
  • 网络agrochemical service
  1. 开展农化服务实施平衡施肥促进无公害农业的发展

    To carry out agrochemical service , make balanced fertilization and develop nuisanceless agriculture

  2. 赴美农化服务考察报告

    Report on an Investigation of Agrochemical Service in USA

  3. 农化服务关系型数据库的设计

    Design of the relationship database of serve for Agricultural Chemistry

  4. 试论配方施肥技术和化肥企业农化服务

    Discussion on technique for formula fertilization and agrochemical service by fertilizer enterprises

  5. 江苏省农化服务的状况与发展前景

    Present situation and perspective of Agro-chemistry Service in Jiangsu Province

  6. 云南省农化服务经验总结及展望

    The Experience Summary and Prospects of Agrochemistry Service in Yunnan

  7. 简述了云南农化服务工作的发展历程;

    This article briefly described the process of development of agrochemistry service in Yunnan .

  8. 复合肥企业农化服务现状与问题浅析

    Approach to the current status and problems in agrochemical service of compound fertilizer enterprises

  9. 农化服务是消除化肥认识误区的有效手段

    Service on Agricultural Fertilization , An Effective Measure to Eliminate Mistake on the Understanding of Fertilizer

  10. 试论我国现阶段农化服务的基本任务与体系建设

    Approach to the fundamental task and system building of agrochemical service in China at present stage

  11. 指出开展农化服务对促进农用化学工业发展的重要性;

    It pointed out the importance of developing agrochemistry service to the advancement of agricultural chemistry industry .

  12. 流通方面:农化服务工作亟待加强;流通市场管理不规范。

    Aspects of the distribution : agrichemical services need to be strengthened and market management was not standardized .

  13. 农化服务之路

    Way of Agrochemical Service

  14. 强调了肥料生产企业与大专院校、科研院所和农技推广部门加强实质性合作,做好农化服务在新时期的重要性。

    The agrochemical service is also emphasized , including strengthening concrete cooperation among fertilizer manufacturer , correlated university / college / research institute and extension sector of agricultural technology .

  15. 以上海为例,提出了在现代都市中发展化肥工业应以二次加工、深度加工技术为主,以功能性产品和较完整的农化服务体系进入国内和国际两大市场的观点。

    , serving the market with functional products , and giving priority to secondary processing and in-depth processing technology in the development of the chemical fertilizer industry in modern cities .

  16. 然而,作物专用肥料的健康发展还有赖于化肥结构的宏观调整、平衡施肥技术研究、化肥生产工艺、肥料市场规范和农化服务等多方面的不断发展与完善。

    However , the development of special fertilizer depends on the regulation of fertilizer structure , balanced fertilization technology research and the perfect in fertilizer process , market and agricultural service etc.

  17. 以公司为主体的推广模式在推广面积上有一定优势,是一支新生力量,但应强化农化服务意识;

    The extension pattern with the companies as the main body has the advantage in the extension area , and is a new pattern , but the service consciousness of the agricultural fertilization should be strengthened .

  18. 明确了化肥行业调整产权结构、产品结构和技术升级的战略重点,制定了强化农化服务和改进分销渠道的基本战略。

    It not only makes it clear that the strategy key points are to adjust the property structure and product suture and to improve technology , but also works out the basic tactics on how to strengthen the agricultural and chemical service and develop sales channels .