
  • 网络Media ecology
  1. 本研究属于探索性研究,算是媒介环境学思想的导读。

    This study is an exploratory research , and can be regarded as the thinking review of Media Ecology .

  2. 媒介环境学视野中的多媒体教学研究

    Research on Multimedia Teaching in the View of Media Ecology

  3. 媒介环境学认为,媒介即环境,媒介是人体的延伸。

    Media ecology considers media as environment and an extension of human body .

  4. 本文将以媒介环境学作为理论基础,以批判性的眼光考察新媒介技术的影响力和控制力。

    Based on the theory of media ecology , this thesis aims to critically examine the influence and control of media technologies .

  5. 制度研究也是媒介环境学相对薄弱的地方,学术界也很少对媒介环境学的制度观进行评说。

    System research is also relatively weak in media ecology . Academia also seldom comments on the system views of media ecology .

  6. 由此可以看出,虽然媒介环境学研究的对象是媒介,但其关注的焦点是媒介与人的关系。

    Although the target of media ecology is media , its focuses are the influence of media to people and interaction between people and media .

  7. 实际上,媒介环境学关于制度的思想是一个隐含的、点到而没有细究的话题,常常淹没在关于技术和文化的经典语句之中。

    Actually , media ecology about the ideas of the system is an implicit topic without scrutiny which is often submerged in the classical statements about technology and culture .

  8. 媒介环境学的创生为文学理论研究提供了新的视角,而社会文化语境的差异使中西方世界的媒介环境有着丰富的异质性。

    The emergence of Media Ecology Theory provides a fresh insight into literary study . And differences in socio-cultural context cause a wide divergence of media ecology between China and the Occident .

  9. 媒介环境学把技术作为文化划分的标志,文化在很大程度上决定着技术扩散的速度和方向,人在媒介交往中不断创造着新的文化形态。

    Media ecology takes technology as the symbol of cultural division , culture determines the speed and the direction of technology diffusion to a great extent , people continuously create a new cultural form in the media communication .

  10. 根据媒介环境学的技术观,结合互联网交往中的现象和具体案例,对技术作为互联网交往形态演化的直接动力发挥作用的机制进行了研究。

    According to the technological view of media ecology , it combines Internet communication phenomenon and specific cases , studying on the mechanism of how technology works as a direct power of the evolution of Internet communication forms .

  11. 媒介环境学认为媒介制度是媒介环境运行的规则,始终与技术共同作用,推动社会的发展,建立与媒介技术发展相适应的制度体系是实现媒介人性化发展的前提。

    Media ecology thinks that media system is operation rules of medium environment which always works together with technology to promote the development of the society . Building institutional system which can adapt to media technology development is the premise of realizing the medium humanization development .

  12. 在媒体研究的领域中,媒介环境学一直致力于研究媒体与人类的关系、究竟媒体在何种程度上以如何的方式在对我们和我们的生活进行着不断的影响。

    In the media of the field of study , the media environment have been studying the relationship between the media and human , what the media to what extent in the way of how to to us and our life on the influence of the continuously .

  13. 从有限的著述中仍然可以看出媒介环境学对制度控制的重视、希冀和批判,希望通过制度修改技术的发展方向,塑造良好的秩序,但又要保持新媒介的活力。

    From limited writings , we still can see the value , hope and criticism of media ecology to system control . It is hoped to shape the good order but to maintain the vitality of the new media by the way that system modifies technology development direction .

  14. 新媒介环境下,广告学专业学生实践能力培养要进行创新思考。

    Under new-media environment , advertising professional practice ability of students need innovative thinking .

  15. 简言之,通过以上两步的批判,从反的方面为作为媒介决定论的媒介环境学做辩护。

    Finally , it can defend for the media ecology and media determinism from the aspects through the above two steps .

  16. 在世界媒介发展历史上,媒介制度发展与改革一直伴随媒介发展的始终,在对历史上各种媒介制度进行分析的基础上,阐释了媒介环境学的制度观。

    In the history of development of world media , media system development and reform have been always accompanied with the media development . Based on the analysis of all kinds of media system in the history , it illustrates the system view of media ecology .