
  • 网络Mount Tai;TaiShan
  1. 山东泰山地区景观结构变化及其分形分析

    Landscape structures and fractal analyses of Taishan Mountain , Shandong Province

  2. 山东泰山两栖爬行动物物种多样性

    Species Diversity of Amphibians and Reptiles in Mountain Taishan , Shandong

  3. 山东泰山金属有限公司创立于1994年,是一家专门从事国内钢材贸易的民营独资企业。

    Shandong Taishan Iron Limited Company was set up in 1994 , it was a privately owned enterprise which focused on domestic steel commerce .

  4. 现代农业科技示范园规划理论与实践研究&以山东泰山苗木花卉科技示范园为例

    Idea and Practice Researches of Modern Agriculture Scientific and Technological Demonstration Districts Planning & Takes Taishan Trees and Flowers Scientific and Technological Demonstration Districts in Shandong Province for example

  5. 文章最后选用山东泰山钢铁集团作为案例,在分析了泰钢集团环境成本管理的现状和所存在的问题的基础上,阐述了决策模型的应用效果,并提出改进建议。

    Finally this thesis chooses Shandong Taishan Iron and Steel Group as a case , analyzes its status and problems of environmental cost management , elaborates the effect of application of the decision-making model and puts forward proposal .

  6. 该项调查还显示,中超联赛中的山东鲁能泰山队,其整队平均工资支出的数额已经达到了每年147万英镑。

    The survey also shows that Super League club Shandong Luneng Taishan annually pays its players as much as 1.47 million pounds overall .

  7. 本文结合山东省泰山林业科学研究院花卉基地栽培大花蕙兰的实际,比较系统深入地研究了大花蕙兰的营养特性。

    In this paper , the nutritional characteristics of Cymbidium hybridum were studied combined with Taishan in Shandong Province Forestry Institute of Science and Technology flower cultivation base Cymbidium the actual production .

  8. 作者通过对山东省泰山、沂蒙山区灌木资源及开发利用的综合性调查研究,指出该区灌木资源曾由于人为的滥砍滥伐、陡坡开荒、严重放牧,灌木资源一度遭到严重破坏。

    Through comprehensive investigation and study on the shrub resource and its exploitation and utilization in Taishan Mountain and Yimen Mountain it is found that the shrub resource there had been destroyed greatly because of the human cut in disorder , openning up wasted land and serious grazing .

  9. 他建造了全球最高大的桥式起重机,并以其造船厂所在的山东千古名山泰山为名。

    He 'd built the400-foot Taisun , one of the world 's tallest gantry cranes , named after a sacred mountain in China 's Shandong Province , where Chang 's shipyard is situated .

  10. 基于GIS的主要农业气候资源分析&以山东省泰安市泰山区和岱岳区为例

    Analysis on Main Agro-Climatic Resource Based on GIS & A case of Tai ' an city in Shandong province