
  • 网络swingman;swing man
  1. 说明我国锋卫摇摆人的比赛能力还很不足。

    Shows that China swingman is still less than the competition ability .

  2. 11.中国男篮锋卫摇摆人存在大赛经验少,心理素质不稳定的问题。

    11 . Chinese basketball swingman experience there is little competition , mental instability .

  3. 中国男篮锋卫摇摆人的失误形式以传接球失误为最多,持运球失误次之。

    Chinese basketball swingman form of human error failures for up to pass the ball , holding dribble Failure times .

  4. 这位34岁的锋卫摇摆人表示:科莱丽洗脸刷确实帮助我达到了深层清洁的目的。

    It helps me really get in there and clean , get a deep cleanse , ' the 34-year-old swingman says .

  5. 作为一位锋卫摇摆人,这种数据实在是太梦幻了。麦迪在那个赛季首发了34场并帮助猛龙队取得了45胜37负的成绩,在东部排名第六。

    T-Mac started 34 games that season and helped lead the Raptors to a 45-37 record , earning the sixth seed in the Eastern Conference .

  6. 中国男篮锋卫摇摆人参与快攻的意识不强,快攻结束时的抢攻能力不够。

    Swingman Chinese Basketball fast break in the sense of participation is not strong , fast break at the end of Attacking lack of capacity . 6 .

  7. 建立一支国外教练为主,国内教练为辅的教练体系对我国锋卫摇摆人队员进行专职的训练和指导。

    The establishment of a foreign coach of the main domestic Coach Coaching System supplemented by swingman on the team in China to conduct professional training and guidance .

  8. 中国男篮锋卫摇摆人在弱对抗或无对抗时的投篮命中率较好,但得分手段单一,得分能力差,尤其是突破能力较差。

    Chinese basketball swingman weak or no fight against the when the shooting is better , but the score means a single , scoring ability , especially the less able to break through . 3 .

  9. 中国男篮锋卫摇摆人抢篮板球的能力与世界强队锋卫摇摆人差距很大,在抢前场篮板球后的二次进攻能力不足,二次进攻次数及成功率与世界强队锋卫摇摆人差距较大。

    Chinese basketball swingman rebounding ability and world powers swingman differ greatly in the rush before the field after the second offensive rebound inadequate capacity , the second attack and the success rate and strong world team swingman significantly different .