
  • 网络rural land system
  1. 中国农村土地制度演变的80年

    Evolution of China 's Rural Land System over the Eighty Years

  2. 二元经济结构改善与农村土地制度创新

    Improvement in Dual Economic Structure and Innovation in Rural Land System

  3. 新时代推进农村土地制度改革,要坚持把依法维护农民权益作为出发点和落脚点。坚持农村土地农民集体所有制不动摇,坚持家庭承包经营基础性地位不动摇。

    We need to unwaveringly uphold farmers ' collective ownership of rural land while continuing the fundamental practice of rural families exercising their right to contract and manage land in rural areas .

  4. 农村土地制度的新制度经济学分析

    The Analysis of Country System by Way of New Institutional Economics

  5. 关于中国农村土地制度的产权经济思考&兼论我国农村土地的复合所有制

    The Opinions on Property Rights about Rural Land Institution in China

  6. 农村土地制度变迁的经济分析

    An Economic Analysis of the Change of the Rural Land Institution

  7. 农村土地制度改革的困境及一种可供选择的方案

    Puzzlement in Reform of Rural Landing System and an Available Scheme

  8. 论我国农村土地制度的冲突与解决路径

    On the Clash of Land System in Countryside and the Solutions

  9. 关于深化农村土地制度改革的思考

    A Schematic Idea at the Reform of Rural Land System

  10. 第四章为农村土地制度建设的国际经验借鉴。

    Chapter IV , international experiences on rural land system .

  11. 农地股份制:农村土地制度改革的一个建议

    Share System : A Suggestion for Rural Land System Reform

  12. 公有制框架内农村土地制度改革评析

    Analysis of Rural land Reform under the Public Ownership Frame

  13. 当前我国农村土地制度创新探析

    The Research on Present Rural Land System Innovation of China

  14. 农村土地制度改革对劳动力转移产生重要的影响。

    An important impact on the rural land reform of labor transfer .

  15. 对当前中国农村土地制度的几点认识

    Some Suggestions on the Current Rural Land System in China

  16. 现代产权制度与农村土地制度改革

    The modern property system and the reform of the rural land system

  17. 与农业规模经济相适应的农村土地制度探讨

    Discussion about Institution of Rural Land Adaptive to Scale Economy

  18. 改革农村土地制度,促进土地的市场化。

    Reforming the rural land system and advancing the marketization of lands .

  19. 新时期中国农村土地制度改革探析

    On Land Tenure Reform in the New Period of China

  20. 中国农村土地制度现状及今后改革方向探讨

    Discussion of China Rural Land System Present Situation and Next Reform Direction

  21. 公权力与中国农村土地制度的演变

    The Public Power and the Evolvement of the Chinese Countryside Land System

  22. 人地矛盾化解:农村土地制度创新的关键

    Resolving the Population-land Contradiction : The Key to Innovating on Rural Land System

  23. 我国农村土地制度亟须创新,但存在许多制约因素。

    The rural land system requires innovation , but many factors restrict it .

  24. 促进农业科技进步的农村土地制度创新

    Rural Land Institutional Innovation to Promote Agricultural Technological Advance

  25. 中国现行农村土地制度调查分析

    Investigation Study on Current Rural Land System in China

  26. 当前中国农村土地制度改革的现状与问题

    Current Situation and Problems of the Reform of Rural Land System in China

  27. 关于改革农村土地制度问题的一点思考

    A Reflect on Reforming Land System in Rural Areas

  28. 中国农村土地制度改革理论的评析与反思

    A reflection on reform theories of Chinese Land Tenure

  29. 农村土地制度改革是我国农村和农业现代化的关键所在。

    The rural land system reform is the essential for agricultural modernization in China .

  30. 论市场经济条件下的农村土地制度改革

    Comment on Reform of the Countryside Land System in the Condition of Market Economy