
  • 网络vacuum bakeout;vacuum bake
  1. 对分子污染高度敏感的航天产品,如光学相机、CCD成像系统等,真空烘烤是有效的污染控制手段。

    The vacuum bakeout is an efficient methode for contamination control of spacecraft payload with high sensitive contamination , such as optical camera , CCD imaging system .

  2. 高度污染敏感有效载荷的真空烘烤技术

    Vacuum Bakeout Technology for Spacecraft Payload with High Sensitive Contamination

  3. 透射式GaAs光电阴极组件在真空烘烤后表面氧化的XPS分析

    Surface XPS analysis of transparent GaAs photocathode oxidized in vaccum baking

  4. 真空烘烤和Cs蒸汽对单通道电子倍增器某些电性能的影响

    Influence of bake-out and CS vapour on some properties of channel electron multiplier ( cem ) in vacuum

  5. 本文应用XPS(X射线光电子能谱仪)研究了真空烘烤对碘化铯光阴极化学状态的影响。

    The effects of vacuum-baking on the chemical state of CsI photocathodes are studied with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy ( XPS ) .

  6. 对真空烘烤装置的初步工作也作了介绍。

    The progress of the vacuum baking system is introduced as well .

  7. 双真空烘烤排气台的研制及应用

    Design and application of the double - vacuum bake device

  8. EAST超导托卡马克真空室烘烤系统设计

    Design of Baking System for EAST Vacuum Vessel

  9. RH真空室烘烤装置的改进

    Improvement of the Roast Device in RH Vacuum Chamber

  10. 原RH真空室烘烤装置升降小车采用齿轮齿条传动方式或链轮链条传动方式,都曾多次发生事故,改用液压推杆&链条传动方式后使用效果很好。

    Many accidents occur on the original rise-fall vehicles of the roast device in RH vacuum chamber , these vehicles used gear-rack drive or sprocket-chain drive . But better effect can be brought by using hydraulic rod-chain drive .

  11. HL-2A托卡马克真空系统的烘烤试验

    Baking test of the HL-2 A tokamak vacuum system

  12. 世界各超导托卡马克装置冷屏结构的设计HT-7U超导托卡马克装置真空室热烘烤结构数值模拟与分析

    Structural Design of Thermal Shields of Superconducting Tokamaks in the World Numerical Simulation and Analysis for the Baking out System of the HT-7U Super-conducting Tokamak Device

  13. 设备投资少,且太阳能吸收涂层不受抽真空时高温烘烤影响,合格率大,生产率高,能大幅度降低其造价。

    A solar energy absorption coating layer can not be influenced by the high-temperature baking when the vacuum is pumped , and the manufacturing cost of the utility model can be greatly reduced .

  14. 实验表明,类似HL-1M托卡马克装置的真空室,经过烘烤、Taylor放电和DC放电清洗后,有可能得到高品质的等离子体。

    It is believed that after a period of DC glow discharge cleaning subsequent to baking and Taylor discharges , a plasma of good quality can be obtained in a tokamak like HL 1M .

  15. 在EAST装置上采用气流烘烤技术实现了对真空室内部部件的真空烘烤。

    A kind of gas flow vacuum baking technique is adopted in EAST PFCs .

  16. 根据聚变反应对真空度的要求,在EAST超导托卡马克装置中采用气流烘烤技术来实现对PFCs的真空烘烤。

    According to the vacuum requirements for fusion in a tokamak device , we ( adopted ) a kind of gas flow baking technique in EAST .

  17. 研究超高真空材料的升温脱附谱对于获得超高真空、提高极限真空度和指导真空系统的烘烤除气有重要的意义。

    The temperature programmed desorption spectra are very important to raising the vacuum limit and guiding how to bake the vacuum systems for degassing .