
  • 网络media industry
  1. 一方面,中国媒介产业的发展已经进入到规模化发展的阶段,另一方面,加入WTO后中国媒介产业将面临新的国际化竞争的市场格局。

    On one hand , the development of Chinese media industry is stepping in the large-scale stage ; on the other hand , Chinese media industry is facing international competitive market after China acceded to WTO .

  2. 在媒介产业中,媒介产品占有重要地位。

    Product news occupies an important position in the media industry .

  3. 在媒介产业化进程中政府行为具有双重属性。

    The governmental conduct has double attributes to the media industrialization .

  4. 举例说明对媒介产业的历史发展的理解。

    Demonstrate an appreciation of the historical development of media industries .

  5. 媒介产业集中新近研究&SCP范式的应用

    Research on Media Concentration : The Application of SCP Paradigm

  6. 中国媒介产业布局出现了结构性失衡。

    The industrial layout of media is structural unbalance .

  7. 生态学观照下的中国媒介产业

    Study on Chinese Media Industry from Ecological Perspective

  8. 中国媒介产业化背景下广告效果评估的初步研究

    The Elementary Study of Advertisement Effect Evaluation under the Background of Media Industrialization in China

  9. 第四章分节探讨了注意力经济下的各种媒介产业的发展方式。

    The fourth chapter discussed the development way of various media industries under attention economy .

  10. 目前,中国媒介产业正处在一个重大的社会发展和变化的进程中。

    Nowadays , Chinese media industry is in the process of big social change and development .

  11. 中国媒介产业理论批判

    Theory Judgment of the Media Industry

  12. 我国媒介产业的资本运作

    Media Industry and Capital Management

  13. 媒介产业资本运营的现状和前景分析

    An Analysis of the Present Situation and the Prospect of the Industrial Capital Management of the Media Industry

  14. 而现在媒介产业的成熟为媒介调查业的发展提供了契机。

    The maturing of media industry has created a golden opportunity for the development of media survey industry .

  15. 因此,抓住阻碍媒介产业发展的主要问题并对其进行深入分析和探讨,对媒介产业的实际运作提供可资借鉴的具体操作思路,具有一定的现实意义。

    Therefore , combing and analyzing these obstacles has a great of realistic meanings to the real operate of medium industry .

  16. 媒介产业不仅承担着传播信息的社会责任,而且具有显著的公共性。

    The media industry not only takes the social responsibility of the disseminating information , but also has a significant public nature .

  17. 与此同时,政府行为又成为媒介产业化改造的对象,在管制和放松管制间不断调整,形成了媒介产业和政府行为的博弈关系;

    The government conduct is changing between control and deregulation . The relationship between the government and media industry is playing games .

  18. 本文主要论述日本广播电视体制的两个基本特征:广电媒介产业的政府规制体制,公营与民营广电媒介的并存体制。并对数字化时代日本广电媒介体制的变革趋势作了简要分析。

    The essay discusses two essential features in the Japanese broadcasting and television system : government regulation and co-existence of State-run and private-owned medium .

  19. 而我国的现实情况是,媒介产业理论的研究滞后于媒介产业的实际发展。

    But the realistic circumstance of our country is , the theories research that the media industrialization is behind in actual development of the medium industry .

  20. 提出了我国媒介产业要在未来近50年的时间内赶上那些已经进入第二次现代化的发达国家的媒介产业。

    It is presented that the media industry in China should learn experiences from developed countries in order to catch up with them within the 50 years .

  21. 媒介产业化发展要求减少地方保护负面影响,重要途径之一是加强媒介区域联合,为媒介产业统一市场的形成做准备。

    To strengthen the zone-allies of media and make more preparations for the unification of media industry markets are the important ways to decrease these adverse effects .

  22. 各国政府都高度重视新媒体产业的规制,因为它是媒介产业发展必不可少的制度安排。

    Governments of all countries pay much attention to the regulation of new media industry , as it is an essential institution arrangement for media industry development .

  23. 近年来,在媒介产业经营浪潮冲击和屏幕竞争日趋白热化的形势下,电视制播分离正越来越受到关注,我国电视行业对这一电视节目生产管理体制进行了有益的探索。

    In recent years , the tides of media industry and keen screen competition have drawn more and more attention toward the separation of TV making and broadcasting .

  24. 同样,媒介产业市场准入规制也没有达到规制的预期目的,反而阻碍了竞争,降低了社会总福利水平。

    Likewise , the market access regulations also did not reach the expected purposes , but hindered the media market competition , lowered the total social welfare level .

  25. 前言:在全球化和文化创意产业兴起的大背景下,两个似乎并不相干的产业:玩具和媒介产业的边界在地球村中进行紧密联结和融合。

    Based on background of globalization and the rising of creative industry , the bounder aries of two different industries : toy and media are firmly connected and merged in the global village .

  26. 在世界范围内,近年来媒介产业的蓬勃发展不断为媒介经济学研究提供新的课题和广阔的理论验证空间,推动了媒介经济学的发展,媒介经济学研究不断呈现新的特点。

    Worldwide , the quick development of media industries is constantly providing media economics research with new issues and wide theory-testing spaces . Media economics is now presenting more and more new features .

  27. 信息时代所带来巨大经济价值刺激了内容供应机构的快速发展,其运营模式也将对传统媒介产业运营模式产生影响。

    The information era brings the huge economic value which stimulates fast development of the content supply organization , and its operation pattern will also have the influence on the traditional medium industry operation pattern .

  28. 理论研究架构了论文的基本框架,分析中国媒介产业的品牌经营现状、探讨其战略选择,为论文提供了主要的实证支持。

    The framework of the paper is built on theoretical analyses , which is mainly supported by the discussions of the current situation of media brand management in China and the strategic options for Chinese media organizations .

  29. 政府对媒介产业采取不同规制将产生不同福利效果,有些政府规制增进社会福利,而有些政府规制降低社会福利。

    The different regulation policies that the governments adopt to the media industry will produce various welfare effects . Some government regulation policy will improve the social welfare , while some other regulation policies will reduce the social welfare .

  30. 历经25年的摸索和进取,时至今日,大众传媒的产业化取得飞跃性进展,媒介产业的规模、媒介市场环境都不可同日而语。

    After 25 year 's of grope and improvement , today , the industrialization of mass media has achieved great progress . The scale of media industry and the environment of media market are no longer as what they were in the past .