
  1. 在这里,他解释了在太空站长时间地生活有多么困难。

    Here he explained how difficult living on the space station can be for extended periods of time .

  2. 分析结果表明某型号电池阵在地面和太空展开时间的差异超过13%。

    Results show that the deploying time of array on the ground is 13 % longer then in the space .

  3. 如果一切顺利的话,中国航天员将能够于未来就年内在外太空长时间生活。

    If all goes well Chinese astronauts will be living in space for months at a time within the next nine years .

  4. 美国国家航空航天局的官员希望这次任务可以帮助关于在太空中时间的延伸怎么影响人的身体。

    Officials at NASA are hoping that this mission will help them learn more about how extended time in space effects the human body .

  5. 10月至11月间,中国两名航天员在天宫二号空间实验室过了一个月,创造了中国航天员太空驻留时间新纪录。

    It also highlights the two Chinese astronauts who spent one month aboard the Tiangong II space laboratory , in China 's longest manned mission in October and November .

  6. 凯利目前是在太空停留时间最长的美国宇航员,他和科尔尼延科在国际空间站上环绕地球飞行了5440圈,飞行总长1亿4千4百万英里,看到了1万零880次日出日落。

    Kelly now holds the American record for the longest continuous time in space , as he and Kornienko circled the world 5440 times aboard the ISS , covering 144 million miles and witnessing 10880 orbital sunrises and sunsets .

  7. 国家航空和宇宙航行局于今日缩短了宇航员太空行走的时间。

    NASA is cutting short space walk today for Endeavor astronauts .

  8. 香农.W.鲁西德&在太空中邀游时间最长的女性

    Shannon w.Lucid & The Woman With the Most Flight Hours in Space

  9. 到埃德·特结束他太空行走的时间了。

    It was time for Ed White to end his space walk .

  10. 而卫星在太空的服役时间一般都比较长。

    The service time of the satellite in space is longer than the general .

  11. 这样的生命具有的自然寿命与太空旅行的时间相比是短暂的。

    The natural lifetime for such beings is short , compared to the travel time .

  12. 现在,他和另一位队员,卡尔?瓦尔兹共同保持着在太空飞行停留时间最长的美国纪录。

    He and the other American crewmember Carl Waltz now hold the American record for the longest time spent in space on one flight .

  13. 随着航天员在太空停留的时间逐渐延长,各种航天环境因素对航天员的影响更加显著,紫外线缺乏也成为一个重要因素。

    With the prolongation of space flight , influences of various aerospace environmental factors on the astronauts become more and more severe , while ultraviolet radiation is lacking .

  14. 进行太空行走的时间可能会改变,这要根据航天员适应所有条件的时间来决定。

    The timing of the spacewalk could , however , be changed , depending on how long it would take for the astronauts to adjust to all the factors .

  15. 她表示,筹备工作进展顺利。此外她还表示,神舟十一号与天宫二号任务的成功已经表明,中国现在完全能够支持航天员在太空中长时间停留。

    The preparatory work is proceeding well , she said , adding that the success of the Shenzhou XI-Tiangong II mission has shown that China is now able to support astronauts ' long-term stay in space .

  16. 我爸爸说如果我帮他清洁公寓的时间和我做太空梦的时间一样多,他就可以去泰姬玛哈陵了。

    Yeah . My Dad says if I spend as much time helping him clean apartments , as I do daydreaming about outer space , he 'd be able to afford a trip to the Taj Mahal .

  17. 这一最新发现以NASA开普勒太空望远镜用两年时间从大约15万颗恒星收集到的数据为基础。至此,太阳系外人类确切知道的行星数量增至近1700个。

    This latest discovery , based on two years of data collected from 150000 or so stars by the agency 's orbiting Kepler space telescope , brings the confirmed count of planets outside our solar system to nearly 1700 worlds .