
  • 网络We-media era
  1. 进入自媒体时代,以网络媒体代表的社会热论使司法审判遭受到前所未有的质疑,特别是刑事审判中更为明显,也使得民意与司法之间的关系变得越来越微妙,越来越复杂。

    With the development of we-media era , social discussion through network media made the judicial suffer an unprecedented challenge , especially in the criminal trial , it also makes the relationship between public opinion and judicial becomes more and more subtle and complex .

  2. 交流的无奈:自媒体时代的英美文学教学改革探索

    Speaking into the Air : Exploring the Reform of British and American Literature Teaching in We Media Era

  3. 21世纪,新闻媒体3.0到来,我国跟随全球科技发展脚步开始进入自媒体时代。

    With arrival of the news media 3.0 , China access into we media period in 21 century .

  4. 重点探讨在自媒体时代背景下,公民新闻活动对专业新闻媒介新闻实践产生的影响。

    It focused on the citizen journalism activities impact on the practice of professional media news in we media are .

  5. 微博的兴起掀起了传媒领域的一场新革命,开创了自媒体时代。

    The rising of microblog has launched a new revolution in media area , and creating a " new media " time .

  6. 自媒体时代公共危机传播的渠道整合&以四川广元柑橘事件为例

    The channel integration of public crisis transmission in " we media " era & taking Sichuan Guangyuan citrus incident as an example

  7. 微博引领着自媒体时代的发展,受众不再只是信息的接收者,也变成了信息的生产者和传播者。

    With leading the development of self-media era , weibo recipients are not only information receivers , but also turning into information producers and disseminators .

  8. 自媒体时代的到来,既为普通公众提供了畅所欲言的空间,又为网络服务商带来了巨大的经济利益。

    With the arrival of the era of " we media ", both the expression room for commoners and the huge economic benefits for network service providers come true .

  9. 自媒体时代的到来改变了传统的传播模式,使个人得以最大化地参与传播活动,为公民新闻的发展提供了条件。

    We media era Changed the traditional communication model . Individuals maximize their participation in communication activities . It has provided the conditions for the development of citizen journalism .

  10. 自媒体时代,人人拥有话语权,微博所提供的狂欢平台丰富了交流的话语形式,打破了传统的话语权威。

    Since this is the age of we-media , all people have the rights to say , carnival platform provided by micro blog is enriching the communication form , and breaking the traditional authority of discourse .

  11. 微博的出现标志着自媒体时代的到来,彻底改变了过去由传统媒介掌控政坛舆论的格局,给政府带来了巨大的挑战。

    Micro-blogging marks the emergence of a self-media era , completely changed the pattern that the political opinion was dominated by the traditional media in the past , and has brought great challenges to the government .

  12. 这是自媒体的时代,传播媒介更加便携、移动网络媒体触手可及,每个人都能够成为信息传播的主体,。这些对于微电影的登场和备受推崇至关重要,是微电影成为流行必不可少的因素之一。

    This is the era of " self-media ", because of the media more portable , especially the mobile media just are hold at your fingertips , individual can become the main body of information dissemination .