
shān dòng
  • cave;cavern;cave in the mountain
山洞 [shān dòng]
  • [cave;cave in the mountain] 山中自然形成的洞穴

山洞[shān dòng]
  1. 山洞的入口被地产的主人给堵上了。

    The entrance to the cave was infilled by the landowner

  2. 又一道闪电照亮了山洞。

    Another flash of lightning lit up the cave .

  3. 死海旁边的山洞里发现了古代的卷轴。

    Ancient scrolls were found in caves by the Dead Sea .

  4. 他藏在山洞里。

    He concealed himself in the cave .

  5. 原始人通常住在山洞里。

    Primitive people usually lived in caves .

  6. 他发现了一个黑漆漆的山洞。

    He found a black cave .

  7. 那个逃跑的奴隶决定留在山洞里,因为他不敢冒险被人发现。

    The runaway slave decided to stay in the cave because he couldn 't chance being found .

  8. 他们住在山洞里,猎取野兽,采集果子。

    They lived in caves , hunted animals and gathered fruit .

  9. 熊常在山洞里冬眠。

    Bears often hibernate in caves .

  10. 山洞崩塌了。

    The cave fell in .

  11. 山洞又黑又深,进去可真吓人。

    Going into that deep , pitch-dark cave was really frightening .

  12. 山洞中只能见到一丝光线。

    There is only a pinpoint of light in the cave .

  13. 山洞深处阴森森的。

    The cave of the hill looks ghastly in its depth .

  14. 贼把赃物藏在山洞里。

    The thieves hid their plunder in the cave .

  15. 他们选了一个山洞作为过夜的营地。

    They picked a cave for their night camp .

  16. 孩子们在山洞里高声喊叫,想听听回声。

    The children shouted loudly in the cave so they could hear the echoes .

  17. 山洞里黑得怕人。

    It 's frighteningly dark inside the cave .

  18. 山洞里一片黑暗。

    It 's all darkness in the cave .

  19. 这山洞有多深?

    What is the depth of the cave ?

  20. 山洞里冷森森的。

    It 's chilly inside the cave .

  21. 一天,他和朋友进了一个山洞。

    One day , he enters a cave with his friend .

  22. 谁在向他的山洞跑?

    Who is running towards his cave ?

  23. 住山洞酒店。在格雷梅住山洞酒店是一种特别的体验。

    Stay in a cave hotel.Staying in a cave hotel is a special experience in Goreme .

  24. 已发现的被称作“白色洞穴(SacActun)”的巨大山洞其实与“双眼洞穴(DosOjos)”相连,共同构成了350公里长的山洞。

    For the team has discovered that one large cavern4 , Sac Actun , is actually connected to another , Dos Ojos , creating a 350km-long cave .

  25. 我们在一个山洞里避雨。

    We took shelter from the rain in a cave .

  26. 在山洞的内部有水。

    There is water in the interior of the cave .

  27. 天突然下起雨来,我们在一个山洞里避雨。

    It suddenly began to shower , and we took refuge in the cavern .

  28. 大山洞的四壁回响着他的喊声。

    The cavern walls echoed his cries .

  29. 山洞内回荡着叫喊声。

    The cave was echoing with shouts .

  30. 若不是因为最早那群充满好奇的史前人类,我们现在还会住在山洞里呢。

    If it wasn 't for the first curious prehistoric humans , we would still live in caves .