
  • 网络nonwoven fabric;non-woven fabric;unwoven fabric
  1. 女式夜礼服,缩绒或非织造织物制

    Evening gown made up of felt or non-woven fabrics

  2. 斗篷,缩绒或非织造织物制(婴儿的除外)

    Cloak , made up of felt or non-woven fabrics ( excl. babies ' )

  3. 用于PP非织造织物的纤维亲水整理剂

    Hydrophilic Fiber Finish for PP Nonwovens

  4. PPS非织造织物与Nomex织物热稳定性与燃烧性能对比

    Comparison of thermal stability and combustibility of PPS nonwoven fabric with Nomex fabric

  5. 浸渍非织造织物,用香料或化妆制剂,浸涂或覆盖

    Non-woven impregnated , coated or covered with perfume or cosmetics

  6. 手绣或机绣绣品,无可见纺织底布粘合织物,粘合法非织造织物,无纺布

    Embroidery , hand - or machine-made with visible textile ground adhesive-bonded fabric

  7. 植物纺织纤维弹力织物胶合纤维布,非织造织物

    Elastic fabric of vegetable textile fibres fibre bonded cloth

  8. 形状记忆聚氨酯在非织造织物中的应用

    Application of shape memory polyurethane on nonwoven fabrics

  9. 非织造织物在汽车中的应用

    The Application of Nonwoven Fabrics in Automobiles

  10. 纺粘非织造织物纤网结构的试验研究

    The web structure of spunbonded nonwoven fabrics

  11. 发泡浸渍法(粘合法非织造织物工艺)压敏型医用胶粘带新生产工艺的研究

    Study on New Process Technique of the Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Tape in Use for Medicine

  12. 针刺非织造织物因其优异的性能而广泛应用于土木工程中。

    Needle-punched nonwoven fabrics are widely used in civil engineering projects due to their outstanding properties .

  13. 浸渍工艺;浸渍粘合法(非织造织物成布工艺)抹布(擦布),纤维粘合或类似纱线粘合(无纺)织物制成

    Impregnation process duster ( cleaning cloths ), of bonded fibre or similar ( non-woven ) fabrics

  14. 实验结果表明:经形状记忆聚氨酯处理后的非织造织物具有很好的形状记忆功能,提高了非织造织物的抗皱性能;

    The results showed that the coated nonwoven fabrics have good shape memory and better crease resistance .

  15. 粘合织物,粘合法非织造织物,无纺布

    Adhesive-bonded fabric bonded nonwoven web

  16. 毛织轧别丁绒宽阔外长裤灯笼裤,缩绒或非织造织物(婴儿的除外)

    Wool worsted gabardine slacks knicker bockers made up of felt or non-woven fabrics ( excl. babies ' )

  17. 男式或男童晨衣,非针织或钩织晨衣,缩绒或非织造织物制

    Dressing-gown , men 's or boys ' , not knitted or crocheted dressing-gown , made up of felt or non-woven fabrics

  18. 家常女便服,缩绒或非织造织物女式或女童家常女便服,纺织材料制非针织或钩编

    Housecoat made up of felt or non-woven fabrics women 's or girls'housecoat , , of textile materials , not knitted or crocheted

  19. 男式或男童连衫裤工作服[非针织或钩编]连衫裤童装,缩绒或非织造织物制(婴儿的除外)

    Men 's or boys ' boiler suit [ not knitted or crocheted ] jumpers made up of felt or non-woven fabrics ( excl. babies ' )

  20. 另外,这种鸟笼也不是那么难挣脱的。灯笼裤,缩绒或非织造织物(婴儿的除外)

    Besides , this birdcage cannot be that hard to bust out of . knicker bockers made up of felt or non-woven fabrics ( excl. babies ' )

  21. 当聚氨酯含量较少时,对形状记忆聚氨酯非织造织物的透湿性没有显著影响,但透气性有明显下降。

    The less content of polyurethane has little effect on the moisture vapor transmission of the coated fabric , but results in marked decline of its air permeability .

  22. 厚厚的深蓝色地毯,踩上去使你觉得好像是踩在天鹅绒上。厚大衣,缩绒或非织造织物制(婴儿装除外)

    The richness of the dark-blue carpet gave one the impression of treading on velvet . greatcoat , made up of felt or non-woven fabrics ( excl. babies ' )

  23. 本文概括地描述了纺粘非织造织物的加工工艺过程,分析了影响纺粘产品质量的主要因素,它们是:长丝本身的性能,纤网中长丝分布状态和长丝粘合方式。

    Processing technology of spunbonded nonwoven fabrics is described briefly , main factors which effect the products quality are the performance of filaments and their distribution and bond form in the web .

  24. 发泡挤压[非织造]织物挤压人造纺织原料机

    Machine for extruding man-made textiles

  25. 用于测定毛平梭织物和毛平织物及非织造毛织物的耐磨损性能。

    Used for measure wear-proof properties of wool woven fabric , wool woven plain fabric or nonwoven wool fabric .

  26. 在理论研究方面,根据Darcy定律和阻力模型理论建立了非织造土工织物结构参数与其垂直渗透系数之间的数学模型;

    In theoretically study , a mathematical model of the relation between structure of nonwoven geotextiles and their permeability is established on the basis of Darcy 's law and drag-force theory .

  27. 用FFA-3功能纤维、非织造布、织物开发的抗菌防褥疮床单、除臭鞋垫、保健内裤、冰箱除臭保鲜剂等产品投入市场后,用户反映良好。

    After sanitary shoe-pad , health underpants , refrigerator deodorizer using FFA-3 are putted on the market , user reflects well .

  28. 该模型可较好地描述非织造土工织物的蠕变性能。

    The creep property of nonwoven geotextiles is described well with the model .

  29. 烘燥定型对新型非织造静电植绒织物基布性能的影响

    Woven Geotextiles The Influences of Drying and Finishing Process on Nonwoven Flocking Grounds ′ Properties

  30. 理论分析和试验表明:非织造土工织物的断裂强度随试样宽度的增加而增大。

    Theoretical analysis and experiment show that the breaking intensity of nonwoven geotextiles increases with increasing of the specimen width .