
  • 网络Interview;Forum
  1. 技术改变世界应用创造未来&《RFID技术与应用》杂志周文豪主编访谈录

    Technologies Change the World , Applications Inspire the Future & Interview Chief Editor of " RFID Technologies and Applications "

  2. 八闽大地绿正浓&福建省环境保护局局长李在明访谈录

    The interview to the director general of Fujian Environment protection Bureau

  3. 这位艺术家把关于各种话题的访谈录了下来,并为每种声音塑造了一个贴切的动物模型。

    The artist recorded interviews on a variety of topics and modelled an appropriate animal for each voice .

  4. 分时传媒客户访谈录应用程序OnLineHelp的撰写方法

    Interviews with the Customers of Time Share Media Create On Line Help for Application

  5. 西门子公司发展CNC系统的道路&西门子(中国)有限公司运动控制系统部门总经理访谈录

    The Way of Developing CNC System in SIEMENS

  6. 新的UNEP地区战略为亚洲国家环保工作带来益处&UNEP驻亚太地区办公室主任SuvitYodmani博士访谈录

    New UNEP Regional Strategy Benefits the Environmental Efforts of Asian Countries

  7. 新农村建设:发展与保护同等重要&中国农学会副会长骆世明访谈录

    New Rural Construction : Developing is as important as Environment Protection

  8. 关于社会学术问题的讨论&复旦大学知名学者访谈录

    Discussions of Academic Issues & Interviews with scholars with Fudan University

  9. 塑业四大家聚焦大中华&英国、德国、意大利和日本塑料行业协会访谈录

    Uk , German Italy and Japan reviewing plastics industry in China

  10. 用责任点燃艺术&何启治先生访谈录

    Kindling Arts with Sense of Responsibility : Interview with He Qizhi

  11. 现代建筑30年&矶崎新访谈录(下)

    30 Years of Modem Architecture & Conversation with Arata Isozaki (ⅲ)

  12. 中国水资源管理需要新思维&中国工程院院士王浩访谈录

    The management of water resource in China needs the new thought

  13. 回顾与展望&克努特教授访谈录(英文)

    Retrospect and Prospect : An Interview with Professor Knut Brynhildsvoll ;

  14. 名城保护塑造文化特色&齐康院士访谈录

    Ancient City Protection Shape Cultural Characteristics-An Interview to Academician Qi Kang

  15. 民族精神的同一性问题&麦克林教授访谈录

    An Interview with Prof. George F. McLean on National Identity

  16. 北京大学的胰岛素合成工作&施溥涛研究员访谈录

    Insulin Synthesis in Peking University : An Interview with Prof. Shi Putao

  17. 从为承认而斗争到多元正义构想&阿克塞尔·霍耐特访谈录

    From Struggles for Recognition to a Plural Concept of Justice

  18. 文本解读与哲学创造&张异宾教授访谈录

    Textual Unscrambling and Philosophical Creating & An Interview with Professor Zhang Yi-bing

  19. 著名哲学家陈来先生访谈录

    An Interview With the Famous Philosopher & Professor Chen Lai

  20. 著名学者陈平原先生访谈录

    An Interview with the Eminent Scholar & Mr. CHEN Ping - yuan

  21. 文化差异与科技文化创新&杨振宁教授访谈录

    Cultural Difference and Science & Cultural Innovation-An Interview on Professor Yang Zhenning

  22. 生物质能源:林业发展的新领域&国家林业局副局长、局林木生物质能源领导小组组长祝列克访谈录

    The New orientation for the Development of Forestry : Bioenergy

  23. 还有他们的个人传记,访谈录等。

    As well as their personal biography , interviews , and recording .

  24. 中国艺术学学科建设的若干问题&凌继尧先生访谈录

    Several Problems in Chinese Artistics Disciplinary Construction & Interviewing Mr. LING Ji-yao

  25. 这本书是关于当前文学创作的访谈录。

    This book is a collection of interviews about contemporary literary works .

  26. 文化危机与文化安全&刘奔研究员访谈录

    Cultural Crisis and Cultural Security & an Interview to Research Fellow Liu Ben

  27. 天赋勤奋奇才&钢琴演奏家袁彪访谈录

    Talent , Diligence , Prodigy : An Interview with the Pianist Yuan Biao

  28. 德国钢琴家克劳斯·贝斯勒访谈录

    Klaus Bassler Interview with the German Pianist Klaus Bassler

  29. 漂流、再思、超越&林湄女士访谈录

    Drift Rethink Transcend : An Interview with Lin Mei

  30. 蓝色风暴的背后&江苏洋河集团董事长杨廷栋访谈录

    Background of Blue Storm & Interview with Board Chairman of Yanghe Group-YANG Ting-dong