
  1. 南诏大理政权建立的神异事迹,反映出道教影响的历史事实。

    The myth and deed made by Nanzhao-Dali Power mirrors the historical facts of Taoist influence .

  2. 第二部分论述了两宋中央与大理政权关系的特点。

    Part Two discusses the features of the relationship between the central authorities of the two Song Dynasties and the Dali Regime .

  3. 从宋王朝和大理政权两个方面的多个角度对它们之间颇具特色的政治关系产生的原因进行了较为详细的分析。

    It gives a very detailed analysis of the causes of distinctive political relations between the Song Dynasty and the Dali Regime from many angles .

  4. 通过对大理政权建立的过程、疆域、军事势力、经济文化发展水平、境内的民族的论述,得出大理政权时期是云南历史上的重要阶段。

    By discussing the process of setting up the Dali Regime , its territory , military force , the level of economic and cultural development and the nationalities within its boundaries , there comes the conclusion that the time of the Dali Regime is an important phase in Yunnan history .

  5. 本文试从大理国、宋王朝两个方面的多个角度入手,探讨两宋中央与大理政权的关系及其留给我们的启示。

    Trying to begin with the two respects , the Dali Kingdom and the Song Dynasty from many angles , this essay discusses the relationship between the central authorities of the two Song Dynasties and the Dali Regime as well as the enlightenment it may give us .