
  • 网络vacuum box;Vacuum tank;Vacuum chamber;JZ-A
  1. CASCAM机械系统主要包括光学箱和真空箱以及致冷设计,光学箱是相机光学系统和探测器的载体,同时防止来自光学箱外部的红外热辐射;

    The system mechanical design include optical box , vacuum box and cooling system . The optical box is the platform of optics and detectors , and prevent from outside thermal emission effectively .

  2. 某真空箱强度分析与优化

    Mechanical strength analysis and optimization design of a vacuum box

  3. 薄膜模头使用真空箱、气刀系列

    Vacuum box and air knife series for film dies

  4. 在光学平台实验的基础上,针对真空箱中的特殊条件,设计了两套光路,可以在真空箱中进行全息干涉检测。

    Base on the experiment on the optical table , two setups are designed to diagnose plume in vacuum box .

  5. 真空箱在工作时,由于要承受较大的压力,需要合理设计其壁厚。

    With high pressure acting on the surface , the wall thicknesses of a vacuum box should be well designed .

  6. 相对于离子源,等离子体的最主要优点是等离子体可以填充真空箱,耦合蒸发剂。

    The primary advantage of plasma , as opposed to the ion source approach , is its ability to fill in the vacuum chamber and the couple with evaporant .

  7. 在分析原有的真空箱机械强度的基础上,使用有限元方法对真空箱进行优化设计,进一步降低了产品的重量,并获得了最小壁厚尺寸,在实际应用中达到了满意的效果。

    The weight of the box is optimized using FEA method , based on the mechanical strength analysis of the old one , and the minimum wall thicknesses are obtained , and are used sounded in practice .

  8. 光学箱外部是真空箱,是整个系统的机械支撑,保证良好的真空密封性能,和真空泵、冷冻机一起构成了相机的致冷系统。

    The vacuum box is outside of the optical box , can keep good vacuum at a level of 10-6 Torr . The vacuum box , vacuum pump and a refrigerator are composed of the cooling system of the camera .

  9. 在宝鸡钛业股份有限公司熔铸厂等离子真空焊箱控制系统中采用SIEMENSPLC,实现了逻辑控制;

    In automatic control system for vacuum plasma welding chamber , Siemens PLC was used , and logic control was realized .

  10. 根据工业化生产和真空焊箱的功能要求,并结合当前的自动化控制技术和产品,研制出基于PLC为主控单元的真空焊箱控制系统。

    According to requirements of the industrial production and the function of vacuum welding equipment , and in combination with the present automatic technology and products , control system based on PLC as the main control unit was developed for the vacuum welding equipment .

  11. 等离子真空焊箱自动控制系统

    Automatic control system for vacuum plasma welding chamber

  12. 冷中子源低温真空冷箱应力场分析及结构设计

    Numerical Analysis of Stress and Design of Structure Based on Vacuum Cold-Box of Cold Neutron Source

  13. 最短加热时间,与传统真空干燥箱相比加热时间减少50%以上。

    Minimum heating time is over 50 % less than that of traditional vacuum drying oven .

  14. 电热恒温真空干燥箱

    Electric vacuum drying oven

  15. 介绍一种可折卸指形加热管的无料盘药品精制真空干燥箱。

    A kind medicine refining used vacuum drying box without tray , in which there are finger type heating pipes , was introduced .

  16. 备注:本款为立式真空干燥箱,上方是工作室,下方是真空泵工具箱。

    Note : This section is vertical vacuum oven , the top is a studio , the bottom is a vacuum pump kit .

  17. 结果表明,利用真空干燥箱,在适宜的反应条件下反应,有利于最终聚合物分子量的控制。

    The results show that it was favourable to control molecular weight of the resulting polymer by using the vacuum drying oven under appropriate reaction conditions .

  18. 超导材料制备用真空等离子焊箱的研制

    Research of Vacuum Plasma Welding Equipment for Superconducting Material Preparation

  19. 本文介绍了真空等离子焊箱的系统组成和功能。

    This paper introduces all vacuum plasma welding equipment subsystems and their functions .

  20. 应用具有分析系统的、可抽真空的烟雾箱进行甲烷在空气中光化学反应的模拟研究。

    The simulative experiments of photochemical reaction of CH_4 were studied by using the evacuable photochemical smog chamber .

  21. 特殊设计的真空定径箱,可以确保稳定的直径尺寸和圆整度,使用速度控制系统,使牵引速度稳定。

    Special design vacuum sizing tank can ensure the stability of size and roundness , Speed controllers are used in extruder , haul-off to offer stability and precision .

  22. 干燥温度为80℃,真空度为干燥箱所能达到的最大真空度0.08MPa。

    The temperature of vacuum drier , 75 ℃; the maximum vacuum degree , 0.08 Mpa .

  23. 也谈真空挤出机真空箱堵塞的解决途径

    Solutions on jam for vacuum chamber of vacuum extruder

  24. 真空冷冻干燥机真空箱搁板温度均匀性的初步探讨

    Preliminary study of even temperature distribution about the shelves in vacuum chamber of freeze drying plant

  25. 为了最小化油蒸汽的回流,一些冻干机在真空泵和前箱间设计了弯曲的管路。

    In order to minimize oil vapor migration , some lyophilizers are designed with a tortuous path between the vacuum pump and chamber .

  26. 例如有的制造商在真空泵和前箱间安装了有内部冷凝器的捕油器。

    For example , one fabricator installed an oil trap in the line between the vacuum pump and chamber in a lyophilizer with an internal condenser .

  27. 然而,现在电子束焊接所需的高真空条件限制了EBW在零件和结构上的应用,因为整个过程需要将零件和结构全部放入真空箱中。

    To date , however , the necessity to weld in a high vacuum atmosphere has restricted the application of the process to components and structures that can be entirely contained within a vacuum chamber .