
  1. 但《十二道锋味》却不落窠臼。

    But The Twelve Feng Taste flips that formula on its head .

  2. 中国歌手和演员谢霆锋的美食旅行真人秀12道锋味于上周六在浙江卫视首播。

    Chinese singer and actor Nicholas Tse 's food travelogue reality program , Chef Nic , made its debut on Zhejiang Satellite TV last night .

  3. 《十二道锋味》第一季的成功和第二季的回归预示着历史悠久的美食节目即将迎来另一场转型。

    The success of The Twelve Feng Taste 's first season - and its return for a second go-around - herald another evolution in the long history of TV cooking shows .

  4. 有消息称,谢霆锋或将开餐厅。《十二道锋味》第二季或许预示着一位新明星大厨的崛起——首先是明星,其次才是厨师。

    With hints that Tse may open his own restaurant , The Twelve Feng Taste 's second season may mark the rise of a new celebrity chef - one who 's more celebrity , less chef .