
  • 网络Vacuum oven
  1. 后将其在真空烘箱中在120℃下干燥12小时,发现氧化石墨发生了热还原。通过TGA证实了这一结论。

    Then , they were dried at 120 ℃ in a vacuum oven for 12 hours . The result shows that the thermal reduction of graphite oxide occurred , which is certified by TGA . 4 .

  2. GB/T8576-1988复混肥料中游离水含量测定真空烘箱法

    Determination of free water for compound fertilizers & Vacuum oven method

  3. 反应结束后离子液体-催化剂在真空烘箱中干燥2h后再生。

    After reaction , ionic liquid-catalyst system can be regenerated under vacuum by drying in oven .

  4. 真空烘箱法的优点为采用较低的烘干温度,从而减少干物质的变质。

    The advantage of vacuum oven is that lower drying temperatures are used which decrease the deterioration of the dry matter .

  5. 利用真空烘箱重量法测定了复混肥料中的水分,并对水分的测量不确定度的来源进行了分析和评定。

    The water in fertilizer by vacuum oven method were tested , and sources of uncertainty measurement of water were analysed and evaluated .

  6. 使用前在真空烘箱中80-90℃烘干8小时以上,模具温度控制在60-80℃。注射成型采用低温、高速、高压的方法。

    Before using , it should be dried in vacuum drier at80-90 ℃ . Control mold temperature at60-80 ℃ . Injecting adopted low temperature , middle speed and high pressure .

  7. 用恒温烘箱和真空烘箱方法测定油脂水分含量,测定时间较长,操作繁琐,需要一种快速检验方法来代替。

    During the process of determination of the oil moisture , heating method which needs more time and complex operations has the need to be replaced by another faster testing method .

  8. 采用真空烘箱法测定肥料中游离水分时,受箱体内水汽平衡的制约,测试结果易低于真实值。

    For the restriction of water vapor balance in the oven , the testing results by the vacuum oven method are less than the true value of the free water content in the fertilizer .

  9. 与真空烘箱干燥和微波真空干燥相比,真空带式干燥具有干燥产品含水率低、有效成分保留率高、干燥时间短和可连续生产等优点。

    Compared with the vacuum oven drying and the microwave vacuum drying methods , the vacuum belt drying technology can continuous production and the drying product of this technology has high quality with lower water content , higher active ingredient retention rate and shorter drying time . 2 .