
  • 网络Writing;word
  1. 高考真题-2017江苏完形填空

    他可能做得不太好 , 因为老师告诉加布里埃尔他耳朵不错 , 并建议加布里埃尔去音乐储藏室看看是否有他感兴趣的乐器。

  2. 中考真题-2019河南阅读C

    但并非所有人都同意这个说法。过去的 20 年间,从苏格兰移栽的树木超过 100 万棵,并且未来计划种植更多,那么野生动物呢 ?

  3. 中考真题-2017广东完形填空

    不久前 , 他发现蓝知更鸟在常被砍伐的枯树上筑巢 , 为了救它们,他开始为这些鸟制作鸟巢盒子。

  4. 中考真题-2019武汉阅读B

    现在 , 大安及其团队正与中国共享单车公司 Ofo 的工程师合作,开发一款适合公众的新产品。

  5. C语言真题学习系统设计探讨

    On the design of C language real question study system

  6. 所有这些问题都是由成功通过HBS招生过程的学生提供的真题。

    All of those questions come from current students who successfully navigated the HBS admissions process .

  7. 问:在哪里能看到模拟仿真题的演示?

    Where can I see a demo of the simulations ?

  8. 他们与资方交涉,以便改善工作条件。(考研真题)

    They negotiated with the management for an improvement in working conditions .

  9. 简穿黑色的衣服,这样才适合当时的场合。(考研真题)

    Jane was dressed in black , which was appropriate to the occasion .

  10. 现在是时候选一本历年真题解析了。

    Selected one at time nowing , real question has been analyzed over the years .

  11. 捡到一个钱包,失主可到经理办公室认领。(考研真题)

    A wallet has been found and can be claimed at the manager 's office .

  12. 她的方法就是在考前的一个月里,做大量的历年真题和模拟试题。

    Her approach was to do old exams and simulation exams in the month leading up to the exam .

  13. 你必须得实战演练一下,看真题是不是对你的路。

    You must take practice so as to find out whether the real test paper suits for your taste .

  14. 两次测试均采用历年大学英语四级真题中的作文题目,试题本身具有一定的信度和效度。

    The two test papers are both chosen from previous CET-4 , which can guarantee the tests reliable and valid .

  15. 有的同学,会因为一两篇真题错误率高而忧心忡忡,担心考试过不了。

    Some students , because of the high error rate of12 exercises extremely worried , not too worried about exams .

  16. 用你所能拿到的尽可能多的剑桥真题,做所有的第1部分。

    Get as many of the official Cambridge books as you can , and do all of the part 1 questions .

  17. 在这场争论中,赞成“天性”一方的人认为,我们的性格特征和行为模式大多数是由生物因素确定的。(真题示范)

    Those who support the " nature " side of the conflict believe that our personalities and behavior patterns are largely determined by biological factors .

  18. 本文以2002年以来全国及各省市古诗鉴赏高考真题为研究对象,对高考题型的变化趋势以及考查的重点、热点进行分析。

    The study subjects in this paper are the authentic text items of appreciation of ancient poems after the year of 2002 , and their variation trend and key points are analyzed .

  19. 本研究使用的工具包括:1套高考英语阅读模拟题、1套雅思(学术类)阅读真题、7套研究者命制的英语阅读试题、1套问卷。

    The instruments adopted by this study include a Mock NMET Reading Paper , a past IELTS ( Academic ) Reading Paper , seven self-designed reading papers , a questionnaire and a set of statistical procedures .

  20. 我们每天都会一起做真题和模拟试题。这样不仅可以测试我们的语言水平,更能让我们提前演练,尽快适应实战环境。

    We did old exams and simulation exams together on a daily basis , not only to check our language proficiency , but also to experience and get used to the real exam atmosphere , says Yue .

  21. 论文的第二部分借助信度和效度以及相关的统计方法对我校大学英语模拟四级考试的五个部分进行了较为详细的分析,并给出模拟四级考试与全真题之间的相关系数。

    Then it makes a detailed analysis of each part of the simulated test and gives the ranking correctional coefficient between the simulated CET-4 and CET-4 . The final part points out the advantages and disadvantages of the simulated CET-4 as well as the relationship between testing and teaching .