
  • 网络Project Sun;Sunshot Initiative;Project Sol
  1. 在这篇文章中,我们围绕太阳退税计划。

    In this article , we focus on the solar rebate plans .

  2. 综述了美国、俄罗斯和欧洲航天局在21世纪初期(20001/2015)使用RTG的空间和太阳系探索计划,展现了RTG的广阔应用前景。

    The space and solar system exploration programs with RTG for USA , Russia and ESA early in the 21st century ( 2001 / 2015 ) are generally described . It shows that the wide prospect of RTG 's application .

  3. 首次登月由太阳神太空计划于年月日完成。

    The first lunar landing was achieved by the Apollo program on July 20 , 1969 .