
cán yuè
  • waning moon;setting moon;waning/decrescent moon
残月 [cán yuè]
  • [crescent] 清晨出现的弯月;残缺不圆的弯月

  • 杨柳岸晓风残月。--宋. 柳永《雨霖铃》

  1. 一弯残月挂天空。

    A waning moon hung in the sky .

  2. 现在东方地平线上升起了一轮朝阳,这弯残月就在西边天际失去了光泽。

    Now that a new light shone upon the horizon , this older luminary paled in the west .

  3. 另一个名叫残月的人说,无论有什么规则,只要我还能在app上点击‘启动服务’,我就要继续开车。

    Another , named Canyue , said , Whatever the rule is , I will keep driving as long as I can still tap ' start a service " on my app .

  4. 残月是已死美人。

    The waning moon is the beauty who passed .

  5. 不知从何时起,东方升起了一弯残月。

    I do not know since when , rises in the east of the curved moonlight .

  6. 绝境长城高高地耸立在他们面前,在残月苍白的光芒照映下闪闪发亮。

    The Wall loomed before them , glimmering palely in the light of the half moon .

  7. 每个人心中都有一轮明月抑或一弯残月,每个人都在得与失之间游离徘徊。

    Every one has a bright moon or the curved moonlight , everybody free hovering between gain and loss .

  8. 那一岸的晓风,那一弯的残月,离岸的青舟,相望的只能是永远?

    The breeze of that shore , that is curved waning moon , offshore green boat , hope mutually of can be forever ?

  9. 在深谷的外侧边缘,有一个椭圆形的池塘,池塘上高悬着一勾朦胧昏黄的残月。

    By the outer margin of the pit was an oval pond , and over it hung the attenuated skeleton of a chrome-yellow moon .

  10. 在今后几天里,地球上早期的人们将能欣赏到紧密相伴的金星和木星以及一轮残月。

    Over the next two days , early morning risers around the globe will be able to enjoy a close pairing of Venus and Jupiter with an old crescent Moon .

  11. 孩子在外间的一张帆布床上熟睡着,老人靠着外面射进来的残月的光线,清楚地看见他。

    The boy was asleep on a cot in the first room and the old man could see him clearly with the light that came in from the dying moon .