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dì bǎo
  • local constable in the Qing Dynasty and the early period of the Republic of China;town crier
地保 [dì bǎo]
  • [town crier] 清朝和民国初年在地方上为官府办差的人

地保[dì bǎo]
  1. 由于具有上述优点,在鸟群中它从不受到排斥,也避免了人类对它的伤害,安然地保全着自己的生命。

    Thanks to these traits , they survive safe and sound , not elbowed out by other birds and hurt by humans .

  2. 由于Internet的不断发展,创建并有意义地保有这些社区变得更加简单。

    Due to evolution of the Internet , creation and meaningful existence of these communities have become much simplified .

  3. 对RegistryandRepository发出的查询及其结果都可以在执行组级别内部地保存在缓存中。

    Both the queries made to Registry and Repository and their results can be held internally in a cache on an execution group level .

  4. 利用测度同步原理分别对耦合标准映象和耦合Duffing哈密顿系统进行了混沌控制,发现该控制方法简单、控制效果稳定性好并能保持系统地保守性,因此增加了对保守系统的控制方法。

    By using the principle of MS , we also studied chaos control on the coupled standard maps and coupled Duffing Hamiltonian systems , found that the control method is simple and stable , thereby increasing the control of conservative systems .

  5. 他被委任为这个村子的地保。

    He has been designated the crier of this village .

  6. 奴隶将锋利的剃刀安全地保存在自助餐厅附近的洞穴里。

    The slave safely saved the sharp shavers in a cave nearby the cafeteria .

  7. 央行至今仍百无聊赖地保有着大量的美国政府债券。

    It keeps a big chunk of its reserves in boring American government securities .

  8. 只有这样,才能极大地保有和提升大学生的民族凝聚力。

    Only by this way can the undergraduate 's national cohesive force be retained and raised .

  9. 该方法可较完整地保留子行为的决策意图,得到更合理的行为综合结果。

    This method can keep more information of behavior decision and get better results of behavior integration .

  10. 地保对那两位钮扣不全、袖口不甚整洁的先生招呼周到,设法让他们看到一切必须看的东西。

    The beadle is so careful that two gentlemen not very neat about the cuffs and buttons should see all that is to be seen .

  11. 当飞行器为数不多地以合适的角度射出时,它成功地保有了在它特殊的居住地的正常功能。

    The few times the craft shoots off at right angles , it has managed to retain functions ordinary to it in its particular habitat .

  12. 该方法可以最大限度地保留待融合图像的光谱信息,同时提高了待融合图像的清晰度和空间分辨率。

    This method could keep the spectral information of an original image farthest , at the same time , it enhances the definition and spacial resolution of it .

  13. 诸多研究指出,由于农民们不能确定以后是否可以较持久地保有自己的土地,导致其在农业上做长期投入的积极性受到很大挫伤。

    Studies indicate that long-term investments in agriculture have been discouraged by uncertainty among farmers about whether they can maintain possession of their land in the longer run .

  14. 耕地保护研究是新一轮土地利用总体规划修编的重要研究内容,涉及到耕地保有量的确定。

    Research of cultivated land protection plays a very important role in next general land using plan , which relates to the determination of the least cultivated areas .

  15. 结果表明:国产聚砜膜对国光苹果汁中的酯类和醛类物质影响较大,能较好地保留醇类物质。

    The result showed that the plate polysulfone membrane took a bigger influence on the esters and aldehydes in Rails apple juice , but it could retain its alcohols .

  16. 修地保土是开发秦巴山区首要战略措施&长江流域陕西部分自毁生存条件的考察报告

    Improving land for conserving soil is the first in developing Qing-Ba Mountain Areas & Report on investigation of destroying the own living environment in Yangtze Valley in Shaanxi Province

  17. 而耕地保有量的预测是编制土地利用规划的重要组成部分和核心内容,也是土地管理工作的基础环节。

    The prediction of quantity of cultivated land reserved is the important component and core content of land use planning , and it also be the foundation of land management .

  18. 不论是从财政的角度,还是从土地的新用途而言,撤掉高速公路都不无道理,因为无限期地保有一条使用率低下、污染严重的道路代价高昂。

    Taking out highways makes some sense , financially as well as in terms of new land use options , because maintaining an under-utilised , polluting roadway ad infinitum is expensive .

  19. 结论带血管蒂腓骨头移植代替桡骨远端重建腕关节可较好地保留腕关节的功能,是一种安全有效的方法。

    Conclusion Replacement of distal end of radius with fibular head to reconstruct wrist joint can restore function of carpal joint , which is proved to be a safe and effective method .

  20. 能够尽量避免恐怖劫持事件事态的恶化和升级,最大限度地保全人质、行动警员、恐怖劫持分子以及一些无辜人的生命,亦具公众安全心理安抚效应,体现了现代生活的价值理念。

    Negotiation is a very important part in protecting the safety of hostages , action police , terrorists and other innocent people as well and also reflects the value of modern life .

  21. 另外,如果最终谈妥穆巴拉克流亡海外的条件,他还能再合法地保留些许财产,这是毫无疑问的,只要他和他的家庭离开埃及,永远不再寻求权力。

    Plus , an eventual exile deal could allow Mubarak to retain some of his wealth , no questions asked , as long as he and his family leave Egypt and make no further bids for power .

  22. 所以我们在世界上的独特地位来自于鸟类的大量繁殖,虽然许多种类已经灭绝了,但幸运的是,出于尊重我们成功地保留下几个种类。

    So what makes us unique in the world is this very wide proliferation of birds , species which we 've lost but fortunately because of the honors we 've managed to hang on to a few .

  23. 许多信仰者关于上帝的概念并不完善,有时只能被小心翼翼地保存在信徒所构建的信念温室里,很难经受住外界的攻击。

    Many believers are imperfect about the God concept , sometimes it can only be stored cautiously in the " religious belief greenhouse " constructed by the pious believer , making it very difficult to undergo the outside attack .