
  • 网络media theory;Medium Theory
  1. 媒介理论是鲍德里亚符号文化理论的重要组成部分。

    Media theory is an important part of his sign culture theory .

  2. 罗宾斯媒介理论及在中国的传播

    The Communication of Robins Media Theory in China

  3. 数字时代的欢乐颂&保罗·莱文森媒介理论分析

    A Joy Carol of Digital Era : An Analysis of Paul Levinson 's Media Theory

  4. 他本人也成为美国70年代和80年代媒介理论研究复兴的一个主要推动者。

    And he was a keyman in theoretical Renaissance of the1970s and1980s in media studies .

  5. 电子时代麦克卢汉的媒介理论体现出乐观精神和技术论倾向;

    The optimistic spirit and the tendency of technology are embodied in the media criticism of Mcluhan .

  6. 本文根据交换双媒介理论,对收入分配的边界和构成进行了探讨。

    This paper discusses the boundary and structure of income distribution based upon the theory of double media of exchange .

  7. 然后,根据任务技术匹配理论、媒介理论和虚拟团队的研究成果提出研究假设和模型。

    Then , based on TTF , media theories and research results of virtual teams , the hypothesis and research model are proposed .

  8. 把经济学理论与媒介理论相结合,而不是把现存的经济学理论单纯地应用到媒介上,将形成一种从媒介经济学角度论证媒介理论的新途径。

    By combining economic theory with media theory , the author develops a media theoretical approach on media economic reasoning instead of the pure application of existing economic theories on media .

  9. 本研究在为数不多的研究成果的基础之上,从媒介理论的视角切入研究关于汉字书法的传播问题。具体来说,本文共分为五部分。

    The study deals with the communication of Chinese calligraphy in media theories ' view , based on only small works . Specifically , this thesis is divided into five sections .

  10. 本文尝试参考著名加拿大传播学者马歇尔·麦克卢汉的媒介理论对兔子所感知到的各种矛盾和其追寻的最终命运从宏观上加以分析。

    This thesis tries to make a new attempt at analyzing the conflict met by the character and its doomed failure of his pursuit with the theory of Marshall McLuhan , the famous Canadian scholar on mass media .

  11. 艺术媒介理论外延了艺术生产理论的范畴,拓宽了对艺术生产的认识范畴,有助于我们重新梳理艺术发展史,并对艺术分类提供直接的理论依据。

    The theory of artistic media which has enlarged the range of artistic production theory and broadened the knowledge about it will help to re-understand the developmental history of art and thus provide direct theoretical foundations for artistic categorization .

  12. 综观全文,本论文的创新之处体现在如下各个方面:全面地评述了金融媒介理论,并应用科斯关于为什么存在厂商的理论探讨了商业银行的产生;

    Totally , there are such new ideas in the paper . On the basis of appraising the theory of the finance intermediary fully and entirely , the paper applies the theory of Coase 's " why the firm exists " to the discussion of bank existence .

  13. 本文应用Garrett-Jones媒介能量理论,在浙江省苍南县水头乡用溴氰菊酯喷洒蚊帐,对中华按蚊传疟作用的影响进行了定量调查。

    This report used the vector capacity theory of Garrett-Jones to study the effect of controlling malaria transmission by An , Sinensis after spraying mosquito-nets with Deltamethrin .

  14. 西方媒介生态理论的发展及其理论价值与问题

    Development , Theoretical Value and Problems of West Media Ecology Theory

  15. 论我国媒介批评理论体系的本土建构

    On the Local Construction of Chinese Media Criticism Theory System

  16. 新闻媒介策划理论与实践探析

    Analysis of Theory and Practice of News Media Strategy Plan

  17. 媒介依赖理论在互联网环境下的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Media Dependency Theory in Cyberspace

  18. 中国媒介产业理论批判

    Theory Judgment of the Media Industry

  19. 西方媒介批评理论中,有四个代表性阶段和人物尤其重要。

    There are four representative stages and figures which are very important in the Western media critical theory .

  20. 编解码模式是对新媒介时代理论的重新建构,并且具有影响深远的理论价值。

    Codec mode is to reconstruct the theory of new media era , and has far-reaching theoretical value .

  21. 适宜的土壤加上媒介融合理论的指导,网络电视应运而生。

    Suitable foundation and the guiding theory of the media integration made the network television came into being .

  22. 首先,介绍媒介批判理论的三个主要范畴:拟像、超真实和内爆。

    First , it introduces the three major category on media critic theory : simulacra 、 hyperreality and implosion .

  23. 对传统媒介素养理论进行分析,不难发现,其所强调的媒介批判能力已经没法让信息过载等新问题迎刃而解。

    Traditional media literacy emphasize the development of critical ability , but it has been unable to solve new problems now .

  24. 根据媒介生态理论,本文结合了目前媒介融合的形态及规律,对今后媒介融合的趋势进行了研究。

    According to it , the paper studied the trends of media convergence through combining media fusion of form and rules .

  25. 尼尔·波兹曼也是一个教育学者,在他所创立的媒介生态学理论中,把教育也纳入了媒介的生态环境中进行研究,体现出一个传媒学者深刻的人文关怀。

    In his theory , education is brought into the media ecology , which embodies the humanism thought of a media scholar .

  26. 大众媒介功能理论认为,大众媒介在形成、维护和改变一个社会的刻板成见上也拥有强大的影响力。

    Mass media functional theory states that mass media are equipped with strong force on the formation , maintenance and transformation of social prejudice .

  27. 媒介补救理论认为,一种新媒介的出现总是对旧媒介的补救。

    According to the theory of the medium remedy , the appearance of a new medium is always the remedy for the old one .

  28. 这四个阶段的媒介批评理论有着一些共同的精神与传统,并体现出一定的逻辑联系和发展脉络。

    There are some common sprit and tradition which embody certain logical connection and development process in these four stages of the media critical theory .

  29. 而我国的现实情况是,媒介产业理论的研究滞后于媒介产业的实际发展。

    But the realistic circumstance of our country is , the theories research that the media industrialization is behind in actual development of the medium industry .

  30. 媒介形态理论的原理与方法给出了研究当代传播现象和动态传播规律一个很好的研究方法和视角。

    The principles and methods of Medium Theory have given us great ways and views to study the phenomenon of contemporary communication and dynamic propagation discipline .