
  • 网络agricultural wastewater;Agriculture wastewater;agricultural waste water;agricultural effluent;agricultural effluent,agricultural waste water
  1. 传统的稀释排放会造成很大的环境污染,并且由于农业废水中含有大量的营养物质,完全可以二次利用,减少农业生产的投入产出比,降低生产成本。

    Traditional dilution and discharge are that can cause heavy environmental pollution , and because agricultural waste water contain a large amount of nutriment , which can utilize two times and reduce the input-output ratio of agricultural production , reduce the production cost .

  2. 源水及处理出水中一些非挥发性的有机污染物(如酚类、农药、PAHs)超标,表明水中致突变物来源于工业废水和农业废水。

    Some nonvolatile organic pollutants ( phenols , pesticides , PAHs ) were beyond the standard in the raw water and all finished waters , which showed that mutagens came from industrial and agricultural wastewater .

  3. 工业活动污染和农业废水是主要问题。

    Pollution from industrial activities and agricultural runoff are the major problems .

  4. 磺胺类药物也已在排出的农业废水中发现。

    Sulfonamides have been detected in the wastewater effluent and surface water .

  5. 硝基苯和4-硝基苯酚具有致癌、致突变性,是工农业废水中常见的有毒难降解有机物。

    Nitrobenzene and 4-nitrophenol , carcinogenic and mutagenic compounds , are common toxic and bio-refractory compounds in industrial and agriculture wastewaters .

  6. 随着经济的发展、工农业废水的排放,水体被大量污染。

    With the development of the economy , industrial and agricultural wastewater was discharged , then the body of water was polluted seriously .

  7. 随着人口的增长与水资源的缺乏,农业废水不被处理或者不适当的处理直接用于农业灌溉的现象越来越频繁。

    The use of wastewater in agriculture either untreated or inadequately treated has become recently popular because of water scarcity and increasing population growth .

  8. 人类不断向大海排放污水和农业废水,甚至还会推波助澜地招来啃食珊瑚的海星群。

    There 's our sewage and agricultural runoff flowing into the sea . There are even outbreaks of coral-chomping starfish , aided and abetted by human activity .

  9. 该系统已被广泛应用于生活污水的处理,并通过工艺创新有向工业污水、农业废水等特殊污水处理方向发展的趋势。

    Moreover , there was a strong potential for application in special wastewater treatment such as industrial , agricultural , wastewater with the technical improvement of the systems .

  10. 随着经济的快速发展,废水排放量不断增加,其中,许多工业废水、农业废水和生活污水中均有含氮污染物。

    With the rapid development of economy , large amount of wastewaters are emitted , in which a large number of industrial wastewater , agricultural wastewater and domestic sewage contain nitrogen .

  11. 人工湿地技术由于其低成本、运行简单等特点,已广泛地应用于处理城镇污水、富营养化水体;河道生态整治;工农业废水治理等方面[1]。

    Because of the low cost and simple operation , the constructed wetland technology has been widely used in treating municipal wastewater 、 eutrophic water body 、 river ecological regulation 、 industrial and agricultural wastewater , etc [ 1 ] .

  12. 由于工业的发展,大量有害于人类和其它生物的工业废物(废水、废气、废渣)和生活污水、农业废水排入河流、湖泊、水库与海湾,使天然水体受到严重的污染。

    With the development of industry , a large amount of industry waste water and life polluted water harmful to people and other living things is discharged into river , lake , reservoir and ocean and make the natural water much more polluted .

  13. 近年来,黄河水污染形势严峻,根据各个监测断面的监测结果显示,黄河正受到各种不同污染物的污染,其污染主要是来自工农业废水。

    In recent years , the Yellow River water pollution situation is grim , according to the results of all monitoring sections showed that the Yellow River are under a variety of pollutants in the destruction of nature , mainly industrial and agricultural wastewater .

  14. 渤海湾是典型的半封闭浅水淤泥质海湾,海水交换能力差,随着沿海经济的快速发展,大量工农业废水、生活污水以及养殖业废水进入渤海湾,致使渤海湾的水体受到严重污染。

    Bohai Bay is a typical semi-enclosed sea bay with shallow water , mud silting and poor water exchange . With the rapid development of economy along the coast , Bohai Bay has received large amount of waste water from industrial , agricultural and domestic usage .

