
  • 网络vacuum vessel;vacuum container;vacuum chamber;evacuated chamber
  1. 特大型真空容器密封结构有限元变形分析和设计优化

    The FEM Deformation Analysis and Design Optimization of a Vacuum Vessel

  2. 大容积真空容器的压强和流量远程监控系统

    Remote Control System of Pressure and Flow on Large Vacuum Vessel

  3. 压力真空容器设计、制造需要认可

    Design and manufacture require governmental approving for pressure vessel with vacuum

  4. 真空容器是石油、化学工业中常见的设备。

    Vacuum vessels are common used equipment in the petro-chemical industry .

  5. 真空容器充气时间计算

    Calculating Way on Time of Filling Gas into the Vacuum Container

  6. 特大型真空容器密封法兰加工工艺研究

    A Study of the Sealing Flange Manufacturing of a Huge Vacuum Vessel

  7. 大型真空容器结构设计中的有限元分析与应用

    Finite element analysis in the design of large vacuum chamber

  8. 真空容器的漏气率与升压率

    Leak Throughput and Rate of Pressure Rise of Vacuum Chamber

  9. 超大型真空容器的强度分析和稳定性研究

    Strength and Stability Analysis of a Super-Large Vacuum Vessel

  10. 铝制超高真空容器焊接问题及密封形式的选择

    Seals of ultrahigh vacuum vessel made of aluminium and selection of sealing forms

  11. 真空容器铜管铁壳式结构的电弧钎焊

    Arc Welding for the Copper Pipe and Iron Shell Structure of the Vacuum Container

  12. 真空容器是大型空间环境模拟器的主体结构系统。

    Optimization study of simulating on high altitude environmental simulation system for large aircraft ;

  13. 抽气和充气过程中真空容器内气体温度的变化

    Change of the Gas Temperature in the Course of Pumping and Charging in Vacuum Chamber

  14. 铜制水瓶(不包括真空容器)

    Copper carafe ( excl. vacuum vessels )

  15. 加筋真空容器稳定性分析

    Stability Analysis of Stiffened Vacuum Containers

  16. 液压试验,气压试验,试验压力,试验温度,真空容器,组合容器。

    Hydrostatic test , Pneumatic test , Test pressure , Test temperature , Vacuum vessel , Combination units .

  17. 塑料闭合物品,用于瓶、坛、罐或其他容器(不包括真空容器)

    Closure , plastic , for bottles , jars , pots or other containers ( excl. vacuum vessels )

  18. 主要论述了如何利用有限元分析设计法完成真空容器结构的优化设计。

    Discusses how to take advantage of ANSYS software to optimizing the structure designing of a vacuum smelting vessel .

  19. 利用模拟试验对真空容器制造中的大型法兰拼焊变形规律进行了研究.结果表明:法兰拼焊时,前十层的焊接变形量最大,是总变形的90%左右;

    A model study is carried out for welding big flange of vacuum vessel to control distortion during welding .

  20. 使用有限元方法研究了在制造某特大型真空容器时厚板料的双曲率模冲压过程。

    The deformation process of the thick - plate in twin-curvature mould is simulated in building a certain large-type vacuum vessel .

  21. 阐述了对外压容器和真空容器以内压进行压力试验的理论依据和合理性。

    The basis of static pressure test for vessels under external pressure and vacuum vessels being done with internal pressure is elaborated .

  22. 与承受内压的容器不同,真空容器往往发生的是稳定性破坏,而且对自身的几何缺陷非常敏感。

    Different from vessels under internal pressure loading , vacuum vessels usually fail with the instability which is very sensitive to the geometrical defects .

  23. 本文论述了与抽气系统隔断后,引起真空容器内气体升压的两种因素,即外部气体的漏入和内部气体的释放。

    In this paper , after the chamber is isolated from pumping system , the two factors of gas pressure rise in vacuum chamber are presented .

  24. 近年来带压力真空容器的市场需求趋旺,制造和设计厂家数量增长较快。

    Article takes notice of these facts that market demands for pressure vessel with vacuum have tended to flourish and manufacturers have increased , in recent years .

  25. 物料在真空容器内分散,减少了气泡和溶剂的挥发,加速了物料脱泡,提高了分散细度。

    In the vacuum dispersing kettle air bubble and solvent vitalization shall be restrained , deaeration of materials shall be accelerated , dispersion efficiency shall be enhanced .

  26. 特别指用于贮藏液态气体的真空容器,有双层壁,壁间为真空,接触真空的表面镀银。

    An insulated container used especially to store liquefied gases , having a double wall with a vacuum between the walls and silvered surfaces facing the vacuum .

  27. 叙述了复杂结构的大型真空容器氦质谱检漏应用技术,分析了其中存在的问题。

    The helium mass spectrometer leak detecting technology for a large vacuum chamber with the complex construction is described . Some problems in operation are shown and analyzed .

  28. 容器分为三层:外容器是真空容器,夹套容器是预冷介质容器,内容器是低温介质容器。

    The vessel consists of three parts : the outer part is a vacuum container , the interlayer is a space for containing the precooling medium ; the inner part is the vessel for the cryogenic medium .

  29. 同时,可以选择少量单元的组合构成更小规模的试验场,以方便与其它环境模拟器(如落塔,热/真空容器等)联合,实现模拟月表的综合环境。

    At the same time , a relative fewer units can be chosen to assemble a smaller test bed , which can be used together with other existing environmental simulators ( for example , vacuum container , dropping tower ) as an integrated environmental simulator .

  30. 这说明,对于真空容器,强度不是控制因素。其次,对无加强圈和有加强圈的超大型真空容器进行了稳定性分析。

    Results show that all the strength criteria are satisfied , implying that for a vaccum vessel , strength is not the controlling factor . Secondly , non-linear stability analysis using finite element method was carried out on the super-large vacuum vessels with reinforcement rings and without reinforcement rings .