
  • 网络sagittal direction
  1. 前牵引上颌的激光全息干涉计量研究&沿矢状方向前牵引上颌的生物力学效应

    A Laser Holographic Interferometry Study on the Forward Traction of the Maxilla & The Study of Biomechanical Effects of Maxillary Protraction along the Sagittal Direction

  2. 大龄单纯腭裂患者上颌骨矢状方向生长发育的研究婴儿期腭裂的手术治疗

    Anteroposterior Development of Maxilla in 25 Adults with Unoperated Cleft Palate A Retrospective Study of Surgical Treatment on Cleft Palate of Infants

  3. 如果,椎体的曲线可以通过数学方法流畅地表达出来,我们分析矢状方向上的平衡的能力将会得到极大的强化。

    If the spinal curve could be expressed as a smooth mathematical function , the ability to analyze sagittal balance would be greatly enhanced .

  4. 根据计算的结果,分析了髁状突表面的冠状和矢状方向应力场的分布,得到髁状突表面前部和内部承受拉伸应力,而外侧和后侧主要承受压应力的结论。

    It is shown that compressive stress is distributed in the posterior and lateral area of condylar surface , while tensile stress in the anterior and medial part .

  5. 目的:评价横腭杆(TPA)在矢状及垂直方向的支抗作用。

    Objective : To evaluate the sagittal and vertical anchorage of transpalatal arch ( TPA ) .

  6. 原始的横断面数据在计算机里通过重新采样,可重建出大脑的冠状、矢状及任意方向的图像。

    Based on initial transverse sectional images , we can display sagittal , coronal , and other directional sections of cerebrum by computerized 3D reconstruction .