
  • 网络Automated Testing;test automation;QTP
  1. 基于级别权重XML的自动化测试框架

    Automated testing framework based on XML with level and weight attributes

  2. 关键字configuration用于可能驱动自动化测试多环境的需求

    A configuration keyword for a requirement that might drive automated testing across multiple environments

  3. Web性能自动化测试工具脚本语言WTML的研究与开发

    Study and Development of Testing Script Language Used in Automated Web Performance Testing Tools

  4. 所以,在PowerTrace项目中引入自动化测试,便能发挥自动化测试的最大好处。

    Therefore , introduce test automation to Power Trace ; automated testing can play the greatest benefits .

  5. 本论文研究的对象是网络管理系统的Web自动化测试设计与实现。

    This paper mainly studies the design and realization method of Web Test Automation for Network Management System .

  6. 对于RationalQualityManager,有几种方法可以运行由其他测试工具创建的自动化测试。

    With Rational Quality Manager , there are several ways to run automated tests created with other test tools .

  7. PC自动化测试技术及软件结构

    PC-Based Automation Testing Technologies and the Software Structure

  8. 针对J2EE服务端组件的自动化测试方案

    A Strategy for Automatic Testing of Server-Side Classes of J2EE Framework

  9. 它的开发者TipHouse过来培训我们如何测试web应用和自动化测试。

    Its developer , Tip House , came out to train us in testing web applications as well as automating tests .

  10. 本人主要实现的是基于Proxy模式的黑盒自动化测试。

    Myself mainly realize am based on the Proxy pattern black box automation test .

  11. 一种WCDMA中PS域的自动化测试方案

    A method of automatic test in the PS of WCDMA

  12. 本文主要针对Java平台上的应用软件的图形用户界面自动化测试进行录制回放方面的研究与实现。

    Automatic Coercimeter On Automatic Differentiation This research on GUI test focus on record - playback automatic test on Java platform .

  13. 对于最终计划采用自动化测试的团队来说,IBMRationalManualTester提供了一个极好的桥梁。

    For teams that plan eventually to adopt automated testing , IBM Rational Manual Tester provides an excellent bridge .

  14. CloudLabGridAutomation使访问网格和协作式对等功能和特性变得非常轻松,促进了自动化测试在云中的运用。

    Cloud Lab Grid Automation makes accessing grid and collaborative peer-to-peer functions and feathers easy to facilitate automated testing in the cloud .

  15. 本论文主要研究基于B/S架构软件在软件测试生命周期中各测试阶段的自动化测试方法,重点介绍单元、功能、性能这三个测试阶段中测试工具的合理选取和应用。

    The correct choice and utilization of test tools is the most important thing during 3 test phases , unit test , feature test and performance test .

  16. PLC控制软件采用模块化的设计风格,程序简洁、实用、可扩展性好,提高了液压综合试验平台的自动化测试水平。

    Modularized approach was used in the design of PLC control software . Program is simple , practical and easy to expand .

  17. 这里有一个使用PureCoverage运行Java自动化测试的例子。

    Here is an example of running a Java automation suite with PureCoverage .

  18. Twist提供了一个用户界面,为手动及自动功能测试创建可复用的自动化测试脚本。

    Twist offers an user interface to create reusable test automation scripts for both manual and functional automated tests .

  19. 其中Robot框架所采用的关键词驱动脚本技术,可以很好的应用于是业务功能复杂的视频监控自动化测试系统,从而实现了数据、业务和脚本三者完全分离。

    Robot Framework with keyword-driven scripting technology is well applied in automated testing of video surveillance systems , thus realized data , operation logic and script completely separate .

  20. 基于GUI软件的自动化测试方法,提出了一种移动终端软件的自动测试方法。

    Based on the method of automatic test of GUI software , an automatic test technology for mobile terminal was introduced .

  21. 通过使用本文所提倡的设计,您可以开发一个可重用的自动化测试框架,将它导入任何RationalFunctionalTester开发环境中。

    By using the design advocated in this article , you can develop a reusable automation test framework that can be imported into any Rational Functional Tester development environment .

  22. 该文简述了机载SAR天线稳定平台的工作原理,介绍了针对某型机载SAR天线稳定平台的新型自动化测试系统。

    This paper describes the principle of antenna stabilization platform of airborne SAR briefly , and then introduces an ATS ( Automatic Test System ) for such platform .

  23. 对AOP程序进行单元测试的理论研究和开发自动化测试工具都对AOP领域的研究具有极为重要的意义。

    Both theory research and the development of automatic test tool are very important in the research area of AOP .

  24. STA提供了一系列新的自动化测试接口,用来优化测试平台。

    STA provides a series of new test automation interfaces that optimize the testing platform .

  25. 研究基于IBMContentEngine的自动化测试,通过对其自动化测试工具TMC测试流程的研究,提出了任务和任务驱动的概念。

    This research is based on automated testing of IBM Content Engine , and then researches the testing process of TMC . At last put forward the concept of Task and Task-driven .

  26. 每个Sprint团队为各自APAR持续地将测试案例整合到自动化测试套件中。

    Continuous integration of test cases into the automated test suite for each APAR by the respective Sprint teams .

  27. 我看到很多次测试人员设计了一个UI自动化测试,然后这里改一点,那里改一点来使它运行。

    I have seen many cases where a tester designs a a UI automated test , and then tweaks a bit here and there to get it to run .

  28. Jersey项目使用它完成自动化测试,到目前为止,作为一个微型的类似于Servlet容器的实验品,它的用处还是非常大的。

    Project Jersey is using it for their automated testing , and so far it proved to be quite useful as a very tiny Servlet-like container .

  29. 本文进一步阐述了通用的Windows应用程序自动化测试系统。测试系统包括了通用测试脚本库(测试策略)和测试元数据库两个重要的部分。

    A design of generic windows application automation testing system is bring out in thesis , and the design includes two parts : common testing script library ( testing policy ) and testing database which contents meta-data .

  30. 因此,通过使用自动化测试软件对CRM系统进行自动测试,具有很高的实用价值。

    Therefore , through the use of automated testing software for CRM systems , automated testing , with a high practical value . Firstly , this thesis researches software test automation .