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fǎng chá
  • Visit;investigate;go about making inquiries
访查 [fǎng zhā]
  • [investigate] 探求寻查;调查打听

  • 访查逃犯行踪

访查[fǎng chá]
  1. 没有人喜欢访查组织内的每一台工作站。

    No one enjoys having to visit every workstation within the organization .

  2. 先生,这就是您今晚访查的场所。

    Sir , here 's the location for you to examine tonight .

  3. 我已经对这区内所有的人访查过了。

    I 've interviewed everyone in the area .

  4. 要我去作访查吗?

    Want me to do the interview ?

  5. 作为下院议员,她也可以访查监狱和与公众隔开的“黑人隔离区”;

    As an MP , she could also visit prisons and " black spots " barred to the public ;

  6. 神秘顾客访查标准制定必须面向业界实际,与时俱进;

    This paper believes that the standards of mysterious customer investigation must face reality , and advance with the times .

  7. 他们访查之后,就说:这是约阿施的儿子基甸作的。

    And when they enquired and asked , they said , Gideon the son of Joash has done this thing .

  8. 以毕节老街村喀斯特石漠化土地利用为个案,利用研究区土地类型单元图,采用实地访查获取研究数据。

    Take as the case of land utilization on the Karst rocky desertification mountain area in the Laojie village of Bijie .

  9. 使用分级审查控制访问主要研究方法包括史料文献查证,实地访查,口述访谈。

    Using Content Advisor to control access Research methodology includes verification of historical article review , field visit and dictation interview .

  10. 屋宇搜查/访查证明第一百一十一条进行搜查,必须向被搜查人出示搜查证。

    Article 111 When a search is to be conducted , a search warrant must be shown to the person to be searched .

  11. 为此,本研究设计了三个构念的测量指标,以家电产品的消费者为调查对象,对其进行了问卷访查。

    Therefore , this study designed three constructs : measurement index , electrical home appliances products for the consumer to investigate object , analyses the questionnaire visit .

  12. 就彼此说,这事是谁作的呢?他们访查之后,就说,这是约阿施的儿子基甸作的。

    And they said to one another , who has done this thing ? And after searching with care , they said , gideon , the son of joash , has done this thing .

  13. 本文采用文献调查分析、网络资源调查分析、直接访查、比较分析与综合归纳等研究方法,对图书馆特色化建设问题进行了比较系统的研究。

    The dissertation uses various methods , including document investigation and analysis , Internet resource investigation and analysis , compare investigation , synthesis , etc. , to study the problems related to library characteristic construction .

  14. 首先回首过去,访查历史剧的诞生历程,分别从历史、韵文文学、通俗文艺对历史剧的影响的方面考察;

    At first reviewing the past , we investigate the naissance course of the historical drama respectively from the influence of the three ( the history , the verse literature and popular literature ) to the historical drama .