
  1. 近年来,无线射频识别(RFID)一种非接触式的自动识别和数据获取技术已经得到了广泛的承认。

    In recent years , radio-frequency identification ( RFID ), a non-contact automatic identification and data acquisition technology , has been widely acknowledged .

  2. 随着计算机技术和数据获取技术的迅速发展,具有处理真三维数据能力的三维GIS的发展受到了极大的关注。

    Along with the development at full speed of computer technology and data-obtaining technology , the growth of three-dimensional GIS ( Generalized Information System ) has drawn great attention .

  3. 它以卫星定位(GPS)及其他常规数据获取技术、遥感(RS)技术及地理信息系统(GIS)技术为主要内容,并以计算机及通信技术为主要支撑的一门综合性的科学。

    The chief content is GPS , gaining common data , RS and GIS . And it is a comprehension science which is supported by computer and communication technology .

  4. 在Pro/eWildfire环境下,利用其二次开发工具Pro/Toolkit,融合血管病变部位数据获取技术,建立了基于支架三维标准库和实例推理技术的支架选型、支架快速参数化设计的支架快速设计集成系统。

    In the environment of Pro / E Wildfire using Pro / Toolkit API ( application programme interface ), an integrated system containing individual stenosis parameter acquiring is established to implement the stent selection and stent rapid parametric design based on the stent standard model library and case-based reasoning technology .

  5. 立体视觉三维测量系统中的数据获取技术

    Data Acquiring Technique in 3D Measurement System Based on Stereo Vision

  6. 反向工程有两个主要的研究内容:一是实物模型表面数据获取技术;

    Reverse engineering can be divided into two sub fields ;

  7. 基于光点阵列的三维表面数据获取技术及实现

    Dots Array Based 3D Surface Data Acquisition and Implementation

  8. 基于数据库重构的社保审计数据获取技术研究

    Research on Technology of Gaining Social Insurance Audit Data Based on Refactoring Database

  9. 基于虚拟机的半导体封装测试数据获取技术研究

    A Study on Data Acquiring Technique in Semiconductor Packaging Test Based on Virtual Machine

  10. 游离肝脏可视化数据获取技术研究

    Visible data acquisition of free liver

  11. 包括网络化虚拟仪器的组建形式、发布到网络化虚拟仪器的表现形式和网络化数据获取技术等方面。

    Including the component form 、 release to form of networked virtual instrument and networked data acquisition techniques , etc.

  12. 随着三维数据获取技术、三维图形建模方法以及计算机硬件技术的发展,已经产生了越来越多的三维模型数据,三维模型比二维图像更真实的描述了现实世界。

    With the development of 3D data acquisition and modeling technique and hardware , more and more 3D models are produced .

  13. 由于数据获取技术及手段的多样化,人们积累了大量与空间位置相关的空间数据。

    Because of diversification of data capturing technologies and means , people have obtained a great many of data which have relationships with spatial locations .

  14. 近些年,随着三维数据获取技术的迅速发展,曲面重建及三维网格处理一直是计算机图形学领域的研究热点。

    In recent years , with the rapid development of three-dimensional ( 3D ) data acquisition techniques , surfaces reconstruction remains a subject of intensive research in Computer Graphics ( CG ) .

  15. 随着空间数据获取技术的快速发展,空间数据量急剧增加,空间数据库中很多内涵的知识和规律需要挖掘。

    With the fast development of spatial data obtained technology , spatial data increase up rapidly . There are a great many intensive knowledge and law to excavate in the spatial data databases .

  16. 主要包括:有害生物风险数据获取技术(1~4章)、有害生物风险分析数据分析技术(5~9章)和有害生物风险分析理论体系的探讨(10~11章)三个部分。

    This paper include to three parts that is PRA data acquisition ( first to fourth part ), PRA data analysis ( fifth to ninth part ) and PRA system ( tenth to eleven part ) .

  17. 数字城市的实现需要空间数据获取技术、海量数据存储技术、宽带网络传输技术、可视化与互操作技术、虚拟现实技术等的支持。

    The realizing of digital city needs the support of spatial data getting technology , mass data storing technology , wide band net transmission technology , viewable and interoperation technology , virtual reality technology , and so on .