  15. 随着世界人口的增长和经济的迅速发展,富含氮、磷营养物质的工农业废水和生活污水大量进入水体,致使水体富营养化日益严重,世界水环境受到严重污染。

    With population growth in the world and the rapid economic development , industrial and agricultural wastewater and life drainage rich in N , P nutrients enter into water , which make eutrophication of water body become worse . The aquatic environment of world was seriously poisoning .

  16. 近年来,受径流输入、工农业废水和城市生活污水排放的影响,河口区无机氮含量严重超标,局部海域富营养化程度较高,赤潮爆发频次增加,给经济发展以及人类健康带来损害。

    In recent years , by the influence of inputs of runoff , agricultural and industrial wastewater , DIN content far exceeded in the estuary , eutrophication degree of local water is higher , number of red tide increases , which bring serious damage to economic and health .

  17. 随着我国经济的持续快步发展,工业化与城市化进程不断加快,工厂废弃化学物和生活垃圾数量急剧增加,工农业废水及生活污水不仅对水体、空气形成污染,还对场地土造成污染。

    With the sustainable development of economy and the rapid industrialization and urbanization in China , the amount of the abandoned chemical from factories and domestic refuse are sharply increased , whose wastewater can pollute not only the water substance and the atmosphere , but also the soil .

  18. 污染源来自农业径流废水、工业废水、水土流失以畜牧业生产,还包括其他一些因素。

    This pollution comes from agricultural runoff , industrial wastewater , soil erosion , and livestock production , among other things .

  19. 近年来,越来越多的PAHs类物质通过尾气的释放、污泥的农业应用、废水的排放等途径进入环境。

    In recent years , more and more PAHs have entered environment through the release of tail gas , the agricultural application of sewage sludge , and the discharge of waste water .

  20. 在饮水质量、农业和水产废水的安全使用以及休闲娱乐用水的安全性方面,制定指南;

    Develop guidelines on quality of drinking-water , safe use of wastewater in agriculture and aquaculture , and management of safe recreational waters ;

  21. 随着食品加工、农业含氮废水对水体环境的污染日益加剧,高效的污水脱氮技术已成为目前水处理领域的重要问题。

    Nitrogen pollution from sources as food processing and agricultural industries is a growing concern to the water environment . Removing nitrogen components effectively from wastewater is an important issue nowadays .

  22. 它已广泛应用于制药、化妆品、农业、食物、废水处理等领域。

    It has been extensively used in pharmaceutical systems , medicine , cosmetics , food , and agriculture and wastewater treatment .

  23. 防止工农业废弃物及工业废水的排放.控制生活垃圾的投放势在必行。

    It is imperative to prevent the discharge of industrial and agricultural waste and industrial liquid waste and control the discharge of consumer waste .

  24. 随着工农业生产的迅速发展,大量工农业废水和生活污水排放入海,导致海洋生态环境恶化,最终形成赤潮。

    With the development of industry and agriculture , large amount of industry and agriculture waste water and domestic sewage blow off the sea , lead to the marine eco-environment worsen , and ultimately form habs .

  25. 随着近年来太湖流域工业和农业的快速发展,大量的工农业废水和生活污水未经彻底处理即排入太湖流域水体中,使太湖流域水环境系统遭受到了严重的破坏,水质正日趋恶化。

    In recent years , with the fast development of industry and agriculture process , wastewater and domestic sewage without thorough treatment was discharged into Taihu Basin , which cause water environment system of Taihu Basin be damaged and water quality be worsen gradually .

  26. 随着人口的急剧膨胀和工农业的迅速发展,大量生活污水和工农业废水所引起的水体富营养化已引起人们的普遍关注,而水体物理&生态修复技术是目前一条创新的治理技术路线。

    With the rapid development of industry and the growth of population , water eutrophication caused by daily sewerage discharge and non-point pollution has been drawn great attention . The physical-ecological remediation is a new measure for controlling water eutrophication .

  27. 近几年,随着普兰店市工业的发展及农业生产规模化进程的加快,流域内工业、农业及生活废水排放使水环境逐步恶化,严重影响流域内城镇未来的生产、生活。

    In recent years , with the development of industry and agricultural production , the emissions of waste water from industry , agriculture and living of the drainage basin must lead to gradual deterioration of water environment , and also seriously impact on production and urban life in future .

  28. 农业耕作中减少农药和化肥的施用量,改善农田灌溉系统,减少农业废水排入湖中;

    Pesticide and fertilizer should be reduced in agriculture as well as to improve irrigation system to reduce drain of rural waste water ;