物、地质和化学情况。

    As part of the SUBSEA project , the robots , named Hercules and Argus , will study the biology , geology and chemistry of the region .

  6. C-130大力神运送着幸存者,他们都为刚才所经历的感到震惊。

    C-130 Hercules fly in survivors , all shell-shocked from what they 've just lived through .

  7. 研究者已经开发出一种工具使其方程能在将来付诸实施:应用密歇根大学的HERCULES(大力神)激光在极小的规模上完成。

    The researchers have developed a tool to put their equations into practice in the future on a very small scale using the HERCULES laser at U-M.

  8. 球王贝利(Pelé)有一个著名预测:在20世纪结束前,会有一支非洲球队捧起大力神杯。这个预言未能成真。

    Pel é 's famous prediction that an African team would lift the World Cup by the end of the last century failed to come true .

  9. 副官里斯莱蒂,一架C-130大力神装卸长从比利时空军,今年是他第三次圈地。

    For Adjutant Joris Retty , a C-130 Hercules loadmaster from the Belgium air force , this year marks his third rodeo .

  10. 我们感受到了土星C-1助推火箭试验产生的震动和冲击波,它比把约翰·格伦送入太空的大力神火箭还要强大好几倍,产生了相当于1万辆汽车的功率。

    We have felt the ground shake and the air shattered by the testing of a Saturn C-1 booster rocket , many times as powerful as the Atlas which launched John Glenn , generating power equivalent to 10000 automobiles with their accelerators on the floor .

  11. 我总是抑制住捧起大力神杯的幻想。

    I always suppressed the fantasy of holding the WC Cup .

  12. 我很期待能看到大力神飞起来。

    I 'd love to see the hercuies in the air .

  13. 超级大力神被证实是一个部队增效器。

    The Super Hercules proved to be a force multiplier .

  14. 他们可能会让阿诺德施瓦辛格或某个类似的人饰演大力神赫丘利斯。

    They 'll probably get Arnold Schwarzeneger or someone to play hercules .

  15. 菲罗克忒忒斯:希腊英雄,杀死特洛伊王子帕里斯的人,是大力神赫拉克勒斯的儿子。

    A Greek hero who killed Paris and the son of Hercules .

  16. 空军方面取消了大力神的订单。

    The air force canceied the contract on the hercuies .

  17. 最好快点因为大力神觉得有点寂寞

    You 'd better , ' cause hercules is getting kinda lonely .

  18. 老者们说我们斯巴达人是,希腊大力神的后裔

    The old ones say we Spartans are descended from Hercules himself .

  19. “大力神”运输机中被部署到战区。

    Watchkeeper being loaded on a C-130 transport aircraft .

  20. 美国的大力神轮胎公司是全球着名的轮胎销售公司。

    The company is based in the US , with worldwide sales offices .

  21. 《变形金刚2》中声波和大力神由他配音。

    He voices Soundwave & Devastator in Fallen .

  22. 英格兰对必须赢得这场比赛才能确保其能夺得大力神杯!

    England must win this game to be sure of qualifying for the world cup .

  23. 意大利一雪前耻,战胜法国队,捧起大力神杯。

    Redemption for Italy which defeats France in the final to win soccer 's World Cup .

  24. 新近的大力神杯获得者是德国,2014年世界杯冠军。

    The current holder of the trophy is Germany , winner of the 2014 World Cup .

  25. 他大号的体型以及结实的肌肉为他赢得了“绿巨人”、“大力神”等外号。

    His huge frame and bulging muscles have earned him the name of Hulk or Hercules .

  26. 然而结果却丝毫未改变&荷兰队还要继续苦苦等待首个大力神杯。

    The outcome was the same & the Netherlands is still waiting for its first World Cup .

  27. 大力神与车夫

    Hercules and the wagoner

  28. 在柏林,德国队球员手棒大力神杯向成千上万欢欣鼓舞的球迷们致意。

    Germany 's footballers have paraded the World Cup trophy to hundreds of thousands of jubilant supporters in Berlin .

  29. 大力神杯使用18克拉纯金打造、底座上配有孔雀石,形为两人托举起地球。

    Made of18 carat gold with a malachite base , it depicts two human figures holding up the Earth .

  30. 天帝佩服愚公的精神,就命两位大力神背走二山。

    Filled with admiration for Yugong , the Emperor of Heavens ordered two mighty gods to carry the mountains away .