
  • 网络geostationary meteorological satellite;geo-stationary meteorological satellite
  1. 天文台每小时接收由日本气象厅的地球同步气象卫星拍摄的卫星云图。这些图像可以显示逼近华南沿岸的热带气旋、强烈风暴和锋面系统。

    Hourly cloud pictures received from the geostationary meteorological satellite of the Japan Meteorological Agency give general indications of tropical cyclones , severe storms and frontal systems approaching the South China coast .

  2. 地球同步气象卫星业务测控仿真器的设计

    The Operation Telemetering & Telecontrol Simulator Design for the Geostationary Meteorological Satellite

  3. 利用地球同步气象卫星GMS-5的红外资料,计算了宁夏21个气象站点处的气象卫星资料导出量。

    Rainfall cases have been analyzed by using derived element of GMS 5 IR data in the locations of 21 meteorological stations in Ningxia and hourly precipitation data in recent summers .

  4. 用地球同步气象卫星红外云图估计热带气旋的强度

    Estimation of tropical cyclone intensity by use of GMS infrared imagery

  5. 恰如其名,地球同步气象卫星相对地球是静止不动的。

    As the name suggests , a geostationary satellite is stationary relative to the earth .

  6. 有关地球同步气象卫星成像仪两维扫描系统的几个问题

    Several problems in developing two axis gimbaled mirror system of geostationary three axis body stabilized meteorological satellite imager

  7. 经过地理定位、地图投影后,读取了地球同步气象卫星红外灰度,计算了导出物理量。

    Using infrared data of Geostationary Meteorological Satellite , the gray scale and other kinds of element were calculated or derived after map projecting and geographic calibrating .

  8. 风云二号自旋稳定地球同步气象卫星,以地球脉冲作为姿态控制基准,以太阳脉冲作为图像扫描基准,太阳、地球、卫星三者之间的相对关系在连续不断地运动变化。

    The FY-2 spin stabilized geosynchronous meteorological satellite uses the earth pulse for attitude control reference mark and uses the sun pulse for image scan reference mark .

  9. 它用高精度数字锁相环,精确地恢复地球同步气象卫星采集的原始云图数据的同步基准信息。

    It uses a high precision digital phase-locked loop ( PLL ) to accurately recover the Synchronous reference information of raw cloud-cover image data collected by the geostationary satellite .

  10. 新一代地球同步轨道气象卫星结构热变形分析

    Thermal Structure Distortion for Some New GEO Meteorological Satellite