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  • really
真真 [zhēn zhēn]
  • [really] 副词。的确,实在

  • 真真不能忘汝也。--清. 林觉民《与妻书》

  1. 这个报告真真切切的促进了我研究中的症结。

    And this report really drives home the crux of my research .

  2. 你知道,生活就是真真切切的如此美好。

    You know , life is just really , really good .

  3. 我得开始认认真真地学习了。

    I 'm going to have to knuckle down to some serious study .

  4. 你要是不认认真真洗脚指头中间那块儿,就会有土豆从那儿长出来。

    If you don 't clean the gaps8 between your toes properly , you 'll start growing potatoes out of them .

  5. 美国商界传奇人物、通用电气公司(GeneralElectric)前总裁兼CEO杰克•韦尔奇现在就真真切切地坐在我们面前。

    Jack Welch , the legendary chairman and CEO of General Electric Co.

  6. 我对SOA治理的定位如此自信的原因是面向服务关心的是真真切切的业务产品和过程。

    I am so confident in this SOA Governance position because service orientation is about implementing real business products and procedures .

  7. J2EE应用服务器真真实现了多层体系结构和跨平台性,并大大简化了企业应用解决方案开发、部署和管理,尤其是分离了业务逻辑层,这使得软件的重用性大为提高了。

    The J2EE application server implement multi-layer architecture , across different platform , simplifying the enterprise solution of development , deployment and management .

  8. 纽约合作公寓和共管公寓委员会(CouncilofNewYorkCooperativesandCondominiums)的主席马克·J·卢森堡(MarcJ.Luxemburg)表示,这会给许多楼盘带来真真切切的成本。

    Said Marc J. Luxemburg , the president of the Council of New York Cooperatives and Condominiums . This has a real-world cost for many buildings .

  9. 在它们的下面才是我们真真的生活。

    And the real life is seen beneath them by us .

  10. 每次购物凯旋而归时,你感受到的欢愉都是真真切切存在的。

    The pleasure you feel from every shopping victory is real .

  11. 第一次真真切切的感受到班级的存在,班级的温暖。

    The first true feel class exists , class of warmth .

  12. 艺术评论家们在彩排期间都认认真真地坐在听众席上;

    the art critics settle down in the auditorium during rehearsals ;

  13. 为此,我会常常怀念他们&真真切切地。

    And for that , I would always remember them fondly .

  14. 认认真真做好每一件。哪怕从一小件一小件做起。

    SO , do everything earnestly , even a little thing .

  15. 所以,身体条件算神马,阿汤哥就是真真的杰克·里奇。

    Physicality be damned , Tom Cruise really is Jack Reacher .

  16. “艾希礼他真真顽固,真可恨!”

    " Ashley he 's so so bullheaded and hateful !"

  17. 请真真实实的给这款国货一个使用后的评价。

    Please and true to this emporium an evaluation of after use .

  18. 肉体的痛苦真真切切,死亡的阴影也如影随形。

    The suffering is real , so is the possibility of death .

  19. 于是,他认认真真地听了下去。一会儿,他听到有人说:

    So he listened intently , and soon he heard someone say :

  20. 你是否真真切切地感受到了你能获得大满贯冠军?

    Q.Do you feel really close to being able to do it ?

  21. 如果你认认真真的话,它却会让你心碎。

    If you do take it seriously , it breaks your heart .

  22. 他认认真真地考虑这个问题,直到把它解决为止。

    He pored over the problem until he solved it .

  23. 这绝对是一个真真切切的奇迹。

    It 's nothing short of a bona fide miracle .

  24. 谢谢你给我展示了一个真真的文明人。

    Thank you for showing me the way of true civilized peoples .

  25. 我们最好拿起这些工具,认认真真地把它们利用起来。

    We better pick them up and use them seriously .

  26. 让你真真欣赏到自然风景的美丽。

    It was a true natural beauty with all kinds of wildlife .

  27. 只需要,真真切切地,找出自己的框架

    all you have to really do is figure out your own framework

  28. 认认真真做事,本本分做人是我性格又一个特点。

    Working conscientiously , part man is also a feature of my personality .

  29. 但这样的事真真切切地在我的生活里发生了。

    This is certainly what happened in my life .

  30. 伙计们,我在这可听得真真切切。

    Guys , I can hear you pretty good .