
  • 网络media
  1. 而受众因为年龄,性别,学历,习惯等各方面的不同,在选择和使用媒介渠道上面也各有所需,各有所取。

    Because of their different age , sex , education experience , habits and other aspects , have different choose of media channel .

  2. 新的媒介渠道意味着新的市场,但要利用它们,服务提供商必须首先针对其内容的数字版权建立有利于业务的控制。

    New media channels represent new markets : but to capitalize on them , service providers must first establish business-friendly controls over the digital rights to content .

  3. 英语的作为印度了解西方文化的媒介和渠道,印度社会和文化遭受到了前所未有的冲击和影响。

    As a medium of western culture , English education makes an unprecedented impact on Indian society and culture .

  4. 且农民工因为离开乡土以及以往的人际交际圈,对环境的陌生以及交际圈的狭窄,他们认知外界很多时候是通过大众传播媒介这种渠道。

    And migrant workers left the local land and the past interpersonal communication circle , the feeling of unfamiliar with the new environment , and the narrow circle of communication , causing they realize the outside world through mass media .

  5. 在对顾客类型进行分类的基础上讨论了基于精准营销的顾客沟通媒介策略,渠道策略和信息策略。媒介策略主要是基于数据库的沟通媒介策略和基于互联网的沟通媒介策略。

    On the basis of customer classification , it proposed the communication media strategy , communication channel strategy and information strategy .

  6. 就传播渠道而言,清末进化论是以印刷媒介为主要渠道的传播,从最初的小众传播到大众传播、从人际传播到组织传播,其传播手段的变化,使得受众而不断地扩大。

    In terms of communication channels , which was from the initial small spread to mass communication , and from human to human transmission to organizational communication , the change of the evolution in the late Qing dynasty transmission methods made its reach continually expanding .

  7. 接着借鉴地区营销传播理念来探讨如何去纵深开拓小城镇形象媒介的传播渠道和信息资源,并如何去对小城镇形象媒介传播的效果进行维护与管理。

    Then learn from the region to explore the concept of marketing communications in-depth look at how to open up the image of the media channels of communication township and information resources , and how to right the image of vector-borne effects township maintenance and management .

  8. 随着Web2.0技术的兴起,互联网成为交流的主要媒介和商业活动渠道,Web应用程序的数量得到了极大的增加,这些Web应用程序提供了人们日常所需的各种服务,如购物、银行、娱乐等等。

    As the Internet becomes the predominant medium of communication and commerce , there has been an increase in the number of Web applications providing day-to-day services such as shopping , banking , entertainment and more .

  9. 充分利用网络媒介资源完善沟通渠道。

    Make full use of network media resources perfect communication channels . 7 .

  10. 媒介之间的界限日渐模糊,媒介形态、传播渠道渐趋融合。

    The medium shape and channel tends to be the fusion .

  11. 网络也不是各种媒介产品的最终载体,而是媒介产品的传播渠道。

    The network also is not all sorts of media products , but the final carrier of transmission channels of media products .