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  1. 而卵内容物中3种重金属残留量的种间差异都不显著,Cr残留量种间波动幅度最大,池鹭卵内容物中,Cr含量最高,牛背鹭卵内容物中没有检出;

    Of the three heavy metals , Cr showed the most variation among species , being the highest in eggshell of Chinese pond heron and the lowest in that of cattle egret , but in egg contents , there was no significant difference among species .

  2. 苹果汁中甲胺磷残留量三种检测方法的比较研究

    Comparative study on three methods for detection of methamidophos residue in apple juices

  3. 气相色谱法测定阿奇霉素原料药中残留的6种有机溶剂的含量

    Determination of the contents of six kinds of organic solvent residue in azithromycin drug by GC

  4. 牛奶中抗生素残留量三种检测方法的比较

    Testing of Antibiotic Residue in Milk

  5. 酶抑制法具有检测时间短、成本低、操作简便等特点,是目前我国控制农药残留的一种有效的初筛方法。

    The enzyme inhibition method only needs short time , low cost , simple operation , and it becomes an effective initial method for controlling pesticide residues in China nowadays .

  6. 对大多数有机磷和氨基甲酸酯类农药来说,其检测限在0.5~1.0μg/mL范围.它为在现场测定农药残留提供一种廉价和快速的方法。

    This method can identify the organophosphates and carbamates from 0.5 to 1.0 μ g / mL , and is cheaper and quicker to identify the pesticide residue on the spot .

  7. 歌队本来是偶然产生的东西,是悲剧起源所残留的一种早已无用的迹象;况且我们已经知道,歌队只能被理解为悲剧和一般悲壮因素的成因。

    They are seen as accidental features , as reminders of the origin of tragedy , which can well be dispensed with -- while we have in fact come to understand that the chorus is the cause of tragedy and the tragic spirit .

  8. 本试验研究了霉菌毒素在动物肝脏、肾脏中的残留及3种霉菌毒素吸附剂的作用效果,并测定了霉菌毒素对动物生长性能、器官指数、血清生化指标及肠道形态学的影响。

    In this research , we studied the mycotoxins residue in animal liver , kidney and the effect of three mycotoxin adsorbents , also analysis the impact of mycotoxins on animal growth performance , organ index , serum biochemical indicators and intestinal morphology .

  9. 压电式生物传感器法检测农药残留是一种新型的检测手段,具有灵敏、特异、微型并且能够快速实时检测食品和农产品中农药残留的优势,因此成为残留检测研究的新热点和方向。

    Piezoelectric biosensor is a new pesticide residue detection methods , is sensitive , specific , real-time micro-and fast that detection of food and the advantages of pesticide residues in agricultural products , thus becoming a new hot spot and direction of research .

  10. TCA术式中,有20例患者存在腺样体残留,其他两种术式无腺样体残留。

    Residual adenoid was found in 20 cases in TCA group and none in the other two groups .

  11. 影响手术器械残留血的两种清洗方法的比较

    Effectiveness of Two Cleaning Methods for the Residual Blood of Operational Instruments

  12. 利用荧光示踪技术检测水处理剂的残留量是一种有效的方法。

    The fluorescent tracer technique is an effective means to detect the residual quantity of water treatment agent .

  13. 收获稻谷的残留砷量高于种谷含量;

    Arsenic residue in harvested grains was found to be relatively higher as compared with that from the seed grain .

  14. 供试土壤铜主要以有机态铜、无定形铁态铜、晶形铁态铜和残留态铜四种形态存在。

    Cu in the tested soils exists mainly as organic-bound Cu , amorphous Fe oxides-bound Cu , crystalline Fe oxides - bound Cu and the residual Cu .

  15. 诺西肽是一种含硫多肽类抗生素,该抗生素能明显促进动物生长,而且在动物体内无残留,是一种优良的非吸收型饲料添加剂。

    Nosiheptide , a novel type of sulfur-containing peptide antibiotics , is a perfect un-assimilated feed additive which can promote animal growth and has no residual in animal body .

  16. 本文对气相色谱法测定水产品中六六六及滴滴涕残留常用的三种前处理方法:丙酮―石油醚两步萃取法、石油醚一步萃取法和消化法进行了回收率的比较。

    This project is to compare the recovery determination of BHC and DDT with three different sample preparation methods : acetone-petroleum ether two step abstraction method , petroleum ether one step abstraction method and digestion method .

  17. 农药残留降解菌技术具有高效、无毒、无二次污染的特点,而且经济实用,操作简便,目前已成为去除农药残留污染的一种重要方法。

    The bioremediation technology is the main method applied in pesticide degradation since it has the advantages of safety , high efficiency and no second pollution .