
  1. 一截存于山洞中的手指骨就其本身而言,很可能被认为是属于尼安德塔人或者其他的远古人。

    On its own , a simple finger bone in a cave would have been assumed to belong to a human , Neandertal or other hominin .

  2. 随坡而上,站到古城上还可看到远古人生活过的遗止,远古的时候这里应是三边是水的一个地方,在这里也可以使你想到远古失落的文明!

    With the slope and , at the ancient city of the ancient people may have lived to see the left only , ancient time here is a trilateral water , here you can think of the loss of ancient civilization !

  3. 中美州是那些喜欢远离喧嚣人群的旅行者的理想之地。对他们而言,那里埋藏着太多的秘密宝藏,其中包括远古玛雅人的遗址。

    Central American is home to many secret treasures for tourists who like to avoid the crowds , including numerous ancient Maya settlements .

  4. 我的贺卡不是那些俗气的电子生日贺卡,会有半只手的人举着一个纸托蛋糕或是一个上了年龄的远古的人来给你庆祝。

    It won 't be one of those tacky electronic birthday cards , where there 's a half-naked person holding a cupcake or an elderly person farting on Father Time .

  5. 北美远古的Hopewell人很可能种植了玉米和其他农作物,但打猎和采集对他们的经济贸易仍是至关重要的。

    The ancient Hopewell people of North America probably cultivated corn and other crops , but hunting and gathering were still of critical importance in their economy .

  6. 居住在欧洲西部和中部的远古的凯尔特人;

    The ancient Celtic peoples who inhabited western and central europe ;

  7. 它真是远古时亚特兰蒂斯人建造的吗?

    Atlantis when it is really ancient people built ?

  8. 让您现场观看远古的中国人表演杂技。

    Let you watch the ancient Chinese people making the acrobatics show in live .

  9. 早在公元前4000年生活在巴比伦尼亚的远古民族的人。

    A member of an ancient people living E of Babylonia as early as 4000 BC .

  10. 坎斯帕尼亚区的说欧斯干语并且和古罗马人不断发生冲突的远古民族的人。

    An Oscan-speaking member of an ancient people of Campania who clashed repeatedly with the early Romans .

  11. 它可以避免你像个远古山顶洞人一样地跑到电视跟前去开机。

    Wake up your console without trudging all the way to the TV like some kind of primitive cave-person .

  12. 远古时代的人在它们神圣和华丽的建筑基础上选择刻上这么一句话,应该是明显的有重要的意图的。

    Obviously the ancients chose this design as the basis for their most holy and magnificent achievements for an important purpose .

  13. 坎帕尼亚区的说欧斯干语的远古民族的人。论迟子建小说中满&通古斯语族的萨满招魂母题

    An Oscan-speaking member of an ancient people of Campania . Motif of Shamans ' Summoning the Spirits in Manchu-Tungusic Group Reflected in Chi zi-jian 's Works

  14. 最早的山洞住处要追溯到250万年前的旧石器时代,有证据显示这些远古时代的人在季节性迁徙过程中,将山洞用作临时遮风避雨之地。

    The earliest cave dwellers date to the Paleolithic period , around 2.5 million years ago , and evidence suggests that these ancient nomads used caves as temporary shelters during their seasonal wanderings .

  15. 到底是蛇、蜥蜴还是鳄鱼使远古时代的中国人有所联想而创造出龙呢?

    Was it a snake , lizard , or crocodile that caught the fancy of some Chinese in times gone by to create the dragon ?

  16. 可以确定的是最远古的精灵以人或其它的形式来到人间,将土地、植物、动物,赋予了我们今天所知道的形态。

    What is certain is that'Ancestor Spirits'came to Earth in human and other forms and the land , the plants and animals were given their form as we know them today .

  17. 文化人类学对原始思维一般有两种界定:一是指史前远古时代的原始人运用的思维方式;二是指今天依然存在的某些原始部落的原始人使用的思维方式。

    Cultural Anthropology of the original thinking in general there are two defined as the prehistoric antiquity of primitive people use the way of thinking ; 2 is today still exist some primitive tribal primitive people use the way of thinking .

  18. 从人与自然关系的历史演变入手,陈述中国古代历史上4种主要的环境伦理思想:①远古时代的天胜人思想。

    Starting from the development of the history of the relations between mankind and nature , this paper presents the four main thoughts on environmental ethics in the history of ancient China : ( 1 ) the thought of nature triumphing over man that originated in remote antiquity ;