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yuǎn dù
  • cross a broad expanse of water
远渡 [yuǎn dù]
  • [cross broad water area] 通过海洋的远途航行

  1. 他远渡英国到摄政王乔治四世的现代大厨房中做菜,又跨越大陆为俄国沙皇亚历山大一世准备大型宴会。

    He voyaged to England to cook in the modern Great Kitchen of the prince regent , George Ⅳ , and crossed continents to prepare grand banquets for the tables of Tsar Alexander Ⅰ of Russia .

  2. 另类天然美容--让鱼“啃”掉你的角质CNN主播:一种亚洲的足部护理方式已经远渡重洋到了美国。

    Fishy Feet Friendly Flesh Eaters Spell Relief for Tortured Toes CNNANCHOR : An Asian form of pedicure has made its way all the way to America .

  3. 2012年,前总决赛MVP、芝加哥土著德维恩·韦德拿下了生涯第二座总冠军;但同年,他离开了合作多年的耐克乔丹球鞋品牌,远渡重洋,加入了一家离迈阿密万里之遥的陌生公司。

    In 2012 , the former Finals MVP and Chicago native was fresh off of his second NBA championship , but he was leaving the familiarity of Jordan Brand for a company nearly 8000 miles away from Miami .

  4. 弗雷德一想要远渡重洋,就兴奋得要命。

    Fred was all hopped up about going over the ocean .

  5. 假如我远渡重洋只为了和你在一起。

    If I crossed a million oceans just to be with you .

  6. 这个中国古老的传统是如何远渡重洋的呢?

    How did this ancient Chinese tradition make its way across the seas ?

  7. 远渡大西洋,去学着飞行。

    Across the Atlantic to learn how to fly .

  8. 因此我就远渡重洋而来到

    And therefore I have sailed the seas and come

  9. 您为什么远渡重洋来中国做一名外教?您觉得中国的工作和生活怎么样?

    Why do you come from such a long distance to work in China ?

  10. 很不幸,它们天生长于旅行,所以它们很有可能是搭船远渡而来。

    They travel well , unfortunately , so they could have arrived here on ships .

  11. 郑和船队远渡重洋,却没有任何掠夺它国的行为。

    The Zheng He 's fleet he sailed the world but didn 't rob other countries .

  12. 玛丽莲·梦露同时也是个歌手,她发行了许多单曲。她曾远渡重洋去朝鲜战场给美国大兵进行慰问演出,此事非常出名。

    She notably traveled overseas to perform and dance for thousands of soldiers fighting in the Korean War .

  13. 郑和远渡重洋送去的是中华民族的问候和和平之音。

    The sound of peace and the Chinese people 's respects are what Zheng He delivered when crossing the oceans .

  14. 政策发生改变后,远渡重洋而来的难民船只也在攀升:前一年还只有3艘,到了08-09年度就涨到了14艘。

    Since the changes , the number of arriving boats has climbed : 14 in2008-09 compared with three the previous year .

  15. 当更多台湾好手进军大联盟,会有更多同胞远渡太平洋去观看他们比赛。

    As more Taiwanese players head to the majors , more of their countrymen may cross the Pacific and watch them play .

  16. 这是清教徒祖先流传下来的庆典,当年他们为了逃离英国的宗教迫害,远渡重洋来到了普利茅斯。

    It 's a celebration of the country 's Pilgrim ancestors , who escaped religious persecution in England by sailing to Plymouth .

  17. 为了寻找新的机遇先驱们远渡重洋。一个国家因此诞生,成为万众瞩目的焦点。

    Adventurers sail across an ocean to start a new life . A nation is born , which becomes the envy of .

  18. 中城木业的樱桃木料不但远渡重洋而来,还经过经验丰富的木业专家精挑细选。

    Loyal Woods'cherry wood is not only shipped far from the other side of the ocean , but also carefully selected by experienced woods experts .

  19. 为此他偕同女儿海琳娜,不惜远渡重洋到波斯,日本还有中国寻觅爱物。

    To that end he travelled to Persia , Japan and China , and he was everywhere accompanied by his daughter , the Lady Helena .

  20. 死亡只是穿越世界,如同朋友远渡重洋。他们仍活在彼此的心中。因为他们必须存在,那份爱与生活无处不在。

    This is the comfort of friends , that though they may be said to die , yet their friendship and society are , in the best sense .

  21. 自唐代(公元618年至907年)以后,道教曾远渡重洋,流传于朝鲜、日本、越南和东南亚一带。

    Since the Tang Dynasty ( 618-907 ), Taoism traveled vast distances across the seas and spread to Korea , Japan , Vietnam , and other parts of Southeast Asia .

  22. 第一次鸦片战争之后,英国传教士远渡重洋,将英国圣公会带入福建、浙江、上海等地。

    After the First Opium War , the British missionary went overseas and brought the belief of Anglican Church of England to the province of Fujian , Zhejiang and Shanghai .

  23. 边远地区距离远,交通不便,使得其与外界隔绝。而信息的不通畅使隔绝更加严重。这个中国古老的传统是如何远渡重洋的呢?

    The isolation of the remote areas because of distance and lack of transport facilities is compounded by the difficult access to information media . How did this ancient Chinese tradition make its way across the seas ?

  24. 一方面,国内企业跨国发展以争取国外市场,另一方面,国外的企业也纷纷远渡重洋以求在中国这个庞大的市场上来分得一杯羹。

    On one hand , corporations of China develop in other nation to fight for overseas market , on the other hand , corporations of foreign nation entry into China to strive for the big China market .

  25. 它是我晚上把女儿塞进被窝时所作的承诺,也是你们对自己孩子所作的承诺&这个承诺使先民们远渡重洋、并且向西部进发;

    It 's a promise I make to my daughters when I tuck them in at night , and a promise that you make to yours-a promise that has led immigrants to cross oceans and pioneers to travel west ;

  26. 上个月从中国远渡重洋来到英国的甜甜和阳光,是英国唯一一对大熊猫。来动物园观看大熊猫的人数不断攀升。

    The UK 's only pair of such pandas , Tian Tian and Yang Guang , arrived from China last month and the zoo has seen a noticeable increase in the number of people coming to catch a glimpse of them .

  27. 龙毓华获得自由后,远渡美国,1947年来到旧金山。

    After being freed , Loong sailed to America , reaching San Francisco in 1947 . But his road to US citizenship was long and difficult . He even enlisted in the US military and fought in the Korean war in hopes of becoming a US citizen . He finally became an American in 1956 .