  18. 这一方面是由于人们需要了解大尺度的地理现象随时间的演化过程和规律,另一方面数据获取技术以及计算能力的提高为空间与时间的研究提供了支持。

    This has been driven by the need to analyze how spatial patterns change over time in order to better understand large-scale Earth processes and by the availability of the data and computing power required by that space-time analysis .

  19. 然而,现代遥感应用技术,特别是高分辨率遥感应用技术远远滞后于遥感数据获取技术水平的现状,极大地阻碍了高分辨率遥感的普及应用。

    However , the application of modern remote sensing technology , especially the high-resolution remote sensing technology lags far behind the level of remote sensing data obtaining , thus greatly hinders the popularity and applications of high-resolution remote sensing .

  20. 随着三维重建技术的发展,以及可视化数据获取技术的提高,使得植物三维重建获取构型信息更易实现,可为建立植物动态生长过程可视化模拟模型提供基础。

    It is easier to get the requisite geometric information with the development of 3D reconstruction technology and the improvement of obtaining data technology . It provides the technological base for establishing visualized stimulation model of plant dynamic growth process .

  21. 随着空间遥感数据获取技术的发展,利用空间遥感数据获取资源进行重大自然灾害和突发公共事件等应急任务的监测与态势评估,已经越来越受到各国政府的关注。

    With the development of space remote sensing data acquisition technology , it gets more and more attention of government that using space Data Acquisition Resources ( DARs ) to observe and evaluate the status of natural disasters , public emergencies and moving targets .

  22. 随着数据获取技术精度的不断提高,产生的数据的维数越来越多,其中包含一些噪音和无关的信息,简单统计学方法已经不能满足人们对于知识发现的需要。

    With the improvement of the data acquisition techniques , the dimension of the data is becoming larger and larger and some noise and redundant information are contained . The simply statistical methods have not the ability to satisfy the need of discovery for knowledge .

  23. 本文基于数据获取技术手段、数据可视化理论的飞速发展和鄱阳湖湿地数据可视化的需求不断扩大三个方面的分析结果,得出鄱阳湖湿地数据可视化是可行的。

    Based on analysis in three aspects : rapid development of data acquisition technology , rapid development of data visualization theory , and the growing demand of Poyang Lake wetland data visualization , the paper makes a conclude that data visualization of Poyang Lake wetland is feasible .

  24. 研究GPS定位数据的获取技术和面积距离的计算方法,开发基于嵌入式单片机和GPS定位的数据采集仪器,设计计算机数据接收后处理软件。

    Research the GPS positioning data access technology and the area anf distance calculation method , developed collection instrument based on the embedded microcontroller and GPS positioning data , designed post-processing software after receiving computer data .

  25. 福州市GIS基础数据获取方法及技术探讨

    Discussion of Methods and Technique GIS Basic Date Obtaining if Fuzhou

  26. 随着大规模数据获取和生产技术的发展,通常的基于内存模式的地形可视化已经不能满足要求,大规模的地形漫游技术就成为了虚拟现实和三维GIS研究的一个热点。

    As the development of massive data acquirement and production , the common memory based terrain visualization cannot fulfill the requirement and large scale terrain walkthrough has now become an important field of virtual reality and 3D GIS .

  27. 初步探讨了关节式坐标测量机的制造、装配和数据获取的关键技术。

    Study the key technology in the joint - type CMM .

  28. 支持数字化制造的质量数据获取与分析技术研究

    Research on Quality Data Require and Analyzing Technologies for Supporting Digital Manufacturing

  29. 答:菲利普的数据获取与处理技术相信,生活的最普通一刻可以变得特别。

    Philips DAP believes that even life 's most " ordinary " moments can be special .

  30. 本文主要围绕以下工作展开:首先,针对大范围、多数据的参数获取技术展开研究。

    The work mainly focuses on the following aspects . Firstly , research on technology of collecting large-scale , multi-data was carried out .