
  • 网络Vacuum Physics
  1. 从1954年起,这些方法先后帮助作者在电子发射、真空物理、真空测量、气体激光、激光测量、统计物理、铁轨几何参量在线测量等领域,取得了范围较广泛的创造性成果。

    The presented methods have favoured the author getting several new results concerning electron emission , vacuum physics , vacuum measurements , gas lasers , laser wavelength measurements , statistic physics , as well as railroad measurements .

  2. 其制作成本低,加热效率高,同时又提高了设备功效,是一种多功能辐射式加热器。在真空物理实验、教学和相关科研中有着广泛的应用前景。

    The novel radioactive heater-crucible assembly has advantages of low cost and high heating efficiency and can be applied widely to many fields , such as vacuum physics tests , teaching demonstration and relevant R & D applications .

  3. 以此为依据,建成了真空物理模拟实验装置。

    On such a basis , a vacuum physical simulated test equipment has been built .

  4. 用电介质的真空物理图像与电介质边界上的边值关系结合叠加原理巧妙求解了点电荷和介质球静电问题。

    Superposition method for solving electrostatic problem of point charge and spherical medium is obtained by the vacuum physical picture of medium and the superposition principle of electrostatic field .

  5. 本文应用真空物理淀积方法制备了铬酸锌湿敏陶瓷簿膜元件,并测量和分析了其物理特性,得出了一些有益的结论。

    This paper introduced a method of making ceramic film using the physical vacuum deposition and it also tested and analysed its physical feature , and got some useful conclusion .

  6. 论真空物理中流导公式的错误及其原因&兼论气体状态方程不适用于定常粘性流气体

    On the Inconsequence of the Formulae of the Flow Conductance in Physics of Vacuum ─ And on the Unsuitability of the ideal gas equation for the steady flow of viscous gas

  7. 介绍了PKUAMS循环气体剥离器的研制,包括真空系统物理设计、模拟实验以及控制系统设计等。

    The design of a recirculation gas stripper , including the vacuum system and control system , is presented . The experimental results on a simulation test bench are also described .

  8. 为了改变注采井网关系,在蒸汽驱高压比例物理模型和蒸汽驱真空比例物理模型基础上,建立了蒸汽驱低压比例物理模型。

    In order to change injection production pattern , on the basis of high pressure and vaccum scaled physical models of steam drive production , low pressure scaled physical model has been set up .

  9. 小间隙真空电弧物理过程研究涉及多断口技术和相控技术的核心理论,也是目前制约这种新型真空开关发展的瓶颈问题。

    The investigation of the physical process of vacuum arc in short gaps is related to the essential theories of the multi-break and the phasing switching technologies , and is also the key problem which seriously restricts the development of the new type of VCBs .

  10. 这是一种快速计算真空羽流场物理参数分布的方法。

    The vacuum plume parameters distribution was obtained .

  11. 炉渣真空贫化的物理化学

    Physical chemistry of Vacuum slag Cleaning

  12. 真空熔炼的物理化学

    Physical chemistry of vacuum melting

  13. 本文建立了在发动机冷车低速时化油器真空度的物理模型,计算了冷起动工况和怠速工况下阻风门与节气门后的真空度变化情况。

    This paper establishes a physical modle of carburettor vacuum when an engine is in cold condition and low revolutions , In cold cranking state and idle motion state a calculation about the changes of carburettor vacuum at the back of air choke and throttle valve is finished .

  14. 在真空断路器开断交流电流真空间隙介质恢复物理过程的基础上,建立了灭弧室介质强度恢复的数学模型。

    Chamber medium strength math model is established in this paper , according to vacuum circuit breaker interrupting characteristics based on the physic process of interrupter with ac current .

  15. 对RH真空脱气过程进行解析,建立了适合于RH真空脱气过程的物理模型及数学模型。

    By analyzing the process of RH vacuum degassing , the physical and mathematical models that are suitable for simulating the refining process have been developed .

  16. 真空预冷是用真空方法保鲜农产品的方式之一,它是随着真空技术的发展而来的,是真空物理技术在农产品保鲜方面的应用。

    Vacuum cooling is a rapid cooling technique extensively used for cooling some agricultural and food products .