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bái dā
  • be no use;no use;be no good;no good;futile;fruitless;white tabard
白搭 [bái dā]
  • (1) [be no good;be no use]∶毫无用处--用于口语

  • 和他说也白搭

  • (2) [white tabard]∶白色无袖短衣

  • 增一件单衣,减一领白搭

白搭[bái dā]
  1. 地已经浸透,种什么东西都是白搭。

    The ground is completely saturated : it would be pointless to plant anything .

  2. 除非能证明训练有效,否则就是白搭。

    Training is worthless unless there is proof that it works .

  3. 漂亮衣服她穿了也是白搭一她是个顽皮的假小子。

    Fine clothes are wasted on her-she 's a tomboy .

  4. 我试图使他与她和好,但还是白搭。

    I tried to make his peace with her , but in vain .

  5. 耐心地积累和贮藏也是白搭。

    Vain patience to heap and hoard .

  6. 若是无人可救,想做英雄也是白搭

    It 's not possible to be a hero when there 's nobody worthy of saving .

  7. 如果战略就搞错了,那么你的细节做的再怎么完美也是白搭。

    Puting on a bad strategy , Whatever you do details perfectly is noting but invaild .

  8. 他决不想要你的钱,你给他钱也白搭。

    Money is the last thing he wants , and you won 't succeed by offering it .

  9. 现在你可开始了解对我搞阴谋是白搭的吗?

    Now , do you begin to be aware that it is useless to scheme for me ?

  10. 我用螺丝刀和钳子忙活了半天也白搭,于是决定打个电话向锁匠铺求助。

    After resorting in vain to screwdrivers and pliers , I decided to call a locksmith shop .

  11. 瞧瞧,失败的业务就是这样,白搭上了东西还能得罪人。

    Look , even if business that fail so , pay things still can give offence while being no use .

  12. 因为鞋跟呈方形,方根凉鞋和大多数平底鞋一样舒适,甚至比平底鞋更加白搭。

    Similar to most flats , block heel sandals are also comfortable because of their squared heels . Even better , they are versatile .

  13. 努力工作是很好,但是如果你没把工作做好了,再努力也白搭。

    It 's great to try hard , but if you 're not getting the job done well , it ultimately won 't matter .

  14. 你一方面说我调查此事是白搭,另一方面又希望我去调查。

    You tell me in the same breath that it is useless to investigate the matter , and that you desire me to do it .

  15. 为扳回比分,代理主教练王海明调整了中国队的阵容,但他所有的努力近乎白搭。

    Acting head coach Wang Haiming made a series of changes to the line-up after the goal in the hope of an equalizer but his efforts came to nothing .