
  • 网络Sour Crude;sour crude oil;Sulphuric Crude oil
  1. 加工含硫原油设备腐蚀状况及有关对策

    Corrosion of Equipment in Processing Sour Crude and Countermeasures

  2. 中东含硫原油炼制设备的腐蚀分析及防护

    The Corrosion and Protection for the Process Equipment of Middle-East Sour Crude Oil

  3. 含硫原油的渣油ARDS与VRDS不同加工方案的技术经济比较

    Technical and economical comparison of processing schemes with ARDS or VRDS for sour crudes

  4. HM磨合油系由高含硫原油中提炼出来的磨合添加剂与柴油机油按一定配比调合而成。

    HM break-in oil is prepared by adding a certain additive into the diesel oil . The additive is obtained from a high sulfur crude oil .

  5. 随着全球含硫原油和天然气资源的大量开发,采用克劳斯(Claus)法回收元素硫的工艺已成为天然气或炼厂气加工的一个重要组成部分。

    With the global mass mining of the oil and natural gas , Claus Sulfur Recovery has been the most important part of those processes .

  6. 论述了国内外加工含硫原油和生产清洁燃料的方案、渣油改质方案、加氢脱硫和脱SOx催化剂开发进展情况。

    The schemes for processing sour crude oil and producing clean fuel , the residual upgrading scheme , developing progress of hydrodesulphurization catalyst and SOx removal at home and abroad are described .

  7. 随着炼厂空气质量法规的日益严格,同时炼厂趋于加工重油和含硫原油,使得FCC装置烟气排放控制不断受到关注。

    With the increasingly strictness of regulations for air quality of refining plants , and the tending of refining plants in processing heavy oil and sour crude oil , the control of smoke emitting from FCC plant has drawn constant attention .

  8. 湿H2S环境中硫化物腐蚀开裂问题(SSC、HIC、B-HIC、SOHIC)是炼制含硫原油时中、高强钢制液化石油气球罐一种常见而且经济损失很大的损伤形式。

    The sulfide corrosion cracking ( SSC , HIC , B-HIC , SO - HIC ) in wet H2S environment was a cracking commonly LPG spherical tanks of medium and high strength steels in petrochemical refineries processing high-sulfur crudes .

  9. 在清净性能方面,711A添加剂可以使土依马赛含硫原油15号车用机油由6级的清净性提高到1级。

    For detergent effect , additive 711A improves Second Baku crude oil motor lubricant from grade 6 to 1 on model engine test .

  10. 对于新建加工进口含硫原油的炼油厂,采用焦化方案加工及配套IGCC技术处理产生的高硫焦,不仅可以节约一定的投资,而且其成本低,将是一个值得选择的重油加工工艺。

    Selection on Liner of Dry Quenching Coke Can For the newly established refineries that deal with imported sulfur-contained crude oil , the application of delayed coking scheme combined with IGCC technology to treat the produced high-sulfur coke can save the investment and reduce the production cost .

  11. 加工含硫原油对常压蒸馏装置设备的腐蚀与防护

    Corrosion of Sulfur-Containing Crude toward Atmospheric Distillation Equipment and its Protection

  12. 含硫原油加工中常减压蒸馏塔顶的防腐蚀研究

    Anti-corrosion of atmospheric and vacuum distillation overhead in sour crude processing

  13. 改炼高含硫原油扩能改造中蒸馏装置的防腐蚀措施

    Corrosion protection in revamping crude distillation unit to process high-sulfur crude

  14. 含硫原油炼制过程的恶臭污染与防治

    Odor Pollution and Destruction in Sulfur - bearing Crude Refining Process

  15. 加工含硫原油的设备腐蚀问题及讨论

    Discussion on sulfur distribution and equipment corrosion in processing sour crude

  16. 炼油厂大型化和高含硫原油加工提出的课题&世纪之交的中国石化机械(三)

    Problems with large scale refinery and high sulphur crude refining .

  17. 加工含硫原油管材选用优化

    Optimization of Pipeline Material Selection for Processing Sulfur Crude Oil

  18. 加工含硫原油设备防腐蚀措施

    Corrosion Protection for the Equipment in Processing Sulfur Crude Oil

  19. 含硫原油二次加工过程硫分布预测模型的开发应用

    Development and Application of Sulfur Distribution Prediction Models in Petroleum Refining Processes

  20. 炼油厂酸性气直接制取工业硫酸技术催化裂化加工含硫原油的技术

    Process Technology of the Sour Crude Oil With Catalytic Cracking

  21. 含硫原油研制水冷二冲程机油

    The preparation of the water-cooling two-stroke gasoline engine oil with sour crude

  22. 中等含硫原油则多为混源油。

    While oil with medium sulfur content have mixed sources .

  23. 高含硫原油储运问题研究

    Study on Storage and Transportation of High - sulphur Crude

  24. 炼油设备在高含硫原油环境中的腐蚀与对策

    Corrosion of Refinery Equipment in Processing High-sulfur Crude and Countermeasures

  25. 高含硫原油接卸过程危害分析及防范措施

    Hazards Analysis on Unloading of High Sulfur Crude Oil and Preventive Measures

  26. 含硫原油加工中新型中和缓蚀剂的应用

    Application of new neutralizing corrosion inhibitor in sour crude processing

  27. 陕北石油秩序中东含硫原油的安全储运技术

    Safe Storage and Transportation Technology for Saudi Light Oil

  28. 加氢裂化装置炼制高含硫原油腐蚀状况及对策

    Corrosion of Hydrocracking Unit Processing High-sulfur Feedstock and Countermeasures

  29. 含硫原油加工润滑油的调研

    Investigation on processing lubricating oil with sour crude oil

  30. 相关图在加工含硫原油中的应用

    Application of Correlation Diagram in Processing Sour Crude Oil