
hán shā liàng
  • Sand content;silt content;sand-carrying capacity
含砂量[hán shā liàng]
  1. 降低钻井完井液的滤失量,API滤失量小于5mL、高温高压滤失量小于15mL、固相含量小于8%、含砂量小于0.3%;

    Reducing the filtration of drill-in fluid , with API fluid loss less than 5 mL , HTHP fluid loss less than 15 mL , solids content less than 8 % and sand content less than 0 . 3 % ;

  2. 影响入磨小麦含砂量的因素及对策

    Influencing Factors of Sand Content in Clean Wheat and their Countermeasures

  3. 含砂量对水泥土强度的影响

    The Impact of Sand Content on Cement - stabilized Soil Strength

  4. 控制泥浆中的含砂量。

    Get the sand content of the mud under control .

  5. 高含砂量水沉降特性的试验研究

    Experiment research on sedimentation character of high sediment concentration

  6. 供水管井井水含砂量标准的理论和实践

    Theory and Practice of Well Water Sand Content Standard in Water Supply Pipe Well

  7. GB/T5508-1985粮食、油料检验粉类含砂量测定法

    Inspection of grain and oilseeds & Methods for determination of sand content of flours

  8. 对于含水、含砂量较高的原油计量,采用一般流量计已不适应。

    The common flowmeters are not suited for metering the crude oil containing water and sand .

  9. 严格控制钻井液固相含量小于7%,含砂量小于0.3%;

    The solids content was strictly controlled within 7 % , and sand content within 0.3 % ;

  10. 可用于高粘度、高含砂量、高油气比的原油开采中,具有广阔的应用前景。

    And it can be used for extracting heavy oil , sandy oil and high gas-oil ratio oil .

  11. 降低黄河中下游平原成井含砂量的几种方法

    Several Methods for Reducing Sand Content of digging well in plain area of Middle and Down Stream of Yellow River

  12. 增白剂新标准用量对面粉的灰分、面筋、含砂量影响不大。

    New BPO standard do not have an apparent influence on ash content , gluten , sand content of flour .

  13. 对于修补混凝土挠曲型裂缝之成效上,其修复强度与修复之破裂韧性皆有随著含砂量增加而提高。

    The result of repaired crack of concrete structure , the strength and fracture toughness increase with the increasing amount of sand .

  14. 温度过低、光照强烈、土壤粘重和含砂量高是诱发病害的主要因素;

    The result indicated that low temperature , strong sunlight illumination , heavier-textured soil or heavy sandy soil are main inducing factors for C.

  15. 对茂名高岭土的物质组成、白度、粒度组成、粘浓度、含砂量等造纸涂布性能进行了研究。

    This paper deals with the compositions , brightness , size distribution , viscosity concentration and the content of sand of Maoming kaolin .

  16. 特别是在开采高粘油、高含砂量和高含气量的原油中,螺杆泵更具有独特的作用。

    Especially in the production of high viscosity oil , high sand content oik high gas content oil , progressive cavity pump has the particular function .

  17. 土壤理化性质分析结果表明海涂土壤总体有机质含量低,电导率和含砂量高,并且随着围垦时间的增长呈现出规律性的变化。

    The results showed that coastal soils had low organic matter , high electrical conductivity and sand content , and some soil properties changed with reclamation years .

  18. 采用高温固砂剂对克拉玛依油田9区的10口稠油吞吐井进行了现场固砂试验,处理后9口井地层产液含砂量为微量。

    Field tests of 10 wells in Karamay oilfield indicate the sand-consolidating agent has good sand-consolidation ability in steam-injecting wells , and sand content of crude oil is little .

  19. 介绍了根据测井资料可综合评价泥质盖层的参数,包括厚度、排替压力、盖层总孔隙度、有效孔隙度、渗透率、含砂量等。

    Log data may be used for calculating shaly capping beds parameters such as thickness , displacement pressure , total porosity , effective porosity , permeability , sand content , etc.

  20. 采用适应高含砂量和高原油粘度的高转速螺杆泵,且螺杆泵下入油层底部;

    Progressive cavity pumps with high rotation speed and being suitable for high sand cut and large crude densi ty should be used and run to the bottom of oil layers ;

  21. 对于破裂韧性的修复指数,亦有随著含砂量增加而提升的趋势,但过高的含砂量对破坏能修复指数则助益不大。

    The restoring index of fracture toughness increases with the rising amount of sand . However , excessive amount of sand does not contribute to the restoring index of fracture energy .

  22. 在实践的基础上,从原料采购、工艺组合、设备选用及操作、生产管理等方面提出了控制面粉含砂量的方法。

    Based on practice , the methods to control sand content in flour were presented in respect of wheat purchase , process flow , equipment selection and operation , production management .

  23. 该技术适易于稠油井、高含砂量井、高烃链油井的石油开采作业;

    The technology especially adapts to the oil exploitation task , which is in dense oil well , highly contained sand oil well , high hydrocarbon chain oil well , and so on .

  24. 研究结果表明,采用三采一放有利于控制顶板中的松散细砂岩,降低放出顶煤中的含砂量。

    The research results showed that the three coal mining operations and one caving operation would be favorable to control the fine sandstone in the roof and could reduce the sand content in the coal from the caving .

  25. 目前,螺杆泵广泛用于开采高粘度、高含砂量和高含气量的原油中,且螺杆泵采油井数量逐年递增。

    At present , the screw pump is widely used in exploiting crude oil with high viscosity , high sediment concentration or high gas content . And the quantity of the screw pump well is increased year by year .

  26. 防砂工艺选用绕丝筛管砾石充填防砂、双层绕丝管防砂、不锈钢金属棉防砂三种防砂技术,产量稳定,含砂量小于0.01%,达到较理想的防砂效果;

    Sand control technique selected winding screen gravel packing , double layer winding tube and stainless metal fibre . There is stable production , sand cut is less than 0.01 % , it reaches more ideal effect for sand control ;

  27. 利用旋转圆盘式冲刷腐蚀实验机,研究了环氧粉末涂层的冲蚀率与流速之间的变化规律以及含砂量、砂粒径对速度指数的影响。

    The relationship between erosion rate of fusion-bonded epoxy powder coating and the flow velocity , and the influence of the content and size of sand in water based slurries on the exponent of the flow velocity have been investigated by using modified rotating disk rig .

  28. 在砂土含水层取水如何降低成井含砂量。采用的方法有增大滤料厚度,充分滤去水中颗粒;

    How to reduce sand content of digging well when pump water from the sand aquifer , the method is to thicken the filter layer and fully filtrate granule in the water .