
zì dònɡ diàn huà
  • dial/automatic telephone
  1. 她也曾为全球定位导航GPS系统、自动电话系统,以及三角洲航空公司终端系统献声。

    Shes also lent her vocals to GPS devices , automated telephone systems and even Delta airlines terminals .

  2. 汇接用纵横制自动电话交换机汇编-FORTRAN连接

    Concourse-connection longitudinal-transverse auto-telephone exchange

  3. JRW见到C.I.诺福科,设计累加器的电话工程师,并讨论了使用自动电话设备建造图灵机的计划,制订了简要的方案,并讨论了提交给国家物理实验室的可行性。

    JRW met C.I. Norfolk , a telephone engineer who had specialised in totalisator design and discussed with him the planning of a ' Turing Machine ' using automatic telephone equipment , Rough schematics prepared , and possibility of submitting a proposal to NPL discussed .

  4. S.W.布洛哈斯特在20年代萧条时期,还只是一名普通工人,但现在凭借在自动电话开关方面的经验,已经获得了高级职称。

    an electromechanical engineer who in the slump of the 1920s could only be employed in the grade of ' labourer ' , but had worked his way up through a command of automatic telephone switching to this advanced position at Dollis Hill .

  5. 具有200业务的单位总机下全自动电话计费管理系统

    An Automatic Telephone Charge Administration System with 200 Service Under PBX

  6. 自动电话的备件在哪里?

    Where are the spare parts for the automatic telephones ?

  7. 大多数的电话接线员已被自动电话取代。

    Most telephone operators have been replaced by dial telephone .

  8. 他们的卫星导航系统和自动电话系统都用了布里格斯的声音。

    His voice is on their satnav and on automated telephone systems .

  9. 大多数的电话接线生已被自动电话取代。

    Most telephone operators have been replaced by dial telephones .

  10. 它比脉冲拨号方式速度快、可靠性高,因此被广泛应用于自动电话拨号中。

    It is more faster and reliable than pulse dialers .

  11. 西部板式自动电话交换机共电制电话交换机局

    Western panel type automatic telephone switch board common battery exchange

  12. 长途自动电话网全程接通率的估算方法

    The Method of Estimating Overall Efficient Connection Rate in Automatic Toll Telephone Networks

  13. 用户信息自动电话语音核对系统

    Automatic telephone audio verification system for customers ' information

  14. GB/T14716-1993程控模拟用户自动电话交换机通用技术条件

    Generic specification for stored program control analogue private automatic branch telephone exchange system

  15. 家用自动电话报警系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Automatic Phone Alarm System

  16. 电费自动电话查询系统的开发

    Development of Energy Charge Self-acting Telephone Query System

  17. 广东电力系统自动电话网

    An Automatic Telephone Network for Guangdong Power System

  18. GB/T15542-1993数字程控自动电话交换机技术要求

    Technical requirements of digital SPC automatic telephone exchange

  19. 根据清单,你们应提供我们十五台自动电话。

    According to the list you have to deliver us15 pieces of automatic telephones .

  20. GB3971.1-1983国家通信网自动电话编号

    Numbering for automatic telephone in national communication network

  21. 继电器式自动电话交换制;继电器式自动电话系统

    Relay automatic telephone system automatic toll switching repeater

  22. (纵横制交换机中的)互斥电路步进制市内用自动电话交换机

    Selecting chain step-by-step system local automatic telephone exchange

  23. 步进制市内用自动电话交换机他们急于进一步控制找。

    Step-by-step system local automatic telephone exchange So they need a better handle on me .

  24. 本文对JZHQ&4型纵横制自动电话交换机的原理与应用问题进行了研讨,具有一定的实用价值。

    The principle and application of JZHQ & 4 crossbar automatic telephone exchange are discussed .

  25. 热释电全自动电话报警装置

    Thermoelectric Transform Automatic Telephone Alarm Installation

  26. 微机控制长途自动电话交换机话路中继设备话务量统计系统

    A Micro Based Traffic Statistics System for Speech - Circuit - Trunk Facility of Toll Automatic-Telephone-Switching

  27. 码条式自动电话交换机

    Code switch automatic telephone system

  28. 全继电器制自动电话交换机

    All relay automatic telephone system

  29. 专用自动电话交换机

    Private automatic telephone exchange

  30. 纵横制自动电话交换机

    Crossbar automatic telephone system